July 14, 2021

The Sizzle Show Team

S2 E4. This episode we catch up with the hilarious Sizzle Show team and talk about their Instagram show, the upcoming Sizzle Fest and finally their own personal journeys into BBQ. Once again we are back with BBQ Bingo check o...

S2 E4. This episode we catch up with the hilarious Sizzle Show team and talk about their Instagram show, the upcoming Sizzle Fest and finally their own personal journeys into BBQ.

Once again we are back with BBQ Bingo check out what James & James have to cook for us #bbqbingo

Check out our website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts to see more great BBQ content.

Find the Sizzle Show on Instagram or their website.

The Smoke & Fire Festival is located in Colchester Castle Park, Essex, UK on Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd August 2021.

At Smoke & Fire Festival Colchester you’ll watch some of the top BBQ chefs and open-fire cookery, pitmasters’ live demonstrations and masterclasses – whilst feasting on a tremendous variety of BBQ’d and open-fire cooked food.

Click here to purchase your festival tickets

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Owen - Host:

Welcome to another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ Podcast. I'm here on my own today without Dan who's decided to go on his Holly bulbs. However, we've got two fantastic guests lined up for you today, we have got James and Jason that make up the sizzle show, which is a Instagram Live every week show, talking about the barbecue community, these guys are hilarious. They are so well connected within the community, and they just do everything to make the community a better place. It was an absolute pleasure to catch up with both of them, and actually find out a little bit more about them personally. So without further ado, here's the sizzle show team. Welcome to the show, James. Jason. It's fantastic to have you on the meat & Greet BBQ podcast. Really excited to talk to you both actually, the sizzle show is something that I've been following myself and Dan, for a long, long time. And I'm keen to learn more about what the sizzle show is about. So welcome to the show. And tell us more please.

Sizzle Show:

Oh, thanks very much for having us. Yeah, you say it's a long time. Right. But that this is also the crazy bit is that we're just looking back at the calendar just recently is we didn't start until late October last year. So it wasn't even during the first couple of lockdowns that the sizzle shows been about. I don't know how you feel caught, but it feels like it's been in my life for a long time. Yeah, yeah, it's been a lot it has been a long time because this was we look back again. This this is okay. About of the whole mysterious cartel. Right. That's what we're gonna break. We're gonna break two mysteries later. That's, yeah, let's touch base on this. Kick it off right now. This mysterious carta is a crazy bit of banter. And people kind of gathering together I think talking about their experiences, talking, I think in the same way that this podcast does really, really well, in sharing what they've done and what they done wrong. And asking for advice, asking us a group of select people. How do I do this? Have anyone tried this particular element? Yeah, I take the whole cartel came about when I bought her hamster pile. parlays alone, seven parts spoke about getting maybe 10 of those to cook the same dish on one weekend. No charity was called just quite literally coming out telling guys to cook. Save, save. So I started this on a Saturday or Sunday. And we reached out to like, 20, guys now I remember that. Actually, there was I think at the beginning, there was like just a handful of you. Right? Maybe like, yeah, for and then there was the call out of saying, If there's anyone that was is free or late to join us, please do so. And I was like, yeah. This is awesome. I was just starting as well, right? Yeah, I didn't, we told people to kind of go, No, you can leave. Oh, no way we can't go wrong. We're not we don't have space to go on a conference. And it just I think the whole dish was a tailspin from that point. Because it kept myself in jail. And so the catalogue that's why I suppose for me, it got to the start of a divorce. All about your family coming together to the community kind of growing into that kind of shared working guy you've taunted. 20 guys, time 50. Guys, at the end, it was crazy.

Owen - Host:

So just to clarify, it's, it's a barbecue cartel and not, you know, not necessarily one that's traditionally, you know, associated with drugs. And just to clarify,


just money laundering, you know, I mean, I think that came about just because it was it was just a sticky name for a group of people, right. And they care about the cost of a cane, they didn't care just then they can vote for last. And people took it into new context. And it was actually a whole cartel. And the danger was really was it was largely going to sea life today. But in a WhatsApp group, just straighter, lawless boys teach each other about different techniques and learn from each other because it was a lot of mistakes. We've had a lot of guys who commented with maybe one barbecue from Erica or Andy or Douglas or that and they couldn't cook ribs on it for 16 hours and want me to do names. Collins carnivore. That's the worst non namedrop I mean it's it that's all it was was was it got one or two guys just talking literally about barbecue. It was crazy. But I think it's also part of the time is that lots of people have just gone into lockdown and they've gone through this period of being in lockdown, where they haven't seen their their normal friends or their associates or colleagues from work and and Everyone kind of fell into this hobby, or this passion of barbecuing, fire cooking, you know, button pressing, as coke likes to call a certain select group of people with a panic. But I mean, ultimately, it's being outside enjoying things doing what you'd love. Today I celebrate my, my 12 month anniversary of being on Instagram. So I didn't start an account until 12 months ago. So I knew no one from that point. And then defined a group of people that were like minded that were welcoming and wanted to talk about the same thing. I mean, what else could you ask for? Yeah,

Owen - Host:

yeah, we couldn't agree more. And it's something that we've mentioned on the podcast before is social media gets a bad rap, doesn't it for, you know, troll trolling, bullying. And actually, the what I've really noticed is how embracing and welcoming the barbecue community are, like you said, it's, it's grown massively over the last 12 months. But if you think most of us have never met each other, and yet, you talk to each other, like you've known each other for 10 years. And you know, everyone's just so friendly. And actually, they want to help each other out. And you don't find that in many places, I don't think on the internet. And I think that's quite quite a special thing that's happening in the community.


I think the probably the closest thing you can find is maybe like a fishing community, and they kind of have the same thing. But could you imagine it in in another niche or genre like fashion, or boating or something like that? It just, it just wouldn't happen. And I think that's also the beauty of it. And I feel that I've learned a heck of a lot. My cooks are a lot better now than they were a year ago, in saying that there are a few fields that are very recent.

