March 29, 2023

Tina Cannon- BBQ Champion

We are so pleased to have Tina Cannon #pearlygirl who is a BBQ champion, contestant on the Netflix show All American BBQ showdown as well as others. Tina was a fantastic guest, so personable and gives us an insight into makin...

We are so pleased to have Tina Cannon #pearlygirl who is a BBQ champion, contestant on the Netflix show All American BBQ showdown as well as others.

Tina was a fantastic guest, so personable and gives us an insight into making BBQ TV, American competition BBQ and her passion for giving back to her community through food and BBQ. Find out more on her website.

This episode was brought to you by AOS Kitchen creators of bespoke outdoor kitchens perfect to pimp up your bbq area. Visit AOS Kitchens today!

BBQ Bingo is sponsored by LumberjAxe Food Company, who have a fantastic range of rubs & sauces for all your culinary needs! Check out their range.

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Owen - Host:

Today's episode is brought to you by aos kitchens, the South's leading outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists Welcome to another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ podcast today we have a BBQ champion, Netflix royalty, Tina cannon all the way from America coming to talk to us about her barbecue journey, the show American barbecue showdown, and generally what she does for charity and how she cooks. Truly a fantastic episode. So without much further ado, here's Tina.

Dan - Host:

Hello, Tina, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us today on the meat & Greet BBQ podcast. So for anyone who is listening, tell everyone who

Tina Cannon:

you are. Tell everybody who I am. Oh my goodness. Well, I'm a barbecue champion. I'm a chef for charity. I'm a dog mom. And a darn good cook.

Dan - Host:

So I think you're playing that down a little bit as well. You're more than a darn good cook, and people would have seen you on TV, you know, on Netflix as well on the Food Network. So more than a darn good cook, I think is what you should say and really


led me maybe liking

Dan - Host:

but what kind of started you're passionate or cooking then how did that story begin for you?


For just cooking in general, I had my mom, my dad, my grandfather, all my aunts were all loved to cook. And you know, my dad owned an insurance company and that's such a negative thing. I thought what? What was a good thing to do? That makes everybody happy? Food right. That was always you know, I grew up in the kitchen with all my family you know, you know, not necessarily barbecue because my dad burned everything on a gas grill but that's probably while like char but just being around it and let the joy of the whole family being together. And you know just cooking together for holidays or just get we used to when I was young even go spend the night at my aunt's house or my other aunt's house just and they didn't live that far away. But we just cook and have fun. So it was just always a positive experience. So I guess that's probably why

Owen - Host:

and where did that love for food migrate into your love for barbecue and and


oh, that was a freak thing. It really was. Now of course I grew up going to my dad didn't cook barbecue per se like long, slow cooks my grandfather did. But that was always like a treat me and my dad used to fish and do stuff together because I was kind of a tomboy. And so we'd go out for barbecue at least like real hole in the wall places. So, you know, I loved it. I don't think I've ever told anybody that. But I never really thought about it until people said why don't you do barbecue because my story of when I started campaigning is totally different. Not even childhood related. I was, I guess it was 2009 or something like that. I was watching an American TV show called pitmasters. Yeah, and you always love that show. So you'll Myron mix and a lot of the I don't know if y'all follow those particular stars over there, but certainly I was just mesmerized by that in so I bought well didn't buy it actually I use points on a like a hotel credit card. And we got a smoker. It's like a brick. It's called a Brightman and they're very inexpensive you can go the big box store, back then they were like 50 bucks. So I wish I could just cook on it because I liked it. You could grill on it or you could smoke meat on it. And we had a bad storm come through and like tear a lot of roofs and damaged houses. You know, tornadoes, hurricanes really bad. And so I cooked for the crew that was there trying to replace my roof, like in a couple of days versus because there was another storm rolling through. And it you know, it was leaking. It was terrible. So I cook for them because I was just appreciated. That's the way I know how to appreciate somebody has three food because I don't have many other talents. You know? So the owner now excuse me, the superintendent of the company, and I'm sure where y'all live. That's something else but the boss that checks up on everybody showed up and of course in the South were notorious for just inviting everybody over, you know, so I tell him Hey, just stop and eat with us. You know you don't get you know, he came to get his money actually But so he ate with us. And there was a 12 people on the workgroup plus him my husband, I'm a dog. And he loved it. And he says, Yeah, this is really good barbecue, and he kept talking to my husband, which kind of sucks. Little bit. But anyway, you know, that still happens now. And he said that a few times as he was getting his flight filled back up, and then he went to his truck, and he brought back an application. And it was for a barbecue contest. And I had never thought about I mean, I've watched it on TV, and I thought, Well, why not? And then I kind of was snapped at him a little bit, because, you know, he was talking to my husband, which is from New Jersey, which is like the New York area. I know y'all never come, but most people never do. And they don't, they don't do low and slow BBQ up there. They're more grilling people, you know, overall, hope out giving you bad comments about that, but I don't do like low and slow whole hogs pork butts, brisket, you know, quite as often as we do down here might be weather related, whatever. So I went to the contest, and I wanted to kind of to prove a point, you know, Mike, you know, he say, I want him to see that. I was cooking, not my husband, you know, so we were and we weren't right out the bat. And I had, you know, had no idea we had no idea KCBS Contest, which I know y'all have over there, too, that you had to cook for me at one time, and then turn it in every 30 I had no idea I just showed up. I'm like, holy cow. You know, how am I going to do this? So my husband left while I stayed there getting stuff, you know, prepared and went and bought another smoker, you know, just did a big box store like Walmart or whatever. There was a few miles away and I brought it back. He just lit it and, and that's and then I won so then you get the bad, you know, oh, and you win this little trophy couple $100 You know, you're like, you know, but so I just started convenient and kind of for fun. And for a few years I got ignored, you know, they would come talk to my husband. Um, they're doing stuff and they're talking to him. You know, if y'all ever compete in a barbecue competition, you don't have a lot of time on the turnin died to talk yeah, you're pretty much busy. So he had all the time in the world to talk but you know, we're still a team you know, he has things that he does and then I have things that I do but so it just kept going and kept going and now here I am. Okay, do

Owen - Host:

Do you still compete quite regularly.


I didn't miss much cost during COVID Most of them were canceled I did a couple last year you know I used to do quite a bit more about 15 or so well, I am you know work full time and other stuff. And then just this past year I've had like so much going on I left and filmed another show and as I was telling you all before we got on contract air Smith that nobody knows yet but I'm gonna be doing another show I don't know about access and your country for I guess probably YouTube it's a really different concept I'll be playing a whole different role in that show. Wow. That probably loaded on YouTube or I'll try to put some links but I'll be a mentor. Oh wow. Rather than a competitive cooks and we're taking somebody that just cooks at home that's never competed and we mentor them and then each one of them go head to head so I hope I can teach somebody that one. So I honestly haven't even shared this because I just got this contract late last night.

Dan - Host:

Cool. We do love an exclusive we do love


it you know I mean I look at it. I'm sorry. But let me show you the last time I hadn't even signed it yet. I'm going to I was just reviewing it and you know now you have to get luckily I have a friend that's an attorney you know under review it, but I'm gonna sign it and send it off. I should let y'all see me sign it.

Dan - Host:

How did it feel kind of making that step on to like television shows


you know When you go to a barbecue contest, people are standing around and watching you. And I guess because I always cook with my family in the kitchen. It doesn't bother me. I know that sounds weird, you know, but it really does it because I get focused on what I'm doing. And I don't think about it. You know, maybe that's why I did a little better than some other people because they weren't accustomed to that, you know, I did a show in 2014 on travel discovery network. It's called American grilled. I don't know if y'all have access to that it's on Amazon Prime. I'm sure they'll tell you how do

Dan - Host:

ya gone? Yeah.


So that was in 2014. And then for like, three years, I did a show called Bama Q, which was in the Alabama barbecue Association, which is, uh, I know you're in a different companies of southern state right next to where I live, and where I was originally born. So they follow me around, I think I did that for three years, and did that show. So I have like five people in my barbecue trailer competition trailer all the time. So I got used to people being in my way and all that. So I did that for three years. And then I won it World Food championships here. And this is why I quit the show. And nobody knows this. But I'm out of contract now. So I can say it. Um, they really kind of overlooked that when for me, and, and the pit crew is what my team is, we won more than one category, and they kind of just didn't cover it on the show. And I thought, Well, why would why would they not do that? So at that time, I thought, Okay, I'm done, you know, fulfilled what I needed to do with them. Because that was at the end of the year, because that was in November. So I moved on from that show. And that was the weirdest thing. I got a message from somebody saying they're from Netflix, okay. I'm not a technical person. Okay, so I thought of somebody's like, spamming me, you know, or whatever. So they kept on and it sounded, the wording sounded like someone that wasn't from a country that didn't speak English. Like when you get all that spam stuff. How you, madam and all that kind of anyway, so um, did I finally I wrote him back and I said, y'all need y'all just need to call me as you know, from this interview. I don't even own a computer, you're on this phone. And that is it. So they call calm. And I you know, of course, I didn't recognize the number, so I didn't, so you're gonna have to call me with the phone that says it's Netflix. And I had to ask my family, my mom and my sister what Netflix was because I don't have it. Oh, I'm glad I didn't. I said, Oh, it's a cable channel. Oh, my Oh, okay. So I called him back and realized it was for real. And I thought, Well, okay, I'll do it. I didn't know Netflix was big. I had no idea. Because I don't have any of that. I'm too busy. I don't watch a lot of TV, you know. And so I had no idea. And I'm glad I did, because I probably would have not won. Because I had and then I got back and but then my family we all got together. And my sister says you know 60,000 People what I mean? So 60 million people watch that show. And I went get out of town. I had no idea so I googled it on my phone. And I couldn't believe I didn't know it was that big? Because I didn't have it. I use my sister's code. I think that's illegal. No,

Dan - Host:

final worry about that. Everyone does it.


I mean, she came over you know when put it in because I don't know how to I don't know how to do that. You know, all the thing I know do is click Turn it on. Change the channel lawyer. That's it. No technical here, you know, and you know to watch it because I like I said I don't have it and everybody thinks that's crazy. But you know, I have time. You know, I have a few things that I watch and then otherwise I'm super busy cooking for Meals on Wheels, which I know God said y'all had in your country. And you know, I cooked um, like I said Almost 50 Almost 53,000 meals alone myself. So that's a lot of meals. I don't in between that and I don't know if any of y'all have ever seen where I live I mean I've got a huge garden and property to take care of. You know, I do a lot you know, I've learned To everything on Instagram, you see my post just by pushing buttons, okay? Because I doubt you don't answer all my own emails all Mom, I'm messages, you know, I don't have people that do that. So anything that I've done, I've learned. I'm text like a teenager now with my thumb. My mom's like, Hey, you're good, you know, and my sister several years younger than me, and she's, you know, very computer literate. So she thinks I'm a good text or to shut that down. I've got that down. So pretty well, I know you're hitting her leave and talk. I'm just a southern.

Dan - Host:

We love it. We prefer that way.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, we're doing something wrong if we're the people that are talking the most.


Alright. Isn't a nutshell. And then now y'all know, I'm gonna be on another show on a different network. So this would be my fifth network. Getting around them. Yeah. And you know what? You would think I'd have a lot more followers. Right?

Dan - Host:

Social media is a strange place. It's a


strange thing, that the runner up on the show has, like 100,000 followers. And God love him. You know, but I mean, I haven't talked to him since the show. But you know, I don't know.

Dan - Host:

I think social media is one of those strange things that I'm in and I have grappled with the locks. We have our own accounts, as well as the podcast account that we run and follow

Owen - Host:

with me. Yeah, yeah. Are we following you on? I think so. Yeah, I think


y'all send me a message. So I can because, you know, I get a lot of messages. And I answer all my own, but if it's just a like, or something, you know, I may not know, but I answer all my own stuff. Because I think if somebody is, you know, nice enough, or not nice to write me and ask me a question or insult me or whatever. You know, if I take the time to do that, I think I should take the equal time. You know, you know, recently my sister helped me set when there's certain words that I don't get it. You know, some insulting words, because I did get I get, I get that, you know, whatever. People get mad about stuff. But I get literally, hundreds awake. Wow. Okay. 98% of them are nice.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, people get horrible on social media on the Internet as well, because they're behind a screen or a keyboard. And they don't right. Over there with

Owen - Host:

them. Exactly.

Dan - Host:

You know, on the technology side, how have you felt about that sort of technology moving across into barbecue? Because obviously get more of the pellet grills and things now that are a lot different, and yet lots of different different things? Do you use many of those different technical aspects? Are you using


what we call? I guess, a digit Q? are gurus like a fancy? Yeah. Because a couple of the smokers I have, you know, only like a gravity fed, they will not run a cabinet. without one. I mean that I can do that. That's not too technical, is it? You know, I don't feel it's technical. But like, I'm an ambassador with big green in you know, Big Green Egg is you know, and I love you. Really, I have actually got rid I used to have 15 Different smokers and grills. And slowly but surely got rid of them. Not only because I can do everything on my egg, you can bag you can smoke, you can grill you know, so I kind of narrowed them down. I do have a pellet smoker. That's kind of cool. When I just don't have time or I need to go somewhere. I can put something low and slow. It's like a combo smoker. It's wood. And then once that wood burns out and you get that flavor it switches over to pellet. Oh, no, I do I do. Like I do like that as an option because I am so busy. You know, if I have my option I'm gonna hang out while I'm at the pool and I'm gonna take the time and add wood and do all that you know, because that's part of the enjoyment of cooking for me. And then I also have the big gravity fed and everybody's got like a kettle style grill. But I just don't I don't use it. And I really don't which it sounds bad.