Owen - Host:

I cannot wait to hear those fresh in the mind, unfortunately.


But then you still live and learn from that, right? You don't just go I've never done that again. You're actually how do I change that? How do I do that better. But you know, the lowest short of it, you know, the sizzle show started. It's just a way of coke. And I, I think wanting just to talk about the community, right? Talk about what's going on in the barbecue scene, and excuse for our faces to be online. Every other week, once a month. I think that was the plan in the beginning, right? None of none of the banners. None of this was no, no, it really was just came around PSP after backup. I mean, I had got just over. I had to undergo a previous one was for James cam on Instagram. I actually did a Valkyrie course today, a guy called James barbecue barbecue barbecue on Instagram. And I was just following him through Twitter. And I've been through the course when an odd course and it went from literally doing burgers to to my first proper Cook was beef cheeks. And all it was it was a whole lot of Islam only this really small, small community of AB Devaney guy. He's a particular voice into the hospital on SportsCenter. And it was crazy time and I dropped out Instagram, and I just post a one pager and I thought I'd cubicle master and I tell the tells the followers and he just give away No, he messed it up because he never said UK only right. And there's a rocketship sauce and then forget it. And I want to read Wow, this is so easy but you leave it with a phrase from Calcutta ality which are no. It typically cost more than the price. GV, he takes that per day good phrase, but it might make sense to have and obviously, this guy was talking to me. And he tells the finals gonna go, wow, this is crazy. That guys will actually, you will still be looking up to him. He was kind of, for me a tough guy to tell him and you look up to any any question and all of a sudden, Paul and James. It's crazy how just I can't wrap my mind how the whole thing this can blew up over 12 months really crazy.

Owen - Host:

With the sizzle show at the moment. You're doing quite a lot of segments, aren't you? You've got your regular show. But I've seen that you've got quite a lot of off, you know, kind of offs, shoot segments. So you guys literally are either recording or videoing every day you must be. It's almost like a full time job for you too. Now, isn't it?


It feels like some weeks. We go through the schedule. Okay. Yeah, we got this on Tuesday. Oh, yeah. But I got that on Wednesday. Oh, yeah. What about that thing on Friday and Saturday. Busy week. I think you know, that's also I think you guys also get it as well is that scheduling wise, trying to get people at a time in a place is tough. And then to do it live as well. We kind of have to just make sure that we're ready. So that when everyone else is we can we can make that happen? Yeah, it started off with the two of us. talking literally, we want to talk about who was going to be what was new coming out new recipes and new cars to watch and Oliver Stone, we discovered that normal was doing what we do with Ben butcher, Tim de vane. Norman was doing whatever he was doing with him even before that he or she just even thinking about it remembering to remember the first one, we did the pilot with GB Girlboss. Yeah. And then we had the someone mentioned about video in screen. So you can show a video video whilst being in the video. And we're like, wow, let's do that when she did the first segments, where we were doing reviews of new equipment, a new kit coming out. And we'll show the video and I think also it's, it kind of broke ground because no one else was doing that. Right. They were doing lives they were having conversations, but no one actually put that extra element in on top. No, I think that kind of changed it a little bit more. No, that was that was it? It didn't change at all. Not James after that probably did. And as you said, there's a lot of segments but the segments come on from what's most hard to people and asking people what they want to see. And the feedback we get. We try to produce the sort of beer style whether it be cookie macaque where they got do three or four episodes the cuckoo Stover man country was walk and Greg Emerson, or maybe What chance does that really there? It literally is what the public one. And we try to build around it whether it's a scam show our threat to view,

Owen - Host:

you seem to be picking up traction, you know, all the time. Like you said, You've you didn't expect to be sat here and you've got your your banners and you've got your T shirts there it just, and obviously sizzle fest, which is somewhat I want to come to it shortly. But what's next for you guys? Where do you go from here to here.


We've been lucky as we kind of got contacts along the way, we're still gonna keep on producing the Sunday sizzle. That's how mainstay and even as you see a lot of these offshoots are actually segments from within the Sunday season itself, where people have really enjoyed it. So we've kind of expanded upon that and have given them their own show. And I think that that's what we want to keep on doing. We want to keep on telling the story of the community. Now the community is got bigger. So it's not just about backyard barbecues anymore. Let's have the conversation of how do we get our food? How is it prepared? And how can we cook it and go all the way through? I think that's for me, especially personally, I would like to explore more. And you know, find more about people within the community because that's the real story. Yeah, the store is is about the community always has been about the community. As a GM, it's not about me or James. It's about what's out there trying to reach the people, whether it be account, whether it be Ralphie. And what he's doing and I'm bringing him along with your original two markers are due to barbecue. So what he's doing literally is trying to reach everyone in that community and give them a chance to put a voice out there given the exposure that they deserve, and the need to help their account grow.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, I couldn't agree more. And that's essentially what we're trying to do as well. You know, just have that real story about people that actually make up that community. And you mentioned Alfie, he's a legend such is going to be the future of barbecue. We've we've we've had recorded an episode with Alfie and he was on top form


amazing he's the first ever live that Alfie did was with cork and caught boredom on live and it's not a because cork board him live that No, but it's also giving people the confidence to have that conversation online with other people. So guessing poker, you and Hampshire hosted those lives for the first time for a lot of people. Right? Then on top of that gives people then just the ability to say you know what, it's not that difficult. It's almost like talking on the phone. It's almost like just talking to a friend because that's kind of what it is. Yeah, a lot of it is an honour to to meet behind this to grab a sports and put when I would load the first time I see people that are gonna like me, are gonna hate me and either way, I'm gonna know what people are gonna tell me the truth of it is it is the internet, and it is social media and expect this kind of backlash. Who's this guy? What the hell is he talking about? I didn't get that and that kind of

Sizzle Show:

Whoa. I said it what it's like to do and he talked he was it was a speaker James would look. Ah, yes. Okay.


I tried daily Irish. lessons, I say, the last few. It's got better, much better. My daughter still can't quite understand them, but I can translate for her now. That's where it gets down and without the COVID as the as I'm speaking to as he's died, I see, I spoke to him on he was, he said as you would do love to lawyers, and I said, Look, come on over me no parlour and I still cook. And for Alfie, thankfully that has explored into something that really is big for him today. I have seen a guy come out and he was cooking for people. They're not alone going. He's a lot of sponsorship. And I know that Marcus kind of came in behind him and cooked with him. So fresh reach out to be taking some swings back out into this massive mega hoard of Instagram and beyond for Alfie I think than that, because I could see it. I mean, he's the one show on and Discovery Channel. Yes. You know, that's the way it's going to go.

Owen - Host:

Oh, he's definitely got a bright future. Yeah, absolutely. And again, actually, I think what the Bob community and I think you guys might have been involved Wasn't there a show last year or competition that was actually specifically designed around children and getting them to barbecue cameras kids said


Give Kids cue soybeans for boys out of the robbed time. And unfortunately, they seem to have gotten a bit of globalen have come offline. I was hard to them and they were matching launch kits competition. So I did speak with him and help him kind of put the stuff together and set it up so and then they ran would walk ahead and launch this kit guilting which was was fantastic for a corporate for a couple of months. But I think that it's a lot of work and if I had to kind of get people involved in a problem because I keep trying to get kids cooking about cook food is wanting kids cooking barbecue is a different story altogether. And where there is a great selection of kids doing it it's still a very small niche market at the moment because kids kids don't want they want to play the Playstations not cooking food so it's great to see all the kids from Tiki lit brisket Alfie smoke bacon meets all these young people cooking on on the barrel was crazy for me it's something different. So yeah, I think it was a great it was a great concert by just take it was a very nice back and very hard to push your past when

Owen - Host:

to see more content on our social media channels. follow that hashtag meat & Greet BBQ podcast. And for our cooking challenges. We set our guests each week hashtag BBQ Bing. So you've got some exciting news, then the sizzle fest. Tell us about it.


Sizzle fest. Again, I think that opportunity is more than anything else. We we were thinking about having a small gathering, maybe 2030 4050 people somewhere. And we thought where can we do this? Let's reach out to our good friend Charles and see what he's willing to do. And yeah, of course, no worries. But one conversation leads to another leads to another, I think has really taken all the focus that we've had on the sizzle, show and, and sizzle, all on to sizzle fest because I think we've just had the opportunity to work with some fantastic, fantastic brands to really put on a show. I think that's also part and parcel of it going up from the likes of Weber broking, Trager gozney that want to come behind us and have some wacky insane ideas. There's a competition where you you're gonna have to ride a pink pig in order to potentially go away with one of the very best pellet grills in the market. I mean, where else can you do that?

Owen - Host:

I don't know. Very much


from that, as well as that we as it grew, we also had the opportunity to kind of put more and more into it as well. So we put a massive marquee 30 metre by six metre, we stuck a stage on there as well. Got some great bands lined up so full on Americana. I think we're not going to be singing. So I think that's okay.

Owen - Host:

I'm not I'm not going if you too


will be dancing. No. Okay,

Owen - Host:

that's fair enough.


But 12 hours of entertainment that we've got lined up, there's a butcher challenge series that we've managed to hook in as well. So three time challenges from three very, very good butchers and they're going to showcase their knife skills, what they're all about from Precision challenges, where they have to cut ribeye steaks into an inch and a quarter. Exactly an inch and a quarter to count breaking down pig belly or half a lamb in a very short space of time, you know, showcase skills to us as a general barbecue, but then also at a high level enough that a butcher can also stand there and go, Wow. That's really, really cool. And again, it's about giving people that inspiration. We've got cooking classes, where you can go along and take part in the Weber Grill Academy. So that hands on experience to, you know, sitting with Bacala, where they've got this gigantic hammer forge beast, that's going to be smoking away. We have so many grills, the dome is going to be there. So the ghost need will be there live and in person, and I don't think I told you yet. Korg but one of the prizes. Yeah. Garcia we're gonna be doing something fantastic. Oh, yeah.

Owen - Host:

I thought we were gonna get an exclusive then


the ghost will be there live and in person. So whether that stays there, at the end of that night, we don't no, no, no, no. It it is now another barbecue festival. As you wouldn't probably know what we're looking. We're not trying to compete with be topia, we're not trying to compete with Cisco fire. We're looking we call it we call whoever gets it. But we're trying to take what we do on the show and into the segments and take it and put it on stage today. So you're gonna have this isn't sure you're gonna have cost details the on tour? You're gonna have Culinaire labour James you could have asked me anything q&a Is everything see what we try to live we're gonna try to over 12 hours. No, you brigade in a car. I'm really picky. There's only 50 of Kharkov may substitute. This could be crazy, stupid things happen. Because God is to create a whole new, I suppose a whole new a whole new festival and whole new idea for everyone to come to every summer. And hopefully, they can grow bigger and bigger. That's what pretty for us is printing article is that be cooking online. They've been, as you say, Tom, and Laurie people, because they're best friends give all Tom value people because they're really good friends that they can go talk to but we at no to those that have even also barbecue together like these guys in one place, is the image this really is the depth the whole concept behind it. We gather just 50 people together, I think would have just been a shame. So we've done this with again, so happy to have the contacts. But we've had to source absolutely everything going out to a marquee company getting stage went or begging, borrowing and stealing whatever we can do to make it happen. But you know, it's breaking even very, very best people in the events industry will tell you then, of course, year one and talk about this in that, you know, you're never gonna really aim for those things. And we definitely want to make any money in year one. It's not about that. And if I look at the cost per head, with the amount of limited people that we do have available to come to sizzle fest. I think it's impossible for anyone. If I if I told him the cost of like that. I'm not going to like that. Yeah, there was there was times that we give credit to big nose barbecue that he's part of the pack team and he did a lot of work with James. He did a lot a lot of growing up with Charles and James in the background and James Grigsby and said to me, it's costing 5000. It's costing building the next day, it's going open up and I kind of go no or No way. Are we going to start like, how are we going to pull this thing off, and it's thanks to sponsors just thanks to Charles Takada, everyone could get on, it's going to be one epic day like it really is. I'm so excited for to happen for everyone. Laughter for myself and James to get to beat up, finally, but to meet everyone and see this must be pulled off today. It's going to be crazy. And yeah, I think, yeah, with that as well. It's also the entertainment that we wanted to put in just so it was about us again. So it wasn't just about come along and see us on stage and do the things that you've seen anyway. Because you can do that in the comfort of your own home. That's that's not a problem, right? It's about like the sticker swap station station. Where again, we joke about it, but it's probably going to be the biggest barbecue community sticker swap that's ever happened. Because it's never happened beforehand. For one, but you know where we've also drafted in the flying Iron Company, who are going to run an axe throwing tournament for us. Everyone that takes part gets the chance to throw some axes and so and to win some great prizes.