Dan - Host:

No, no. Oh, I mean,


contest though. I use my gravity fair because I have to cook so much. And I'm pushing 60 right now. So I like to I'm like You know get a couple hours sleep put the fan on let it run and you know set my alarm wake myself up dad Charco whatever at like 230 and then I'm good till six you know? So I like that I like that method and but I started using Smoky Mountains. Y'all have those Webber like a bullet? Yeah,

Owen - Host:

I've got a Smoky Mountain and


I actually ended up selling those to some other people that I know so I still keep track of all my old fighting and local

Dan - Host:

chili he's gonna pop over and check how you're doing with his smoker. Right cook for me. Have you been using it? Was this feel like? Yeah,


or can I can ever knees mouth smoker. But I'm down to two eggs. I have a pig hog pit that I built out a block. And then I have my gravity fed. And I have a I don't know if I can show it to you. But in my yard a house? So have a big fire pit by my pool? Oh, yeah. You know, I'll grill stuff on just hanging out. But you know, tenderloins or steaks or pork chop sort of things like that. So sometimes I'll do that. That's more for share that.

Owen - Host:

You mentioned that you you've brick built a pit? Yeah, to do you had to do that on the Netflix show.


I'm sorry that I listened to actually where he's from, they do a lot of hogs, you know, but I had never built one before I've cooked. But I've never built one. So I probably because it was really hot, like 97 degrees every day. And that in at least that much humid. So I don't think it had enough flow. You know, that's why I was running so far behind, you know, it's TV. So you know, things aren't exactly as they seem. But I did make all those modifications that I felt it needed for flow here. Because then you know, it was filmed in Georgia. I live in Georgia. So the weather is very, you know, heavy and humid all the time. So I made some adaptations and that particular pit when I built and now I teach hog classes here at my house. Have people fly in from other countries actually take that class. Come on over. Love. Yeah, my most recent one. I think I had four people from Canada follow you. And then, you know, I haven't from Florida, you know, DC, lots of places. But

Owen - Host:

if you had anyone if you're doing one from England?


No, I wish they weren't though.

Dan - Host:

I will have to be the first. Yeah, it's not that long until we've got 40 years coming up. So you watch the space.


last cup on April, I think is that I'd have to look at what the weekend is. I think it's my calendar. I think it's the 21st It's a two day class. So let me know. Yeah. 21st 22nd or 22nd 23rd.

Dan - Host:

So how often do you run those classes?


Well, you know, I just usually random in the winter and early early spring, because it's hot and I just don't want flat. You know, the flies are everywhere. And that is part of cooking outside. But here where I live I live in, like in the boonies, you know, live on property. You know, there's not houses nearby. And there is just not as I don't want to do it. Would you want to eat something that flies landed all over? You know, I mean, even filming the Netflix show, you know, we were all sitting at that table eating roadkill.

Owen - Host:

I was gonna ask you about that.


So the filming was very difficult, because there were so many flies. I mean, so many. So we had to keep throwing, you know, fabric over it in between tags, and then pull it off real quick because you couldn't really have a fan because then everything would be blowing you know? And we're sitting at that table. We have these bugs called chiggers here. Have you ever heard of that? They're the nose CIOMS Have you ever heard that term? Does that mean you don't see him but no, really. They there is even sprays you can buy called no seeum spray things here that y'all got. But anyway, and those are not good thing. But I mean, we are getting ate up because we all were, you know shorts or whatever we had on you know, every day on the show. And I was so eaten up I'm sure that the rest of the time they were filming, they had to edit my legs out because I had 50 Bad bites on each one

Dan - Host:

of us, like keeping concentration, while all of those sorts of things are going on, and you're being filmed, and it's so hot. I know, you said you have experience of cooking with lots of people and keeping you cool, but how do you concentrate when those sorts of things are going on?


I have no idea I have. I really don't. Because it was like, as soon as the camera would be turned off, or they'd say cut and cover the soda, you know, I'd be taking rubbing my leg. So they did you know, bring some bugs Friday. And I mean, the the Netflix people were super, I mean, really great. And they you know, we they gave us sunscreen, because, you know, they bring us you know, something so we didn't get dehydrated because one of our casts passed out. Oh was determined as hate just hit the dirt. Of course, that wasn't in the, you know, but you know, it was it was extremely hot and dehydrated. So they were given us like these little hydration mixes for our water to drink. And, you know, we got to a I mean, but it was hard. Were very difficult, very difficult. But you know, they didn't concentrate on that. Because I think the way the show was filmed it was a different time of year when we were filming it versus the way it was portrayed. So you probably didn't realize it was it was that hot. But in Georgia, it is hot. I mean, you know, I'm in the pool. So October. Yeah, yeah.

Owen - Host:

We normally get one week in July where it's about 15 degrees


advantage of the hate when that way, but I don't back, I digress. I just don't do hot classes during that time of the year for that reason. You know, especially if people are flying in they're not accustomed to that, you know, you know, we have Cody's here and you know, Bob Cats and armadillos and all that and you're out there cooking at night, I think people would just break out. Yeah, take a break. I do other classes during during the summer months, you know, like briskets or pork butts or a case that the S class or FBA class, which is the Florida barbecue Association, or an iba, you know, teaching that timeline. And those flavor profiles, you know, those, you know, you don't have to be quiet outside because I have a separate kitchen here. That's a classroom and all of that here. Oh, my house, we go out.

Owen - Host:

So, obviously, you were talking about the heat and the show and you know, kind of some of the bits in


one day. Wow. I don't know what that is.

Dan - Host:

No Celsius. That'd be us boiling literally.

Owen - Host:

How long did the show like How long were you filming for?


In the Netflix show? Yeah, I think it was two I ended up I think on the 22nd day they brought me home. Right. Wow. Yeah, they drove because it was in Georgia, but a couple hours away. So they picked me up and then brought me back. So 20 I think 22 days actual filming, filming, I think was 21. And then they brought me home that the day after? Well, I

Owen - Host:

suppose obviously because you went through it. There was a number of heats that you went through and obviously, you know, someone was limited and eliminated each time. But those those challenges that you were doing were? Well, that last one was, what 1415 hours. I think, you