Owen - Host:

I did really well together.


They do. They do Yeah. I want to access then you got 51 coming in for the chilli competition. So I mean, we've got people push the extreme of each of these teams is what I can tell James will be thrilled that I will go as red as your beard. Suddenly, we should see, I like to say what's the stock sweat coming now. Yeah. But even like Yeti who are getting in those slick or where you can lassoo one of the Yeti boxes and win some great prizes we're making like a base camp where you just chill out down to calla gas, who are doing this, this lovely lounge for people with all these patio heaters and some coffee, you can just chill out. And that's what we tried to meet the day. It's comfortable for everyone as possible. Not to mention the barbecue Wonderland. That is SoCal Barbecue

Owen - Host:

Shop. I think it's obviously a great idea that you've you're essentially wanting to make, obviously already doing the live show through Instagram, but making it interactive. I suppose you're just taking it to that next step, aren't you? I'm asked how you're going to go from here to there. And I suppose it is very much that, isn't it?


Because we start to start all over. Every time somebody will speak. If they want to. Why was he just magically do that? Let's let's do this. Right? Cause Well, whoever wants to say no, it's not possible, right? Well, I just got, yeah, that's really right. A lot of a sudden in the job. So they're trying to wonder, What the hell are we after suggesting at home? Is that to do with? I mean, what is the next thing after the first? I don't know? Because up to seven GMs. Every day does these crazy days come on, and literally is it's never know what we can do is? Yeah, we can do it. It's just how it is, let's you know, we've got the opportunity to film some pilots in the end of this year as well. Again, focusing around the barbecue community, seeing how we can also elevate that people wanting to build shacks. And how can we help that process happen? I mean, since we started, we've given away how many barbecues now cook 1515 bucks. So I mean, like it's clear. From triggers down to master touches, goes the boxes, even you know, with tomato kings, just even short. It hasn't been Bob for seven years trying to get and I've asked us for our sales, I got some free press agents phone, trying to get the companies to give something to the community. And that's what we do say 50 barbecues, to mine, it also has been given it. It's absolutely crazy because seven gyms can be bought, just because we're gonna do this. I'm about to tell you with ambassadors for all these companies and we'll keep it strictly no, let's ask it for free barbecues of commodity kings when they came onto the store. Oh, you don't want to let's Can we get a free barbecue in there? For who is it for the community? For people that are foreigners? Oh, yeah, no problem smoking soil, boom, De Gaulle causing Rockbox go to withdraw for platform, which was technically to give to free politics of the community is not about Avast. It's about giving stuff out as a tax penalty for supporting them and helping them build their businesses abroad to know exactly that. And I think that that's also where I think I feel it's been fantastic. Because we have been able to give back so much to these people supporting as well, at the same time, but even the sizzle store, that was an idea that we had just before Christmas, right? Cool, that we said to ourselves that, you know, there's people within the group within the community that was selling their own rubs, sauces and stuff. But they are then saying, Yep, I'll take the order, just DM me on Instagram, and then pay pal, we were like, surely there's a better way of doing that. There's got to be something there that we can do together. That kind of means that we've got a website anyway. There's process that payment for people, something that I've done in the past, so that we can execute really, really easily to where we are today. Where, yeah, it's crazy to think that we've probably got more brands available in the sizzle store. The most other barbecue retailers. I want to say the word, the magical word, probably the wrong but I mean, like it's working with SoCal, plus our other brands on the side as well of men that were able to stop, but the entire range of Weber when it's in stock, broking, Treyger gozney and let alone the Bakar range with hammer forge Hellraiser. So it's fantastic to see that that people are also willing, people have been buying barbecues and charcoal with us over the course of this year. And it surprises caught right still every single time. It does and again, it goes on to the whole power of what was talked about. community without people foreigners or people kind of coming behind us have been was MJL to the concept but the concept is nothing what else followers you know our our doctrine and people come behind just pour over you do it's amazing that people do with every every week people come behind us and you get new father wasn't companies especially coming and go yeah we want to we want to power to this we want to help you so it is about developing humility in the day it has been ours will be first for me it's my own page was about building friendships with Valerie community. But this is the show really is taken to the next level.