know, it wasn't very long. You know, it was weird. You know, we were in that big barn it was beautiful. And that I remember there was like a window with a fan up at the very top like a big, big huge I'm sure it was bigger than it appeared because it was that barn was three storeys. So I remember I've got my head to the grindstone I'm working I'm working and I remember looking at in the sudden they started coming through that fam I had no idea it was already the next day. No idea. And you what, at you I did cobbler Cha peach cobbler which is a common desert here. Which is I don't know how to describe it become here on my keyboard. I think on my website, there's a recipe on there. So for Paige calm, but I had no idea the time that passed in the cobbler was the dessert. The last thing that I was cooking because the hog was already resting. Well this is this did not happen. I think they made things kind of happen. So I mix up the batter and I go to put it in the oven and the oven was off. Oh Every day that we found, every session you would stop, start back. The ovens were always preheated to a certain temperature is that I don't sabotage. It was off. And I'm lucky it still turned out, you know, I'm not a baker anyway, I'm not real good at baking. I have like five desserts, I know how to make notes about it. And one of them is a variation on cobbler. Three. That's not my thing. You know, baking, I'm more meat on try sauces. You know, that's kind of my thing. When I went to culinary school. That's, that's what I concentrated. But that a lot of people didn't say there was a lot of behind the scenes like that, like in the refrigerator every day, what was in our refrigerators that we shared with who was next to us. So it'd be different. So you couldn't think on your head and go, Okay, I know, I got milk and, you know, you have no idea. And then you go on, it's like, it's not in there, you know? So you'd have to change and I think that's good. Now the pantry items stay similar. That, you know, they'd add or subtract some things, you know, but the staples are there. And so, like when Grubbs was next to me, you know, the real hillbillies. I know what I get here. Okay. It really is. So I even had a hard time and, you know, understanding him, but like when he went back in the pantry and grabbed the wrong chocolate when he made the dessert. Yeah. Now I have my speculation on that. I think it got switched. Oh, I think, you know, maybe the jars got switched or something. You know, I can't say you know what I mean, but I just can't imagine him because he's a good cook. And I think they were a little hard on him too. But he's a good cook. I've known him since the show. I told you I did in 2014. He and I met because he was my alternate. So if you don't own TV, what they do is they have some backup in case you aren't good on the camera, they freak out. They get whatever reason. There's a and he was my alternate. And he and I met back then. And I didn't freak out on that show. So you know, they just had him hanging around just in case. But I met Him then we he and I had remained friends since and he and I still talk pretty often. He's probably the one I talked to the most out of the whole group. But he, I just I you know, maybe like I said, I'm speculating, but I just think it's odd. And I didn't think that until after I saw the show, and I thought well, my stove was turned off. You know? So good to ban. Who knows?

Owen - Host:

And have you sat and watched all the episodes back?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've seen that. Like, let's say one and a half times. The first time I was in Florida and a hurricane hit. So we had to evacuate. So we lost power and everything without oh, we're gone out of town and watch it when it aired on my date. So I didn't really get to see but a little of it. So then when I came back home must have used my sister's code and watched it through you know, and I was like, you know, things are different than they appear. You know, I know you're gonna ask me a question about the clothes right?

Owen - Host:

Well, you will the same clothes every episode. Yeah.


QUESTION not how I cooked something. But we had fresh clothes. I think they did it probably for editing reasons, you know that they were going to film another season. So maybe they were treated like a you know, a pilot show or something. But we had clean clothes. Like if we needed a more than went for that, you know, we would have on clothes but yes, it was kind of weird. When I did the Food Network show we had to have changes of clothes. You know for each different episode, but that wasn't new, same thing. And they had me bring suitcases and clothes and shoes to the Netflix show. And then I get there and that's the outfit they give us I'm like I bought all this and I picked out some cute stuff. And then they put me on a red rag t shirt.

Owen - Host:

You get the polls that's that's the main thing right?


Oh yeah. I always thought of fashion. According so guys, everything from you know, jeans to fancy dress to pajamas, it goes with everything.

Dan - Host:

You mentioned culinary school and all these other experiences you've had? Is that what made you take the step towards doing your own products now as well?


You know, I think what made me do actually Netflix because I, I used my European blend I don't I know your Europeans. Yeah. Y'all give me a hard time. But, you know, they called it herbs to province. Yeah, and there might be some crossover in the blend. Because, you know, they could, you know, we mixed our own rugs or own barbecue sauces, everything up on the show. So they just, we put it in herbs to province, so I could use it. Right, but I hadn't marketed it yet. It's something I had made for years, you know, I had a recipe that I put together and I keep it in the cabinet. And, of course, now it's a bigger scale. But it's the same exact blend that I used on the show and something I had used since I lived in Europe. And when I I remember when I was going to school, you know, it's different still like that, I think over there. Everybody goes to the store more often. Whereas, you know, Americans we go we stock up on a bunch of processed crap, but on our cabinet. Yeah, that. But I remember going to this store that you go buy all your herbs and spices, dried, fresh. And I remember just going into that store thinking oh my god, how good it smelled. You know. So when I started, you know, experiment with making my own flavors. When I when I open a bottle, I just opened a new one today, because I might clam chowder. I smelled it. And it reminds me of that day I walked into that store. You know, that's the only way I know, it just it's a memory for me every time I use it, you know, I actually still just take the bottle and smell it because it reminds me of some really positive vibes when I decided, hey, I want to be a chef. You know so every time I open a bottle, which I don't think a lot of people can say that about their product because they do what we call white labeling, where they just put their name on something in sale. This is 100% It's even in my phone or I set the guy in an email here is my recipe you know to blend it for me because the legal reasons I can't really make it in my home there'd be no way I could produce that many because I ship yeah as I told you internationally you know not just the US we ship everywhere but I also order it from that blender to just like if you ordered it you know I I randomly want to make sure it's exact and then I have another nother bought bottler that does my hot sauce because it's a it's a one type pepper it's not a blend it's one type of pepper that I wanted which is unusual because it's cheaper to do blend you know it's cheaper to his just white distilled vinegar but I don't I use rice vinegar I just like the smoothness of it you know this the acid level you know that's an I use a certain type of smell smoke pepper Rekha in it. You know, I wanted it specific same thing. I have the exact recipe I sent him I just didn't let them produce up and put my name on it. And then my other product is a Brian I call mistakenly called it bird Braun. I should have not called it because people think he can only use it on poultry. But at the time I came out with it. It was during you know when most people here in the states are buying, you know to cook turkeys for our Thanksgiving and things like that. So I probably should have not called it that, you know, it's crazy, but it's I use it dry you know to do a dry run on plates. I use it on grilling steaks, a lot of different stuff. So Oh, well. If your people want to look it up, trust me, and if you write me I will tell you how to use it

Owen - Host:

I think that's important though, isn't it? That authenticity of Yeah, you know exactly. Gradient every single


one of the exact amounts now of course you know mine was like a tablespoon of this table you know, because I didn't make huge quantities of it. You know I make I make hot sauce and put it you know pint jars or something but so that I had a bigger amount but sometimes when you multiply ingredients or you have to find a certain ingredient, and especially during COVID projects auction it was very very hard especially one of my ingredients in my European bland seasoning is that was very difficult to buy and I got really worried but thank goodness we were able to purchase enough of it to make the blend and it's actually the thing that's the very least in it but it's Keaney you know he about what you need in it if we didn't have that particular season that it would not be the flavor that it is so but we found it we got plenty and stop my practice you know I'm doing another new round I think eventually I might change my label. But because you know I'm under pearly girl is like kind of my hashtag. So I may I may reevaluate and in change the label instead of my faith audit going I'm not ready.

Owen - Host:

If you've been looking or thinking about an outdoor kitchen, then look no further now us outdoor kitchens,

Dan - Host:

they are the self leading outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists.