Owen - Host:

Also the smoke and fire festival make sure you check out the feast of fire which is a live demonstration stage. There's going to be tasters all day through Saturday and Sunday and you get to watch and learn from some of the most skilled and experienced fire cook and barbecue pit pastors in the country. This is going to be a fantastic opportunity to acquire new techniques, top tips and secrets is going to help you raise your outdoor cooking game. Some of the people that are going to be demonstrating are in Sherlock, Adam for Nell smoking soul, Steve Johnson, and Matthew hog art. So make sure you check out the feast of fire live demonstration stage when you go to the smoke and fire festival in Colchester. I think that's the right attitude. So first and foremost, about doing it for other people. And I think that's why brands are more excited to obviously work with you. I think it is about look at me Look at me, I want to be I'm not sure it gives the right message off. So I think that's that's definitely the right attitude to have. And I think that's obviously why you guys are so successful. And obviously you've got, you know, great personalities and you're doing a really, really good job. I'd like to know a little bit more about you guys personally. So obviously we spoke a lot about the sizzle show now, but what about you guys's as cooking? You know, back barbecue is, you know, what do you guys set up at home? You know, what grill space do you have? Do you have some elaborate shacks and 50 barbecues yourselves or are you located and


what we're probably we're probably the worst off to guys. Just the mechanics in their own cars. Right? I think that's the worst thing about it more than anything else. No. So in all fairness, I've stayed with the same setup that I've had for maybe like six, seven, I would say even before eight years now. I've had it all the way through so I cook I've got a gas, wherever and then I've got charcoal wood that I use as well. Basically I've got the charcoal so that coke doesn't give me abuse I think that's the key thing. But you know basic, but for me ultimately is I am a father, just a dad that does dinner. And and I've always done that I've done the majority of the cooking in the house. And I've always loved barbecuing and spending time in front of the grills but it was never really beforehand. I've done the odd rib cook and a few of the lowland smells and the brisket maybe once beforehand before joining this crazy community, but not really knowing what I should go through not knowing the basics. But just having had it my setup hasn't changed. I know the court you got a few bits along the way as well right? Yeah, well I started off with a calculator and I got out of the rain store. Now before that I would have lost off like every night all of our deaths are on the gun stores when these cheap kind of half hour things that would put the acid burn out after our plan was to unite America on the charcoal on the ground. I think we've all we've all been there with that one and then I kind of got a few power we bought a chakra which was kind of a big staple for me it had ceramic grades it actually had a proper area for the charcoal in the bottom and then as part of smoking solidaridad and doing doing the bar what to call everybody every man out you know getting one of them off smoking so and just recently I managed to get a an ugly bad smoker from ago here in Northern Ireland so I'm not really I've never kind of looked at it the waivers and because it's it's always kind of near you look at oh sorry the target is looking for quite local guys Billy about us attend a sport a smaller company began to be here as a money this way the sport especially for me it was sporting butchers and greengrocers but that's what I waste. I have to I have to jargon which smoke so I don't end up being bad smoker. And you know what? I've gone down. I'm not really looking to extend that anymore. I'm happy for that. Yeah, I give pedigree as a gasket and I give them an offer do Easy Bake ovens, right. But we last spoke about who is for your family what what what you need, and it really is if you're an OG burgomaster a really big lifelight a case to trigger for COMM He can start to trigger on and he's cooking. He's cooking within 10 minutes that trigger hits the heat and he's got wings on where you go, I go to smoke solid unit later an hour later getting his temperature. And it just started to drift. For instance, if you haven't, that's great. If you don't well, they say God, the gospel is a great alternative to masturbate. To go masturbate is another great alternative to that value for everyone really. But you can also see that we're also very different, right, we would be in my complete whatever setup from the Genesis to the mass attach down to the go anywhere. And cork is then you know, locally built stuff. hand forged in the fires of Ireland. I think it's a very different, I still cook I'm probably cooking more now than than I've ever done beforehand. I did take a break, I must admit, like going through the winter was tough. If we're going into IT personnel, like I found it tough to have to kind of I felt like I needed to keep up doing cooks on a regular basis. Young family, busy life and everything going on, and actually just sat there and looked myself just before Christmas. I was like, You know what, there's actually no point in doing this. Because why are you doing it? You don't for you? You're doing it for someone else? If you do it for someone else, there is zero point in making it happen. Can you just enjoy the stuff you do? And sometimes I'll just make fantastic food. But they're not kind of Instagram ready? Right? And in the some bits don't look so right there. I won't put it on. But then again, I'll just you know, I wouldn't stress about it either. I'd say that's okay. That happened. It's just not one for today. Let's just talk in family. Don't get me wrong. It's also points in time where I just say you're not allowed to eat yeah yeah, I suppose for me, I don't have a stack that's not gonna happen anywhere near future. So do Oh, dog outdoor, outdoor, literally outdoor kind of with the cover comes out and take off the jacket, take off the hat and work with the car into the car. The rear is ready to go. Here's the casket. You're gonna go Yeah, I'm still a teacher. Camera goes up. Really cool. Own a coat. Cool. I've actually also money you don't have a coat with arms as well, I've

Owen - Host:

got I've got my exclusive there.


Call for BPH for court.

Owen - Host:

I think that'd be the hashtag for this. This episode. Cofer coke


if I suppose my Barracuda already started, as far as they don't, I knew I barbecues better as a sport bearer, but two games. He was advertising for his he was a fortune course. And his the whole new concept again, during the course I learned about Blue Cross. I mean, how could he run it wasn't going to be successful in a couple of couple of guys took the plunge and said yeah, we we weren't part of this. And we got involved. He also bought in Chem for this login as well as it could never go just in the background to see make sure everything and basically wash he has done was every week, he would send out a recipe card with a method on it. It holds out the barbecue temperatures running what you needed to make the recipe so it was all very very simple recipes, but they weren't burgers, they weren't sauces he was taking up into the chicken satay it taken into all the way to go all the way rootlets they have to pull pork. They did all these small meals that you could pay your family and started me that's where the loopholes meeting kind of the power. He wasn't just coming in America anymore. It literally was you cook whole meal for your family. And you could actually put massive flavour to it into this piece of chicken or beef and turn it into something that you see in a restaurant or in a food style or on a food truck. And you could literally you could do this in your corporate your own home and with James the dad was, I think from a cellphone, I think it just blew our minds that we have suddenly we can actually cook real good food and barbecue with little hassle. So he kind of revolutionary he was the first person to see us social media and it was a discard group. He said and it will he was these cards are said to ruin this whole Belkin school. I know it was a huge success for me. I think it ended up last I think he started last year because we're so busy with him. But I think he's after having 60 Guys into the courtroom over over 80 modes which is crazy, which is a fantastic achievement for.