Owen - Host:

Their extensive showroom is based just outside Bournemouth from the Dorset Hampshire border and as well as a numerous in store displays also features a live outdoor kitchen, where they cook every week on Komodo grills pizza ovens, and all filmed and shown on YouTube.

Dan - Host:

They offer a wealth of knowledge on how to transform your patio into the most incredible outdoor dining area with styles and options to suit every budget and you can guarantee they will be able to create something perfectly suited to you and your home.

Owen - Host:

They stock and supply everything that you're going to need for outdoor cooking into in barbecues, Komodo ovens, pizza ovens, outdoor fridges, and every accessory that you would need to become an ultimate outdoor chef.

Dan - Host:

So if you want to make yourself the envy of your friends and neighbors, get in touch with them today to arrange a consultation and take the first step in transforming your backyard and into the most incredible entertainment space.

Owen - Host:

Visit aos Let's say I don't know this afternoon once you've finished you're going to cook for yourself and your husband what would be the thing that you what's your go to kind of cook on barbecue?


Oh, if it was barbecue, oh well, tomorrow I know I'm making these really thick pork chops. And then tonight I hadn't even you know what that said I got some shroud that I want to use but I haven't got as far as what I want to make with them. You know, I think I'm gonna use tramp with some hot honey. I love spicy food and hot sauce. And like do like a quick, salty. I don't know if I'm grilling today. Is Saudi out I should it rains the last several days.

Dan - Host:

But I'll always be outside. Okay, yeah.


Well, yeah, let me I was like, I'll show you outside here. See, there's my Oh, wow. That's my pool and then over those buildings over there. That's my she shed were a couple of my, my grills are my Big Green Egg.

Dan - Host:

See, our country is so small and we're so crammed together you'll swim pools at the size of one of our towns


because yeah, I got a pond and a barn down there. As far as there's no deer out here. Yeah, we got a lot of varmints. So I'm pretty lucky at the space I have here. So you know, there'll be dragging me out of this house but in a body bag when I die. That is

Owen - Host:

as long as you keep the temperature low and slow put me on for my European blend on.


Yeah, and taught me off with some hot sauce. I'll come out probably with some more products later on, you know, I do have, you know, hats and shirts and all that on my web site. But I'm hoping to come up, which is surprisingly that I don't have a barbecue sauce out yet. And I don't have a barbecue seasoning yet not crazy. That I came out with other stuff even though I'm known for barbecue,

Dan - Host:

keep people on their toes, keep people on their toes. Why not? Yeah, can


you tell? I'm guessing that we'd love to have some that I make. But you know, it's quite expensive every time here to get it approved. You know, you got to get the government and the RDA and, you know, that's, you know, recommended daily allowance nutrition facts. It's like, takes a lot of time and money to do that. You know, and then you have to be able to find whoever's blending it for you as to be licensed. And you know that they will Use the ingredients you want a lot of more just get this brand or that brand. I'm pretty specific. You know about that. That's why I have three products and three different blenders. It'd be a lot easier if it was through one. But I needed to make sure specific, you know, so I have my my Brian comes out of Maine, which is what the way northern point here on the East Coast, and then my hot sauce is made in the Carolinas, and then I have a blender in Texas that blends my safe thing.

Owen - Host:

Oh, no, Jetson Jetson,


no, you know, I don't have to go there. But you know, but it's, I was it was hard to find someone, some people specialize and more of like liquid production type products. And then up in Maine, the availability of some of the things that are in my brain is easier to find. And that was during COVID That I was developing that so with some of those products, if they grow or come from that area, it made it easier to produce. And, and more reasonable as far as you know, pricing. And then with the original European blends season. I went with a guy that I actually like his seasoning, and he makes a barbecue seasoning that I actually really liked. And as the wool, you know, who do you use, so I partner with him to use his people to blend it. And we went back and forth, you know, to get it exactly like I wanted it to taste. So, you know, makes it hard to manage, you know, the books by but at least I know it's a good product. I don't know if y'all know the profits to all my staff goes to Meals on Wheels, not to me, Oh, well. I know. Once that came within in positive money, because you got to pay back, you know, you gotta buy the bottles, you got all that. But the profits go to Meals on Wheels

Dan - Host:

are another reason to buy it. Another reason


ever. Yeah. That mean just for some people? Yes. You know, the, the eldercare is really important to me. learn that from my dad, he's since passed, he had to have 24 hour care for 17 years of his life. And I see how important that group of people how often are ignored here, I don't know about their, you know, in the way our health care system and, and just even a lot about American lifestyle. It seems that other cultures seem to honor their elders more than, than a lot of Americans. And I'll probably take some flack for that, you know, I'm sorry, it's just my experience, you know, in living it with my dad needing care for 17 years of his life. From the time he was 57. So he had to have everything done for him. So I think that's what, you know, it's a personal experience. They the need there, you know, we have a lot of children's charities, and I'm not saying people should not do that. But it's just something close to my heart personally.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, and with thing with the experience, it's easy for people to comment until they've had to go through something and then you realize what actually matters? And haven't not many people are producing things that the profits are then going to what they care about. So yeah, so many


times it's a tax for a tax write off. Yeah. You know, mine was I was already cooking for Meals on Wheels. When I actually filmed the show. Before I came out with any of the products I grew up with my mom delivering for them when I was a child, you know, I donated to them because, you know, when you cook and compete in barbecue, we have a lot of leftover or a lot of products you can't use, you know, with catering I'd have a lot of product that didn't sale or the client didn't need so I had a lot of experience with that elder care need for food. So you know, that is why I went in that direction. I do get people sometimes write me and say you know I should give to the children and all that. And I have a couple charities I do I just don't advertise that I've cooked every week for meals on wimps you know, so I have a strong connection there. So if your listeners are offended, I'm sorry.

Dan - Host:

They come right to us and we'll tell them where to go frankly.


My mom I wouldn't be happy if I said what I like to say sometimes.

Owen - Host:

So I'm gonna completely change the subject to one of the things that we hold very dear on this podcast is barbecue fails, the things that haven't gone so well. sure we've all experienced them, we would love to hear some stories of, I don't know, maybe you've whatever it might be, but what what has been some of your failures? Tina?