Owen - Host:

And that's the thing, isn't it about barbecue. It's so versatile and there's no reason that you can't cook anything on there. Anything at all. Anything you can put in an oven or grill or in a hub. You can cook in a barbecue


or in a microwave. What's one of the versions you can press right? Sure. Yeah, Jerry's easy bake all the chips easy. I think one of the big moments for me to see that actually happened was wearing myself and potted ribs and sides. But we did one we did a roast dinner, Sunday roast, and like give you a part of that. And we did this whole on Sunday. I mean, it was just see the amount of stuff that people actually cook the very use it literally the people start I mean, and there's often very few that Sunday just for the laugh of it. And everybody Rosebud it was it was really a battle of your support and others. I mean, it was absolutely mental. Everything was cooked in the barbecue that day and it just gives you said it just showed everything could be called from your Sunday roast right down to something really exotic. That gives us real real real originally on agents were amazing. I think the show the Shanghai short ribs. Yeah, they have nothing to do with Shanghai. That was the only Chinese city that round very short room. So I apologise. continent of Asia for just plagiarising. But I've got a race card somewhere. So

Owen - Host:

one of the things I also wanted to pick up with Coke is barbecue wars. You've been doing barbecue wars every Wednesday for it was seen as yours.


Yeah, it feels like you didn't watch that game. That was that was a crazy time with Tom had done maybe one or two lives being I think by far several lives with Chiba grill master. He was doing he was an art he was an art and barbecue Lord. He was doing Trager there and Undertaker there he was in the hall here in the back it spatchcock ticket on an under chargrill or basically you see watches in Japan live and here I am live with would you be a good master and they kind of go over my glove I can carry with sort of solidarity and it kind of kind of okay. This gloating is kind of kind of cool. We know we got to see I got to speak to Gary and see something different. And I said Tom one Wednesday was a horn here. I actually don't forget it. I had made it stick out. I'm gonna go live in a minute with the minute steaks little trauma barbecue you do to come on for Krypton Wednesday and he goes yeah, let's do it. He was inside the kitchen cooking chicken. And there was a saving the barbecue cooking minutes x. And then he kind of said that we said the following week. Let's do that again. But let's do similar. So it was burgers and chicken wings. And then we did these chicken wings and I did a workout about a sauce. And everyone said who won? What you do what we do? No, there is no winner. There's just we just cook cooking ever. There's no there has to be a winner. You did you take away Amazon's Timmons and he just did take him in Nashville when I said hey there he was came over the back of that tongue completely for weeks for our vehicle. We're not doing this this is not gonna happen like I just kept like from what we get for the voice. Alright, well qualified advance he was she didn't get permission from him. Come on, shall we go to TV? Why'd you tell? We got to, like Thomas is a nice guy older really as I go on and they give me heat. And we talk afterwards. He just laughed so much. He just cared. They wouldn't get away with it with anyone else. It would never happen to anyone. It's because Tom is just it became such a natural progression from cooking food to slagging each other off and having a laugh and having a beer sometimes it's not even full cook. But we will we'll finish up with the for the students I didn't say the barbecue behind us. I mean that was still still on my taste to our key idea we get like it all once an hour we should be I don't go cupcakes in the middle of winter literally got to come out our doors pathetic really annoying when that didn't you do it live with her like to the butter at the fridge sound the side and it was decided to kind of soften but then you took it outside The mixes bottle does not fit on a big sound mixer I can see that but put her on rollers I just gotta go this isn't going to work this isn't going to work except for the slider bar it's bigger the fan Oh slowly to see yeah see what's out okay I already knew but like you guys caught you cold you know you you literally done it for so long you lost your hair and they grew back again yeah yeah so that was another stupid whichever hits around Socrates all the other stupid warm tea that's what happens about yours I have two beers forgot I haven't done we haven't been on six or seven live and all of a sudden he's Gradius one and over let's do this and of course what we said we want to set a nightmare to deal with you know it was it was actually I spoke to rob the other day it was it was the morning of the loan to be powered or something that big topic charged for robbing the environment look if my seven town chamber heads critical problem fantastic I hope he did but we have to pack something in and raise money for a fantastic charity.

Owen - Host:

So Can Can we expect a live barbecue wars challenge at sizzle fest


that has been talking about but I don't think I've used the public I'm sorry I don't think our temporary event notice allows that much level of abuse to the general public

Owen - Host:

as an insurance thing


Oprah your your kids see your dad's I don't take your cell barbecues unfortunately so barbecue was

Owen - Host:

can sense the after PI data


we don't fire to mistakes over Everyone be careful your shopping carts we just about to buy some barbecues when cop says he went to Costco who got some barbecues just double check where it goes from first okay with the head of the web or the paper towels hit people sort of like like it's good to be

Owen - Host:

to see more content on our social media channels follow that hashtag meat & Greet BBQ podcast. And for our cooking challenges we set our guests each week hashtag barbecue being so one of the things that we've we hold very dear meat & Greet BBQ podcast is barbecue fails. We're super interested in finding out you know, we see all these lovely things on social media. And we know that there's probably a few attempts before it reaches social media. So I'm really interested to hear from you guys. What, what's your latest barbecue fails or any any particular ones you want to share with us in the community


for you guys to see latest, because that kind of like you know, just just in case they would they could have been beforehand. We just don't know. The first one though, I can lead off with this because mine's pretty fresh in the memory. In that, you know, I think that we forget to maintain our grills because we probably grill on the more often than not, you know, I just got a new grill pan. So I plan to style that like put on the gas grill. And I've been using it happily frying a baker and all these other lovely bits. But this particular cook that I wanted to do, you know, I just turn it over. I'm on the other side of the plunger. It'll be fine. And you know, I think it was an Indian cook that I was doing. So it wasn't like a lot of grease. It's still hot and fast. But at one point, everything just went completely up in flames. like full on fat fire. I knew there was nothing I could do. So you know, I took everything off and and kind of took on the meat off plant was heavier than I remembered I must admit, just full of meat like swinging around around walking to the navel. Do you have a fire extinguisher by any chance? I was okay because you know, I I knew that technically it would die down. It was just very, very big. She didn't realise this. She ran around her apartment trying to find the fire extinguisher running out with it afterwards. Yeah, it's one of those scary moments where you kind of just forget and go. Yeah, actually, even on a gas grill, you got to look after your stuff. You got to treat it with care. And you can't miss the steps. Yes, you're going to build up seasoning and all this other stuff. But clean the grease trap out of that grill. You know, I'll catch you. It was absolutely fantastic. It was just under done before the fires came in. But I mentioned take everything off, foil it all up, went into the oven, just to keep warming that point. Whilst I was waiting for everything to subside. But then again, I think it's the confidence that I've had of cooking constantly on fire over this last year for me not to just pull my pants and go, Oh my God, what do I do, and also the new ones not to spray the fire extinguisher on the grill. Because that's a lot more to clean up. I left it it was doing the cleaning for me. And no bells. No burns, you know, a couple of times I listened to the hood? Well, no, no. Which is a gas grill I've ever had trouble with. I think it's just the complacency that sets in sometimes. And he kind of, you know, kind of, I think, have this arm's length between that that fire touching element because it is kind of shielded and away and it's heating up the greats in a more scientific way as opposed to food flame. And you can see that direct connection. So you know massive fat fires the last on me the food turned out right I've got plenty more where the the food didn't turn out right but that wasn't my latest so that's how I'm going to go for that Yeah, I suppose I have a feel of I have a confession to make. So we go yeah. I suppose when I got to smoke authority when I started looking more into into getting good, and getting away from charcoal and getting a snowboard and try cooking with actual proper timber over fire can cook food or fire or whatever. And I managed to get my hands on some sauce on this real good South Africa would Commodore and I got this and sporty guide a slowly said when you put in for this team we get real hard for the temperature become we're down. When it comes down. Daniel quit the coconuts. Put it smokers early on it lift this thing up anyway. And like he said, Can we just shot way up into the air and came way back down and out of the box knowing I trust Baltimore and decided if you know this will be good. And this will cook ribs. But our T Rex ribs close delayed? I said Yeah, I don't come back over two hours. This is good to be okay. Come up to date or define the temperature off the clock right at black smoke club it out. Yeah, the ribs are down, right. They were they were black. I literally, I burned ribs. I never, I've never seen ribs like you're heading the sausage. And there was this texture, as if someone had mop sauce and burnt the bottom leg. And then we do want to pick them up in you could actually, you could use a baseball bat or a Harley. They weren't that solid, like you just completely completely destroy them. But actually, I actually saw a note myself, right. I actually would leave afterwards to admit I actually had a theory on the barbecue. And again, it was really really good laughter came over me and said to me, they're just for coming out and saying you you you may stop lying. But I felt I had to say sometimes things don't go out the plan at this time was one of them. And they were putting the ribs up in the video. And you couldn't even tell your ribs they literally were destroyed. I was in there. I had just I was like something. It was a stuff so it's important to Holston around and if the ribs in the middle of the morning hold steak. There were that bad. Like, I still cook and that's my deathbed was there for two days that the barbecue the barbecue oven. They couldn't get rid of that barn smell. I was scrubbing and cleaning. No, we're gonna get that bar and then all of it it was it seemed to be just stuck to the barbecue. So that's probably the worst worst advertisement on any folder. Nobody confession was even the latest because I said because they choose what to do with it or didn't mess up quickly. It just didn't give someone what they wanted. So what happened was, remember the family said to me, look, oh, another barbecue. And why not be friends? And we're gonna have been prepared to hear this. Yeah, let's do it. And then last minute to say three. Oh, by the way, there's a vegetarian comment, and then went oh, I don't Do vegetables on the barbecue? Never on the bed? Like can you send it in with my job take patients bear with me isn't going to be a big no no, I don't smoke a solid unit. We had Fargo's we had ribs with full pork and you name it. And we had we designed this menu around being 1718 people and exosomal came in at the end of his career mitochondria are noticeably better. I would lie even over about he wasn't asked for recipes. And of course community came around and give you all these fantastic recipes for vegetarian. Okay, we can we can do something to be told no, she doesn't have a that what she wants, is going to bring her own veggie burger and Veggie Sausage just want you to cook it and barbecue. Oh, it is how bad could this be? So we were delighted to announce this character to me why so because this is okay, I said, I'm gonna put foil and Meijer or the turbocharger. This will never touch the grid. For me it was a ship started off at that. So I put her through an unbounded queue and it was to cook in a way anyway. And eventually I would just put them into the back of the barbecue out of it like toast and literally infuse our cooking indirectly in the corner. Though, what happened is he as I had done about 50 induce Lucy burgers and had put them on the top shelf of the barbecue in the container right hand corner in the right hand corner. And I thought her two burgers and sausages in the bottom right hand corner of the barbecue not thinking about what was in the top right hand corner. I closed the barbecue 5020 minutes later kind of on the queue anyway, I looked at and I went on No, you could see our lists be dripping all over the park. And you know, how are we going to how am I going to do here? And do you want cheese and ketchup? And you know, oh yes, please. I got the bar with the bar garage. But geez, I get the ketchup. Really good. Here's a two hotdogs. So she was eating away and she said wow, this is absolutely amazing. He said like I've never actually had food it was just good divorce and just good. What was the difference? So I thought it was a small smokiness for the barbecue. If it was on a flavour not to feed the beast if it was lifted for over half an hour, or even

Owen - Host:

fat. I would just sewed on the same though. To be fair, I wouldn't even put the tip. I wouldn't even put the tinfoil on. I'd have been like no, it's going on the grill whether you like it or not


flipping everything with right it's the same spatulas the same tone is the same. Yeah. It's fair enough right to give a few tips later to use to sell spatulas tongs right. And we call it a beater because it literally equivalent was it was 50 never get to 50 Juicy burgers or just dripping on top of this. So essentially, it was it before when it was finished. Like it had more beef in it and vegetables I can tell you that knows the look of it. Man, does she know how the internet like tell you in a podcast by the way whenever it's a kitchen, friends or family it was okay so that's a confession. That's probably the one with the biggest fear that I write that

Owen - Host:

you know, I can see that whites come off your shoulders now.