Well, the biggest one had to do with technology. Say I was a contest that was one of the, it's still is one of the biggest paying contests in the southeast. So I'm there and you know, have great recipes. I have been winning some categories and all and I was using the exact same recipes. Same one I had one world food with. So everything was going good. And I was using a different brand of a Stoker for my thought or different brands of fan. And the owner of the company was there. Great, right? Well, he came over to update it for me, you know, gets automatic updates and all that. So he was doing a favor, right? Yeah. Well, it did not work out as expected. And my everything was totally off on temperature. Now in competition, you know, things are like, five minute intervals, I'm doing something of a timeline, which I teach in my class. It threw everything, everything off. And I got my you know, what handed to me at that contest, and I was using recipes that were winning, you know, the week prior. And then the week after I won? Yeah, with these recipes. And that was all because of electronic failure. technicality, I guess you could say so, that was my biggest one because it cost me a lot because I was on a big winning streak then. So not only the money but also you know, paying my head you know, so because I was doing so well at that time. So that was that was the biggest that kind of failure. And my husband, I wish he was here. You know, we live not on the coast. So our fish quality is not always what you want to get. So I decided I was gonna make this grilled fish dish with cod fish, which I know you're familiar. I was gonna grill it up and make this fresh harissa sauce and couscous. Oh, yeah. All on the grill. Okay, y'all, it was awful. I use somebody else's recipe and you know, he choked it down and finally he still to this day jokes me about that grilled fish recipe. fish, the fish stuck. I mean, I'm like, why? It just it wasn't good. It had the old glam through it. It was so that was a huge failure that my family still jokes me about today about my fish you know and I have a big you know, seafood company that you know I work with so I'm a great fish cook but not on that one. It was terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. And I'm trying Oh, and the another woman that was bad evidently the wood that I cooked with and got with Yeah, so I let it that think about it went out and I told my husband. I don't know what I was doing. I said just go set it on the smoker. Just sit it on there. You know. Well, all of a sudden I see billowing like black coming out of my smoke or my oh my god it's called fire. I go running out there because you can say I just showed y'all from my window. Yeah, all my grills are I used to have I don't have this grill anymore by the way. It is totally smoking like crazy out there. Well I went out there and evidently, the wood had was very wet. It had been left open and to get wet. So that's another one. I have another one is that I have to have to think but I had a pellet smoker. And you know how when they sometimes will just kind of blow up you have a smoke out on it. Okay, I'm literally standing here in the bedroom talking on the phone to somebody I look outside. And it is I think the building out there my she shed out there is on fire my husband that we run out there thinking you know grab the house that you're going to put it out and all sudden the lid to the smoker goes like this, you know like blood. Now that was the end of that smoker and everything that was in it. So I don't to this day know what happened but got tossed is that some good enough fails or you want some more? There's more so yeah, but at I don't use that particular brand of pellet smoker anymore and I didn't badmouth anybody. But you know, and I understand that evidently happens on some, you know, and then what, oh, when I went out there to say what, this my neighbors that, you know, we don't live close to each other even called What's going on over there you know, and there used to make a good bit when the lid did that I could see the flames inside you know, so when I went to try to open I couldn't so I just reached for the plug and pulled it out, you know, because and it just built it like that. Then finally when it quit about four hours later I opened it up and I had some pork butts in there and they were like around crispy. I mean, crunchy and I was like oh wow. So we didn't have pork butts for dinner. But as the major ones I guarantee if my husband here he could tell him about that terrible fish recipe. Yeah, when people say oh it's really good it's good that I still have it in my recipe box I have a box a physical box you're not online and I still have it but I got a big X through it

Owen - Host:

don't try to do it again.


No you know after you eat fish that has that glam through it it kind of turns you off for a while

Owen - Host:

yeah, I don't know


I guess some people like that that all but no

Dan - Host:

download it's quite a weird particular thing fish isn't it? You have one bad one and that'll that'll that'll set you off for ages. Yeah,


takes a while. It's like having like, what that one bad tequila drink and you're offering tequila

Dan - Host:

we all know after the 24th ones Yeah.


I'm not a bit I like margaritas but I can't I can't do that with the salt. No, I'm not. Nope. learn my lesson. I'll stick to Bourbon. That's what we like here on the south.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, I do like I do like a good whiskey bourbon. Also bourbon Do you drink and then when you're when you're barbecuing, usually Jack


Daniels. But I have some Woodford in there. Yeah, and I like I like the honey bourbon. Yeah. I do love the honey bar. I cook with it a lot. Do I probably cook with more bourbon than I actually drink to be? A lightweight drinker. I'd rather have one of SAP my really love like a better quality Margarita, or a better quality one, then some people would rather have a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a cheap date is more for y'all. If y'all come a visit, you must

Owen - Host:

be you must be super hard to impress though when it comes to cooking. It must be quite intimidating to cook for you. With such expertise.


Nobody cooks for me, maybe? Well, yeah, my mom does. You know, no, people don't. And I wish they would. Because I know what if somebody made me box macaroni and cheese at their house. It's more to me when I feed people. It's like I'm giving as me that's the way I look at it. You know, just not, you know, the necessity of aid if I'm cooking for you. You know, I want to please you want it to be so if someone does it for me. It's just the fact that they did it. Yeah. I don't think of it is that but I guess that maybe that's a reason that Nobody cooks for me.

Dan - Host:

But I'd say out if you cook for me. I will not judge.


Yeah, well, yeah. But that's probably what that's probably probably one that's kind of pointing if anybody that's in the US listen to this when this airs y'all. I want I want y'all to cook for me. It can be rice a Roni, do y'all know what that is? There's like a free mix. rice dish. Right? You just good. When I was a kid, I like somebody made it for me. They darn won't tell him I didn't like it. I got nicer manners than my app.

Owen - Host:

So apart from the exclusive TV show that you're about to sign the contract for what else have you got planned What else you got in the pipeline? So 2023


Oh, gosh, I've got some schools coming out. I've partnered with Big Green Egg to do a monthly online school. Wow, well, I'll cook something on the egg and then people can rewatch it, of course. So that'll be loaded onto my webpage. So anybody can do that. You know. And then the first one, nobody knows this. Which is probably gonna be after this a or I know before it airs. It's gonna be on the 12th of March, I'm going to be doing corned beef, egg, a whole meal. Now all these are geared toward American holiday, so I apologize for that. But Tim Cook it. Yeah. Okay. And then, you know, April, I'll have something else May. June. I know that that's like Father's Day, so I'll be doing something that's Father's Day II, you know, here but that doesn't mean just go summer holiday y'all no cooking? No. Right. So that's actually been announced y'all are getting everything. That won't be probably for another couple of weeks, just like the TV show until they get this contract back in some headshots, which probably be a week or 10 days after they get this back, you know, that won't be announced. And then what else I got right now. And it'll probably be finished by the time y'all get this, but I partnered with a company called Savannah Bay Company, which is in Georgia, but it's a company that raises honey, you know, I hon farms all you know the old way. But they're they're a large company, and Big Green Egg and a company out of Maine that gets some of his seafood from Europe gets it flown over. It's called Get Maine lobster. I've got like a box that you can order. And it's a recipe called Nashville hot lobster. That you can make yourself at home. But you order the box, and it's everything you need to make it in the box.

Owen - Host:

You just tick tock, didn't you?


I think it was the bat. Yeah, yeah, I did. But I don't think that will be available. Where y'all live? I don't know. I don't think so. I think that's just Continental. Yes. Because you're shipping. Lobster is not great, you know, a few days later. But some I'm doing a lot of things like that. And then I've got let's say we've got a whole calendar here. I've got a big egg. Egg fast. I'll be going to San Antonio. And that March. Yep. mid March. I'm going to San Antonio for a big egg show there. And there's actually people from UK I know come into that. Yeah. Yeah. The big egg fest that, you know, for the Ace Hardware or distributors of big green in the biggest distributors that be there. So I'm sure. I mean, I could find out who it was if you want me to who's coming, but I got that going on. And then I leave on the 19th to go film the show. You know what's cool about the show? Um, I think I think it's gonna air here in the US in June, but the final? Yeah, is live. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, that's crazy. I'm like, Oh, Lord.