I've got to hear the other day was instead of David Harvey if Yeah, it was it was a he was he was he was the more mushy bit into the borrower and I was waiting for say just be find this. And he's moving into this sauce or delicious white minister for Nicola. Ah, it's the APA Johnson smoking this is how to get into an essay and just bought it and then went, this is fantastic. We can literally get it under barbecue. Shocking, absolutely shocking,

Owen - Host:

but also brilliant at the same time.


I totally don't know. I mean, it is it a success.

Owen - Host:

Great. One of the other things I wanted to go through with you guys, and I don't know how we're going to do this. So normally we have one guest. So we do a barbecue bingo challenge which we like to set our guests each week. So we have a wheel it's got lots of different ingredients. We spin the wheel we would love for you then to go away. Cook that take a picture tag us in on social social media, mainly Instagram with the hashtag barbecue bingo. So we could either do it with you doing the same cook or we spin it twice and you have an ingredient each perhaps and almost a little sizzle BBQ war.


It's better to save ingredients. I've offered lectures. Start Sorry, yeah, let's do it. I don't get to see him egregious and ask you to do it. Okay.

Owen - Host:

All right. I'll share my screen with my really high tech board. You see that?


Technology right there?

Owen - Host:

That is some technology again, not free


veggie meal.

Owen - Host:

Absolutely. Okay, so I'm going to spin the wheel, and we'll see what you get. So here we go. Jam. Oh, this is the first time this is this is the first time this has come up. Ah, so


I hear you This is definitely instead of really? This is such a setup. Like I agree, dude. That's cool. Ingredion what's gonna be my one

Owen - Host:

what's your first thought?


Okay. I have no idea. Graphical set of oxygen is not cooking key to that happening. Okay, we love you to cook eat cake. Guys. This is going to be if you're actually fairly medical. I know exactly what I'm going to do. But yes, like barbecue was a lot of the last the last hour of new video where I'm doing I'm starting doing food. I kind of like and something appears on the grid. Right? I mean, we did have a little eggs. I couldn't find it. I did look for everything else around car really didn't look like look like an everyday No, I found those. It couldn't eggs. Very disappointed. To Googlers again afterwards. Every day is lunch. It was no actually crunchy on the outside. To tell you bad. I thought I could do that. Yeah, we do something. We will do. We will. We will take it we will take the challenge. John will barbecue wars.

Owen - Host:

This could be the summit started something beautiful.


Yeah. Well, we did a podcast and then after that.

Owen - Host:

Fantastic. It's been an absolute pleasure to have you too on the show. And I have had such a good laugh. My actual jaws are hurt. Which is, which is always a good sign. Do you want to just tell everyone again? Where to find the sizzle show? Where to find your your own social media accounts and things like that? Where Where can people find you and find your cooks?


Yep. So you know, myself. I'm live to barbecue live underscore to underscore barbecue. You can find this all course at sizzle underscore show or the sizzle show dot code at UK. We're online as well. But otherwise known that sizzle best hashtag sizzle fest. Keep an eye on on what's going on. We were adding new things, new guests new bits every single day at this moment in time. So that's probably the best way of keeping track to hook us up. Finally, check out some of the old episodes that we've got. Otherwise, we're on every other Sunday, at the very least, even during the summer. Not with the sizzle with other shows intermingling as well. Yeah, thought hot barbecue girl. I'm gonna really do I know this isn't this isn't the show. Look. It's been fantastic. Come on into the podcast. And as always, James, I'd have to give credit where credit's due for this show. And then actually the best people have barbecue beer with me for whiskey. I mean it goes live it does not have tacos in the background active don't see I'm showing. There's a big team behind it there and it takes time. The team that we had was put on every week and Charles and his talk he's been he's been a really big supporter for us and pushing pushing this little short first answer too fast. And today all the sponsors go back and walkers want to learn common behind the stack and having a belief in what we're doing and help us get this get this get this off the ground really

Owen - Host:

great. Yeah, so as I said meet me and Dan I've got tickets to the to the festival and I'm really looking forward to meeting you too and having a beer in person. Ah cool. Hey, hey, this is recorded as well. So


hey, guys, you know what to do? We need we need a bigger takedown. So we need a bigger car the credit card is actually big enough bigger challenge. Everybody wants free beer. Put into the budget. Everyone gets 10 Free parties. Well, part of breakeven did I get it? Did you we said it was last week it would have forced your breakeven year three. Thanks for yeah

Owen - Host:

thanks very much. It's been a pleasure. I'll catch up with you saying


hi James. James going down James you're in a sticky situation. Right. Go down the camera going down

Owen - Host:

that's it for another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ podcast. It was great to catch up with a sizzle show and discuss more about what the show is sizzle fest which is the first interactive version of their show in September which is going to be absolutely amazing. Can't wait to go to that. Please check out their Instagram, their website the sizzle show where you can see more about their Instagram shows you can find more products and more importantly, you can find tickets to the sizzle fest. Please again reach out to us we'd love to hear from you and what you want us to talk about on the podcast. It's all about community so get in touch with us through the website meat & Greet BBQ podcast.com through our Instagram accounts meat & Greet BBQ podcast through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, keep an eye out for what James and caught barbecue cook with jam on their barbecue bingo challenge. And if you're watching this on YouTube, please like subscribe and hit that notification bell for the next video. That will drop shortly afterwards. Until next time, keep on grilling


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