Owen - Host:

I'm gonna be live TV before.


Like a few little interview things or something like that. But never like, no. So that's kind of crazy.

Dan - Host:

Just remember the bug bites you rub your legs when the cameras not looking at you. Yeah.


Yeah, because I think we would if I make it, you know, my person makes it through. We found that and by the end of May, I don't know. You know, you know, Emir gotta have rain delay weather and all that so that when they told me that I was like, interesting. Okay.

Owen - Host:

Actually, just a question in regards to that kind of mentoring. On the show. You obviously have Melissa Crookston, you know, very, very well known even even here. Obviously, they were judging you and your fellow contestants, but did they also, I suppose it didn't really come across in the show, but were they offer was there a lot of mentoring from them? Or is it just purely? We're judging you? That's it. That's it


purely just because I think in the show that they showed me a couple times trying to ask questions. Because why not? Right. All I can say is no. So thank you. When she was walking around, I think they put a couple of times when I was asking her questions and you know, she's a very direct person and she didn't give me any any tips. For sure. I wish she had it. But you know, because you can always we always want to learn with from a seven time champion, right?

Dan - Host:

She's probably thinking of competition season, so I'm not giving her any tips whatsoever, cuz she'll be coming. Yeah,


maybe. Give me any because I was trying to dig, you know, dig out of or anything, you know. And they showed a snippet of it. That's about it. But I asked her a few tabs. Why not? Yeah. All she can say is, I tell you. Absolutely. Well,

Dan - Host:

I think that maybe now we've talked about different kind of your products and different style of cooking is it time now for us to do barbecue bingo.

Owen - Host:

Barbecue Bingo is brought to you by lumberjack food company, your tickets are flavortown.

Dan - Host:

Anyone who has not listened to the show before, what we do is we have a we'll have ingredients that Oh, and we'll put up on his screen. We'll press a button, the wheel spin, and whatever it lands on, will ask you to think about what you might do with it. Talk us through maybe some ideas, but then in your own time, if you get the chance, go off, cook it tag us and use the hashtag barbecue bingo, and show people what you can do when you're put on the spot. Okay,

Owen - Host:

so I don't know if you can see my screen. Yeah, there it is. It's not high tech in any way, shape, or form. So the last season of the podcast, what we were doing is we're actually getting our guests to leave an ingredient for the next guests. Some of these ingredients are actually our next guests from from last season. So Oh, okay. There is one Oh, yeah. So there is one on here called my signature dish. So if that lands that we'd like you to cook your signature dish, and what would that be? What would

Dan - Host:

what would what would it be for you?


God, you know, a lot of people would say it was pork, but you know what I'd probably do. I'd probably do this beef ribs from the show.

Dan - Host:

Oh, I love beef ribs so much.


Yeah, that probably would be because more people asked me about that. Or whole hall. That's the two things I get the most questions about. Probably that.

Owen - Host:

So on this list?


Yeah. You want me to click it? So I'll click

Owen - Host:

it but just just after the conversation that we've had, I'm sure you want it to go into oily fish, don't you? Right, I'll give it a spin. And let's see, let's see what we come up with. Okay.

Dan - Host:

You know, what is the one thing I thought oh, if that comes up, that'll be one word. Yeah. We there's someone in the UK who's an influencer who he used amazing. Some of the things that he does on a barbecue and spice back and banned that. Well, he makes it you don't have to make it obviously. But it's, it's what you would possibly do with it.


Yes. Maple and pecan ice cream? Well, both of those items go with pork. Hmm. You know, because I'm now I'm for me. I'm not gonna do dessert with it. I will do an entree. Oh, I like that. So I don't know why it couldn't be a maple pecan ice cream sauce on like some seared pork, or Tinder or pork loin, or pork chops. Oh, yeah. Yeah, beautiful. Or if I made homemade ice cream. I could make it with buttermilk. Instead of regular sweet milk, or whatever y'all call it that. And use it is a like a mere night. And I would add bourbon to it go together like you know, this sounds good. Yeah, I walk up something with it.

Owen - Host:

Awesome. Yeah, we can't wait to see that. And


make pictures or you want a video on?

Owen - Host:

Whatever you have the time to do. Yeah. would be amazing.


I'll do it. That's interesting. I'm glad I didn't get oily fish. We never had the ice cream.

Owen - Host:

We'd have had to just cut that bit out and do it again.


No that'd be awesome.

Owen - Host:

Fantastic. No, we said we really look forward to seeing what you can do to make it Oh, will you want us to?


Yeah, do it. So it might be an interesting curry. You might could use it as a as a curry.

Dan - Host:

That's literally what I was trying to think of what I was thinking, Could I use it at all? Because I love making curries? And could you use it instead of like a coconut milk type thing? And how would that feel?


Yeah, but I mean, I'm known for grilling and barbecue, so whatever I'll do, I'm gonna do it on the grill. Nice. Unless Unless you don't want me to then I know you

Dan - Host:

do on the grill. We want to stay on the grill.

Owen - Host:

Whatever you whatever you do, obviously, you know, let us know we'll have a go as well. Yeah, we'll try and replicate what you've done.


Okay, Have y'all ever heard of Alabama white sauce? I've heard of

Dan - Host:

it. But I don't know what it is or what goes goes in it.


No, I don't like mayonnaise, but it's mayonnaise base. But I might could you know, do something with the ice cream and add some bourbon and come up with my own version of it. Because I think like smoked pepper Rekha, would that ice cream? Yeah. Would be a good hint or my hot sauce has smoked pepper Rekha. Now I'm gonna get a headache, their work and so on.

Owen - Host:

So is there anything that we haven't kind of brought up? Is there anything else that you'd love to kind of chat about? hadn't even


got up and running my mouth for an hour now. Though, there's gotta be something y'all want to ask me? Like, throw me on the spot. Right?

Dan - Host:

Well, if you're on the spot, and this is more possibly for kind of the British people from the UK audience. We are behind you guys. When it comes to barbecue. We like to think we're catching up. But whenever we just think of barbecue, we think of American whereas if you look into it, all of the different states have different flavor profiles, different ideas of how we should be done. Could you talk us through some of those variations and how they look what they taste like? And if that affects what you're doing in competition as well?


Yeah, well, competition is pretty much unfortunately, almost the side. Because if you go and use those regional recipes in a sanctioned event, you know, at a Kansas City style KCBS they're expecting the Kansas City style, which is a tomato base with some sweetness, you know. But at home, I'm a super low slow cook. I'm known for what really low it's like 235. I don't know what that is. Celsius, but it's very, very low. Like really, really low, slow, I like it more simply prepared, like just salt. And let the smoke and the wood give the flavor. You know, Carolinas there's a couple school thoughts in Carolina, one of them is like a mustard based sauce. And the others of vinegar based sauce and they do mopping with vinegar. So it has you know quite a bit of a tang. Note on that one. Ga some people will use some vinegar injection, you know, they enhanced to mate with vinegar, and, or the pig if you cook a whole hog with that Carolinas or mostly now in North Carolina for their hogs their whole hogs. That's like a big today there. I'd say California West Coast is very much more of a grilled type flavor. Not necessarily low and slow. They'll do more of a hot and fast they do a lot of unique mates and they even do vegetables they're, you know here. No, we're eating meat in that she's like pork the South is known for more pork, Texas, Arkansas, like the middle south of the US. Beef is King beef ribs, beef, brisket, beef sausage, where it's here where I'm from, it's it's pork. Pork is when you invite somebody over for barbecue, it's got to be pork ribs, it's got to be poor, but it's got to be whole hog. It's got to be poor. Whereas in Texas is typically gonna be bait, you know, a little bit of a different type of meat in that, you know, that goes way back to when the US like kind of began, you know what we grew in this area. You know, pork was easier to grow, you know, then beef, you know, has to be a much longer period of time. And then at North like Michigan and all I think people do more grilling than low and slow cooking and no We'll get some flack from people I am going by my experience and people are on that. You know, when you have a colder climate, you're not going to get as many low slow cooks. You know, things are spreading now, you know, just like over there, you know? Like, I know, Andy, do you say his name a net or our net? Yeah. All right. Yeah. Hey, I've met him a couple times. You know, when he's came to the US, but he does like grilling on hay. in Grapevine and other. You know, where you're from you cook on what is available here in the south. I traditionally cook. I love pecan wood. Do y'all have that? They're

Dan - Host:

not really it's not easy for us to get hold off. Really? Yeah. Right.


You know, and we use hickory wood. What do y'all cook on?

Dan - Host:

A lot of oak cerrado. Oh,


yeah. Cuz it's planful. There, right. Myron Mixon is known for peach wood but where he lives. Peach, there's peach orchards. You know, Georgia peaches, you know, they're famous for their peaches and pecans. So a lot of that goes back to what's available where they are, you know, and and that's what I think is great about barbecue. You know, it's regional for a reason. And it doesn't make yours right and mine wrong or Texas right or wrong, is what you have what you have access to be barbecue, low and slow came from that in the history of, of what you had in the area. You know, like, in Texas, they do cook on post oak traditionally, and most people think they cook on a lot of mesquite. Everybody in Texas does not cook on mesquite. I don't I don't really care for the flavor bus geek. But it has a distinct flavor. I have friends in California. They cook on almond wood. Lots of almonds come from California. Matter of fact, two predominant, you know, that we get here comes from California. So they cook on a lot of unique woods and things that come from that area. Yeah. So I think that's a good thing. You know, that we can all keep our flavor profiles a little bit regional, because you can't get it. So when you come here and eight with me, you're like, wow, you know, how different than if I came there, you know, it's different. So I remember in Europe, long time when I was in culinary school, we're talking about like 1981 82, something I had never seen here in the US. And now it's we say it all the time. It could have been just lack of experience. Because you know, I didn't have that. And a dad that burnt on gas grills, but hung from a swing. Chain. And they would the first time I saw it was actually in Germany, where they put pork on it with onions and they just the gods stand around and swing it over the fire. Yeah. And I thought, oh my god, I love that. I need to get invited into that. Yeah, because I've always been kind of what I call a carnivorous varmint leader, which a lot of women don't eat the quantities of meat that I do. Maybe that's why I'm chubby. But I remember seeing that. And now you know, I want one of those. So if marks are listening,

Dan - Host:

but Owens been talking about fire cages for years. Owens been talking about fire cages for years and hanging stuff on so he's also chasing one too.


Yeah, I just think I mean, I guess I could, you know, all you need is chains and an old grade, you know, and I could put it even and, and my hog pit but I just remember that memory of seeing that for the first time thinking. Oh my god, that is so cool. That turns out a lot of people here do it. You see it a lot in like California, because it's kinda like Santa Maria grills, you know, that raise and cook straight over fire. But I had never seen that until then. You know, I just seen like cinderblock pets and Weber Grill I think I got a weber grill when I was 10 as a gift because I was in a scout troop A Girl Scouts at the time. I think they're in the US. They're all together now whatever. But I remember that's what I got it for because I wanted to be like the boys and cook outside. Girl Scouts. The Boy Scouts back then was very separated when I was 10. You know, the girls did these things and the boys did these things. Not that I want to do that. So I got my cooking badge that we used to get from cooking on a grill not you know, baking cake in my kitchen, which was kind of a big deal back then because you know girls are supposed to cook in the house and you know bake cookies and stuff. So I actually got my cooking badge from cooking our grill. I wish I could find that picture. I know there's a picture are they actually doing it? So? Oh, well, memories? Probably has it stored somewhere.

Owen - Host:

Brilliant. Well, I don't know if I have any other questions actually.


I've covered it on Friday.

Dan - Host:

Hey, we love it. And it's been lovely speaking to you. The passion is obvious. You know, sometimes we speak to people and not not on the podcast, because we're very specific about who we asked on the podcast as people that we're interested in talking to, but out and about, and people talk about food, but they don't really care. Do you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, yeah, it's just words, it's a passion. So that's great to


me. It drives everything that I do from my charity work to just, it's the only thing I know how to do. And like I said, think about it. Who can say anything negative about bright food makes everybody happy. Every holiday, you know, everything is geared around that, though. You know, even some countries the way you know, like, the way they speak to each other. I think in some Asian countries, when they say it, you know, I can't speak that language, but it's having eaten yet is actually the translation. You know, it's so much positively. It's positivity around it to me, because it's giving of really the only thing I know. You know, other than being a good dog, mom.

Dan - Host:

Well, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us as well. It's been fantastic.


I'm very flattered.

Dan - Host:

And we won't be strangers either. We'll stay in contact. But yeah, thank you so much.

Owen - Host:

Thank you very much. See you. Bye, I buy

Dan - Host:

Thank you, Tina. And that's another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ podcast. It was fantastic speaking to her the passion that she has for cooking is second to none, you can really see it and hopefully we might even see you in the UK sometime soon. Keep an eye out for that. We'd love to hear from you. Whether it be people you'd like us to interview any questions you have for us or any tips please do get in contact. You can find us on social media if you search for meat & Greet BBQ podcast and you can direct message us that way or give us a Google go onto our website and you can contact us through there or drop us an email all the contact details are on our website. And while you're there you can also check out our store we have a lot of merchandise if you'd like anything with a branded logo, have a look on there. And also we have bits and pieces we do firmer pen which affiliate as well. So go through there if there's anything you want, go and grab it. And until next time, keep on grilling today's episode as meat & Greet BBQ podcast is brought to you by aos outdoor kitchens. They are the South's leading outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists