April 07, 2021

Episode 6 - Wills Grill Shack

Owen & Dan were super excited to chat with Will Grill Shack about his journey from being a BBQ newcomer 18 months ago to being an established youtuber and brand ambassador for some of the best barbecue brands. We of course se...

Owen & Dan were super excited to chat with Will Grill Shack about his journey from being a BBQ newcomer 18 months ago to being an established youtuber and brand ambassador for some of the best barbecue brands.

We of course set Will a BBQ bingo challenge #bbqbingo and hear about his grilling fails.

Will Grill Shack YouTube
Wills Grill Shack Instagram

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Dan - Host:

Welcome to another episode of meat & Greet BBQ podcast. We are lucky to have Wills Grill shack with us today on this episode where he talks not only all things barbecuing, but introduces us into the world of YouTube and his fantastic channel. So without much further ado, here's Well

Owen - Host:

welcome to the show. Nice to see you. How are you today?


Yeah, good. Thanks for having me on. This is my first podcast so yeah, it's a real it's a real pleasure to be here attract to you too.

Dan - Host:

Well, I'm so proud we can break your podcast virginity out there in my achievements in life cuz you're a busy boy.


Grooveshark tertiary Yeah. seems to be getting busier by the day as well. That's the the joys of social media I think.

Dan - Host:

So for anyone who doesn't know John, explain more about yourself. You've talked about mentioned social media already. Why you special will


stand out from special not I'm just an average Joe in the garden. It looks a bit of barbecuing. But yeah, so yeah, and well from WorldSkills shack started barbecue in about 18 months ago. So fairly new, really. And started by Instagram page. bang on. A year ago now I changed the name to world's grill shack bought ceramic barbecue. To start with and really got into it heavily was cooking. Like every night got home from work. The first thing I think about was firing up that grill, smelling that charcoal and just really buzz from it and the live fire experience. never previously been into cooking until I got into barbecue. And then yeah, sort of took it seriously started a YouTube channel in April last year. So 2020 Didn't coincide with lockdown or anything because I was still working throughout lockdown. So just fancied doing it in my spare time. And yeah, started off as I think every YouTuber starts off where it's really, really quiet. And you get about 20 views on a video that's taking you about four hours to make. But everybody starts in the same place and you just have to really persevere with it. So yeah, started that and just started doing videos of some grills that I had just you basic cooks really just you know how to cook beef, short ribs and that kind of thing. But was really focused on Instagram. That was sort of my thing. And then Brawl King approached me which one of the brands that I'm an ambassador for? They approached me in mid April, so about 20 days after I created the YouTube account and say look, we really liked what you do and we're looking to build a an influencer team, would you be interested in coming aboard and gave me the Ricoh 500 Pellet Grill I've got and never really looked back? To be honest, it all sort of started from there and an absolutely, you know, love it. It's become part of my life, if not my life, really the whole social media side of things. Definitely.

Dan - Host:

So how do you fit all of that in on top of work, and just having your own life.


Obviously, with the with the pandemic that's currently on, there's not much you can do. So it was very much stay at home cook. And that's sort of what we did in the missus are both sort of massive foodie. So it was it was easy to cook the food and eat it. But yeah, so I was working eight to six every day. And then coming home firing at the barbecue. And, you know, cooking till nine o'clock at night, sometimes 10 o'clock at night. But I just recently actually, because this is becoming such a big part of my life now. I just move jobs to a another job in the same industry. But it's like eight, nine hours less a week allows me to have an extra pretty much a whole day and my weekends to follow my passion of YouTube and you know, cooking and barbecuing.

Owen - Host:

Do you think kind of for the future that you'd love to become to become your full time job and actually become a full time YouTuber and take take it to the next level?


Yeah, so that's the that's the dream. I think for everybody that's in the barbecue world. I know Marcus from punchy with smoke. He's just given up his job. And he's doing it full time. There's a few of us that we've all sort of spoken about it, you know, but unfortunately the job I'm in is a is a good job and you need to be earning the money and everybody says oh yeah, you're a YouTuber. Well, I can tell you that, you know, I get $100 A month from YouTube at the moment. So it's you know, and I've got what nearly 100,000 views on the channel and that just shows how little you really earn from it. So it's very very difficult to make it a full time job I think And hats off to Marcus for for going headfirst and you know, creating a barbecue school. It's just Yeah, fair play to him for for doing it. I think it if you want to do it full time. You have to look outside of the social media because it's so saturated with people doing it. And you have to look at other ways that you can make money through like affiliate links and things like that. But even even doing that, you know you're not you're not going to earn salary grand a month doing it. Exactly. So what's the? It's difficult? It's difficult. But yeah, that'd be the ultimate dream I think for, for most of us, anybody doing YouTube, that'd be the dream, especially the amount of hours we put into it.

Dan - Host:

What made you actually bite the bullet and say, Do you know what I'm going to start this channel? This is what I want to do.


I don't know, because I've never watched YouTube prior to me doing it. So it was never my thing, like, friends and stuff have always researched stuff on YouTube, and always reviews and things like that. And it's never been my sort of go to or anything, but I just don't know, I just had my phone. And I had a gimbal at the time as well. Didn't even have a microphone. I remember watching the first video not that long ago and thinking, Oh, this is awful. And you could either wind blow and everything. I don't know, I don't know, I just wanted to show people that, you know, cooking on a barbecue wasn't all burgers and sausages. It's you know, as much more to it. And you can, you know, smoke meat to cooks and try and educate people. That's what I was trying to do. And realistically, at the start, I didn't care if five people or 10 people or 100 people watch my, my video, all I cared about that, you know, it was just great that I was producing these videos that I've helped five people that have watched it and it made me feel really good that that I was helping people and now you get in, you know, probably get 40 to 50 messages a day on Instagram now for people asking me questions about this grill. How do you do that? How do you do this? And it's, it's so nice. Helping people, especially with the broken videos that I've done is so nice that you can post on any broking forum, and everyone's like, Oh, yeah, you're welcome. You know, world's grill shack, thanks for your videos. And everyone always says, Thanks for the videos. It's the reason that I bought a broking and it's so it's so refreshing to hear so nice.

Owen - Host:

I subscribe to YouTube channel, and obviously follow you on Instagram. And you know, I was the lucky recipient of the broken cake competition that you ran last year. So thanks for that. Again, first. Yeah, I absolutely love it. But again, one of the first things that I did when it arrived is I went on to your YouTube and had a look, you had a video about how to cook some ribs. Oh, yeah. And how to kind of set it up. Yours was the first video that I watched it proofs in the pudding that it is an educational tool.


Yeah, and it's interesting that I only did two videos on the cake. And I don't I don't have a cake anymore because I've got obviously a big green egg to cook on. So it became redundant, but they gave me a cake to do two videos on which is what I did. And it's interesting that the temperature control video is like one of the most popular sort of cake videos because no one could understand how you control those kegs because they get hot like mad well you know they get hot mad fast and and they're impossible to cool back down so to give the show people how to control them and set them up for low and slow hot and fast or you know how I set them up. People absolutely love it. And that that videos gets gets about 50 views a day. I mean, it's not massive but it's still getting 50 views a day every single day and it's just it's nice to to see that people are still dialled into that even though the the quality of the video was absolutely awful back then really bad.

Owen - Host:

That's the thing is it's the content. You're absolutely right in the with the broking it's taking me a little while to adjust from using my kettle, which I was you know I've had that for like seven years. I just knew how to control the temperature and going on to the broking it did take a couple of well actually more than a couple a handful of cooks to actually master it and actually someone reached out to me on Instagram this week and was asking about any tips that I had for the Broil King and we were actually then ended up having a conversation about controlling that temperature was the kind of key thing that we we both tried to overcome.


Did you get an ash basket for it in the end? No. No Okay, that's one thing that I found was a massive game changer because with the ceramic that I was using at the time, you could you know all these do is load our charcoal settle out to it in the middle and it would burn you know just events to how I wanted it and I remember the first time I fired up that cake I charcoal in it fired it up and then before I knew it I was like up at like 350 degrees and I was thinking Geez it took all night to get cold again so you know I put the ash basket in it gives you the right amount of charcoal and then it's just a case of managing the vents but literally tiny bit open and you're at that nice smoking temperature which is what you

Owen - Host:

want. Yeah, absolutely. So So continuing on your YouTube then so I think you've got quite a good mix of videos where you're actually I've recently watched your how to set up a big green egg which I know is when you you might you most recent video. So you've got these how to guides but you've also got these more recipe based ones how to cook ribs how to cook wings, what videos do you prefer to create? Is it more the educational or is his what I can cook?


Yeah, I try and I try and stay away from The recipe ones because as much as people love them, and it's really nice people, you know, saying to Phil Vickery on Saturday that it's amazing that people tag you in these Instagram posts saying, I've tried you, Jack Daniels. I've done this. I've done X, Y, and Zed. And it's really nice to see people trying all the recipes, but it's so hard to keep coming up with new stuff over and over again. So I prefer the educational side of things because they do what it says on the tin, they educate people. And I think that the brisket smoke off video that I did between the broking Pellet Grill and the Trager Pellet Grill is the most watched video that I've got. And people just love it because they said you've covered every single base for the whole specific what people are looking at in a pellet grill. And, you know, I love pellet grills. And it's so nice to see people that they're just so refreshed with it and they love it. And that's what I like, is just educating people that that grill is far superior, in my opinion over the Traeger grill and you highlight all the sort of negatives and the positives because the Broil King has got negatives as well. But it's definitely sort of that educational video that I prefer.

Dan - Host:

I think as well, those sorts of videos, answer questions that real people have, because as soon as you watch, like recipe videos or anything, and it's the same with barbecue, but also all cookery shows, there's so many steps that aren't actually physically explained. I mean, different machines and barbecues work differently, but like Owens already mentioned about maintaining like temperature and keeping temperatures to right levels. But a recipe won't give you that information.


Know exactly, it won't give you that information, it will just show you the recipe. And it will show you how to cook it. But it doesn't show you any of the setting up or anything like that. And over the next few months. It's really difficult to have two videos a week to be released when trying to do you know, a full time job as well as all the SoCal stuff that I'm doing and all of that, but I'm trying so hard to get every Thursday an educational video out about so I've got like how to trim beef short ribs, because everyone always asks, How do you do that? I did how to clean the broken Pellet Grill and you know, answering questions on that. And the idea is every week sort of midweek Wednesday or Thursday, I'll release a video that shows people and give something back to the community on how you you know how you set up your Big Green Egg for for grilling. People might not know that or, or smoking or anything like that. So that's the plan. And then on a Sunday, focus on either a recipe or view or something like that. I actually really enjoy doing review videos and broking and giving me a crown pellet grill at the moment. I'm just in the process of doing a review of that, and a couple of quick videos as well. So key thing is just honesty. And if I don't like something about it, they know that I'll say something about it.

Owen - Host:

How long do you normally spend with you know, particular barbecue or a particular pizza kit that you get given that you actually how rigorous do you actually review it.


So it's difficult, because I work about a month behind on videos at the moment. So I've got you know, I've got loads of content to release just, I don't want to release more than two videos a week, if that makes sense. So the crown Pellet Grill, I'm a bit limited on space at the moment. So I'm trying to get this done as soon as possible to sort of to move it and give it back. But yeah, normally I do three videos on a grill unless I really liked the grill. And then I'll end up keeping it and in using it more but obviously I've got you know, the reason we're doing a review on the crown Pellet Grill is because there's no more Regals left, we've sold more in the UK. So to try and get a Regal is really difficult at the moment. So we're trying to push the crown and show people what that's all about. And yeah, it's good great works of the same concept as what a regal does, but it's nowhere near as well insulated. And this is what I'm trying to get across the people that that there's a reason that the Regal is 700 pound more than than what the crown is is because that sort of insulation side of things and it's very difficult trying to get that across in three videos. Very difficult. I can imagine

Dan - Host:

I'm very jealous that you say that you are kind of like a month leeway between like kind of recording video getting sorted and go in life because oh in here is a proper slave driver. And normally I have about three days to turn around a recording and get it ready. So today's lovely cuz I'm gonna have a week to sort it out. Being that far ahead. Do you ever get it where kind of news or something changes and you feel like oh, do I need to change that or tweak that or even do I really something else instead?


Yeah, so I've got I've got a rotisserie video on the pellet grill bro. The Regal that I haven't released now since I think I filmed it at Christmas and I still haven't released it because something else happened. You know we had the hammer force turn up so I had to do that. Still got the Yammer as well but I've seen the hell Rosie Yammer. I haven't got that yet. But anytime that I've got a free three, you know For a bit of time, then I can sort of do the videos. But I think I work very differently now to how I used to work. And I don't really cook much during the week anymore. I do most of my stuff now on the weekends, because otherwise you don't get any time with the family or anything. So now you'll see that I, you know, I'll cook five different things on on a Sunday. And I generally feed the neighbours quite a lot now, which is obviously they love it. And they're a massive part of my whole journey. Because you can imagine having a neighbour like me that's out there on the barbecue all the time isn't ideal if you're trying to draw your washing, but they do get fed well, and they become a massive part of the journey and supporting me and things like that. So it's great. We've got such a nice community where I live.

Owen - Host:

One of the things I've been really excited to ask you actually, I've already mentioned I've got a few barbecues and I love kind of building a collection and I still want to add to it. I'm super jealous what I think was it on Instagram a couple of weeks ago, you kind of did a panoramic view of your garden, and I don't think I saw any grass. It was just with barbecues. Tell us about your your kind of setup. I know you've got obviously the shack, but yeah, just just tell everyone what you got. Yeah, so


I've actually just had a bit of a setup and a bit of a GET RID because the problem is I hate getting rid of grills because you might think, Oh yeah, I fancy doing that. And I had the Treyger and the Timberline 850 And I did actually quite like that grill. But problem is when you've got like the top of my three pellet grills in the garden. You're just never going to get around to using it. So I was really disappointed because I had Sam from Trager he, he was in the area and came around for some some beers and stuff. And I was chatting to him. And I felt really guilty that I was getting rid of this but he was coming to get it two days time to get rid of the Similan I felt really bad. But we have an extra limb. Yeah, basically. But the problem is my garden isn't massive. My shack isn't massive. And in the in the summer we like to sit outside and we like to socialise and now you're seeking out people around again. You know, this weekend, we got six people come in, right? Well, six, including us for Easter. And you know, people have got to have somewhere to sit. So if you've got a patio for the barbecues, where are they going to sit that's the that's the thing. But in terms of what I've got seen, I've just become a big green egg ambassador, which I'm extremely grateful. Thank you. And it was a massive thing for me when when I was having the meetings and stuff with them. I was mad proud of that mad proud because I don't often do ambassadors or anything like that. So I've got the big green exec XL in a modular, and then I've got a big rineke mini max, which I haven't used yet. I'm looking forward to having to go with that. I've got the Regal 500 Pellet Grill. I've got the Regal 590 Gas Grill, I've got a baron gas grill that's coming as well. I've got the savage fire cage, which I still have yet to put through its paces. But the weather hasn't been great. So it's been difficult to, to use that. I've got a gozney dome coming as well, which I think a lot of people are looking forward to seeing that. And that's it at the moment. So I haven't actually got that much left, really I say I had a cake and I got rid of that. And I had the trigger and I got rid of that as well. And a rock box. I got rid of that.

Dan - Host:

I would just like to say congratulations. You're the first person that we've had on here who's got more barbecues in their garden than Oh, in? So well done.


How many of you got in?

Owen - Host:

So I've got four and well five if you include the uni Kuru.


Okay, what have you got? You got keg Master Touch.

Owen - Host:

See a keg I've got the yet Master Touch. I've got a bullet smoker, the Weber Smokey Mountain and I've got a Kodak carry chef gas grill. And then the and then they usually correct.


Nice good selection there. Whereas I

Dan - Host:

need to buy I've I've been talking for on this podcast every single episode, I want a new barbecue. So last year, I got a not a huge brand, a fire mountain kettle before I started the Instagram page. And as like an entry level kettle, it's done me Well, to be fair to it. I enjoy cooking on it. I've done things like briskets and everything. But I am starting to find myself limited to what I can do with it. And I do definitely want more. In fact, I've been talking about the fact that I've been looking at a number of different barbecues, including a Big Green Egg, trying to get the wife to agree with me that I need one and she's about at that point. But also getting it in at the right time because as you said you want time to learn and adjust to it before you get people over. So it's finding that balance but I'm probably barbecuing three times a week at the moment. And it's I wouldn't say it's a struggle, but it's more difficult than it is needs to be on the one kettle, I've got six years it's a kind of a entry level brand.


You need to you need versatility is what I always realised early on. And that's what I liked about the ceramics is how versatile they are, you know, you can do everything on it. And they hold the heat really, really well. Big Green Egg, I'm guessing you're looking at a large.

Dan - Host:

I'm looking at Yeah. And part of me was like, go hard or go home, go for the biggest thing that I can get. And it'll last me the longest but I think realistically, like a larger do me Well, to be fair.


Yeah, large is perfect for for, you know, for 456 of you, you can you can get away with a large, quite quite comfortably. The Excel is a little bit overkill.

Dan - Host:

I know. But I'd like I just like to say I've got an x.


And honestly, it's massive, there's no getting around the fact that it's it's huge. And the modular is like 75 centimetres by 75 centimetres, so it's nearly a metre square, it's huge. And it does take up a lot of room. But yeah, they are great. And the expander this is the thing that I'm most impressed with with the Big Green Egg is the expander. The you can have a top bit so you can have like a chicken on the top, and you can push that back. And then you can still get all the stuff underneath. And what I found with the previous ceramic that I was using is that you're very limited, you can only really have as much as you had three tier cooking system, you couldn't utilise all those tears, whereas with this, you can quite comfortably utilise both for those tears.

Dan - Host:

That's what I want. That's that's exactly what I want.

Owen - Host:

That's really interesting, actually, because I went for the largest Weber Smokey Mountain. So the 57 centimetre one, again, similar to you, Dan, they do three sizes. But why wouldn't you go for the big one. But it has a to a two tier cooking system. But you can't really access one without taking out the other and you know, if you're partway if you've got like, you know, a Boston button in the bottom one and a brisket on the top or vice versa. You want to be at a spritz and all that. But he got a faff of removing the grill and trying to get to the other one. So that's a really cool feature.


If you're doing like a 24 hour Cook, and you've sold yourself short on charcoal with the other ceramic you had to take everything out and get to it. And you know Chuck more Colin with this, you've got two handles either side, and it all lifts out as one complete piece. And then you just then you completely there were the fire boxes and you can just put your colon and then put it back in. Whereas with the other one it was a complete, faff. And, you know, you've always been caught sure I've done it before where sometimes it the temperature spikes or something and you know, suddenly you'd run out of coal and you wake up and you fires and he gone out and you're like oh God. And then you know you're frantically you got you know, you got a 10 kilo brisket on there or whatever. And you're you're ripping everything off thinking I've got to say this cook. And it's done with that with a big green egg. So

Owen - Host:

and that's it. That's another thing that when I did my research about the Smoky Mountain because it has that door at the front, you can easily just keep putting coal in and not have to worry about that. But it's amazing how many we talk about barbecue fails, which will go on to in a minute. And I suppose charcoal, charcoal, I think everyone has the charcoal thing is another one isn't it. And I've quite often done it with brisket where I've started as silly o'clock in the morning, tried to stay awake. And then I've come in for 1015 minutes and realise I've actually fallen asleep for a couple of hours on the sofa and then got Pat gone back out there and it's like 50 degrees and you suddenly panic.


And that is the beauty of a pellet grill that you know you can put it I did a video not too long ago a 24 hour brisket. And I use the same Hopper didn't put any extra pellets in it. It still had enough to go on for another 10 hours I reckon in it. And literally just kept going and going and go in no temperature spikes maintain temperature perfectly. And it's just lazy man's grilling is what I call it. It's really easy.

Owen - Host:

And we've spoken about because a couple of our guests previously have you know have had pellet grills or you know, kind of gravity fed grills. I've never used a pellet grill myself. So do you still get that kind of barbecue, we charcoal kind of flavour that you would normally get?


So yeah, you do. Depending on what pellets you use some branded pellets won't mention any names are really bad. And they're not from the hardwood of the tree and they're just covered in oil. I'll let you do your research on that. Whereas other brands use a hardwood so the base wood will be like older oak or something like that. And then they add, say cherry to it or whatever tree you're using to it. So it's actually you're using proper wood and you do get I set it on the 24 hour brisket. I use mesquite pellets and that tasted as good as the hammer forged brisket that was cooked solely on post oak. So in It had the same deep, smoky Texas flavour that you want. Nice.

Dan - Host:

Do you have a preference of wood dove in regards to flavour.


So on an offset, I'll only use oak because I really like this sort of deep flavour and you get the most out of oak logs. So you can go 40 minutes without chucking another log on quite comfortably. If you're just using oak, obviously, I'm part of the global tech family as well. So I only use GlobalTech charcoal, but I use cherry wood a hell of a lot. So every time I use any kind of Long's low and slow tomorrow, I'm doing some baby back ribs. I'll use cherry and a little bit of apple but mainly cherry because I love that that cherry smoke flavour on any meat really?

Dan - Host:

That's a recurring theme. We've had a few people now say to us cherry tree cherry because I haven't tried to Cherry word. I don't know if you have your own?

Owen - Host:

No, I've loaded with Apple. And I always use oak. I like you. Well, I really really like the flavour. Yeah, no, I've never tried cherry


maple as well. If you get hold of maple, it's very difficult at the moment. But if you can get hold of it, it gives you a really nice, sweet flavour to it. And if you do it, if you smoke some salmon using it, it's absolutely amazing.

Owen - Host:

You know, I can imagine we briefly mentioned it a second ago, but barbecue fails. share with the world will. Yeah.


So I did one in a video and I deliberately posted it. And we start off with that one. So before Christmas, I got sent. I was doing quite a lot of work with the HDB which is the UK sort of British Medical Association. Yeah, basically. And there was a few of us that were doing it Hampshire barbecue, Mr. Russell Davies four seasons, and we were doing we were doing that. So they sent us this massive before rib that was five ribs. And it was like six kilos worth. Huge, great thing. So I cut off two steaks that I wanted to cook with, and left three, like a three, four rib. And I've always wanted to do a rotisserie before it always wanted it with my own rub that I made. This got cinnamon in it, and it really makes the meat pot. I remember I put it on there. And I had my Meteor probe on there as well. And I'm not a fan of Meteor anymore, and I'll come on to that in a minute. But it the meteor was telling me that it was at temperature. So I pulled it off. Let it rest for for a minute. We were going for medium rare. So it said that it was thick, it was 55 and I like to rest up to sort of 5657 so they're on camera, sliced into it. Read raw and and I was like I was absolutely raging because it was pre lockdown. We had the mother in law round and her boyfriend and we had a few beers and stuff. We were thinking oh really fancy this massive bit of meat nice, lovely sliced into it. And it was just an absolute fail. And in the end, I ended up slicing into individual states and I said it on the video. You know, not all Barbecuing is perfect. And you know slap them on the grill. We ended up just having these dirty seared steaks. It only needed another five minutes I would have said but yeah, I was yeah, that was that was a pretty big fail. That was probably my most recent fail. The other one was when I first started and my missus as she said about this one. She said barbecue. We said about barbecue fails. And she said I'll tell him about the salmon. So I had a whole side of salmon. And I was experimenting with some flavours and I was doing a vodka infused salmon. So thought right I'm going to marinate this is when I didn't have a clue what I was really doing. I just got my Treyger the Bronson the first one that I had back in February last year I don't know marinated salmon and I thought well now much thinks up to you. So anyway, I used a kilo of salt on this thing. So lots of salt. Yeah, I realised that now. So Chuck tequila in this bag and we marinated it anyway smoked it got on the plate on now full of it. We both said God this is this is really salty. And we just presumed it was the you know the salmon. And anyway we were literally we were drinking water for the next day because it was so it was absolutely horrendous but yeah, those are the two probably my two biggest fails. Obviously you know, you get fails. I remember I had some some wagyu mints as well. Really nice wagyu mints from Devin wagyu and I was doing some burgers and went to smash down the burger had a mare with the smasher and it all stuck to it. And then it all like came apart and then it fell into the fire. Oh complete right off. And I was like cheese's stuffs like 20 I think there's like 20 quid for 200 grammes or some of those. Yeah, yeah,

Owen - Host:

it was literally burning money there.


Yeah, literally burning money. I think you've become more experienced that you know, the more you do it, you understand how to stop things from happening. I think

Dan - Host:

that is a big part of it is knowing how to stop the fail. So you've talked about what I describe as temperature, bleed onto thermometers that give you a false reading, and you can do everything that you want. It always seems to happen when you have people around. They you can cook and cook and cook at home just for yourselves and everything will be perfect. The second someone walks in, something goes wrong. So this was this was pre the first lockdown. And I was using a gas barbecue at the time, but we had the in laws coming over. And I was like, Oh, I've got I've got meat thermometer. I've not had one of these before. Look at me, look how cool I am. I said I will do you the best chicken kebabs and chicken breasts you'll ever have in your life because I'll make sure they are cooked to perfection. And there'll be moist they'll be juicy as anything. So watch this. So cooking using the thermometers using thermometers, right as hit temperature, double check with my phone what the best temperature is has hit rest. And I was like, right, what I'll do is rather than just serving you kind of the kebabs on the steak, I'll I'll cut them down or cut them down in front of you cut down as it falls open, you've just got pink, right in the middle of God, of all the people I always hear about it. Now I always like the brother in law the other day, we were talking about Easter coming up. And finally being able to see people outside. I said, Look, I'll do your barbecue not seen each other for ages, I'll do your barbecue be great. So that's fine. As long as you don't give me chicken kebabs. I was like, ah, please. But nothing worth. It's that heat bleed into thermometers, because meat thermometers, if anyone hasn't used them before, they will change the way you cook. Because you stop relying on time you rely on the temperature and you can make sure that everything's perfect. But you've got to be so careful with any sort of contamination of heat into what you're doing sort of throw everything.


And the Meteor is actually out on temperature against the thermal pen as well. And that's one of the reasons that I've got rid of my Meteor actually, you know, I bought the block, it wasn't gifted or anything, I bought it myself. And I persuaded SoCal to start stocking the media so that I get a preferential rate on it and stuff. And we started stocking and we sold loads of them. But we both had the same issue where it was, it was only about four or five degrees out, but four or five degrees on chicken. It's a big difference. Yeah, between, you know, food poisoning and not

Owen - Host:

especially from a steak as well if you think like rare medium rare.


Yeah, and you know, when I carved up that for it, it was it was blue. So the way I would describe it I'll be doing a little bit with a pen. And about to launch a competition soon actually giveaway for their new barbecue brave campaign, which goes live tomorrow actually is the first so that goes live. So I'm gonna be giving away a box with a pen, some rubs, little meat voucher and things like that. So yeah, they're, they're really nice company actually really nice. And, you know, all the stuffs British made and it's really reliable, I use the off up using the smoke and the doc quite a lot. Just on, you know, ceramics, obviously, you don't have a built in format, like doing a pellet grill. So it's really handy just to have that as peace of mind. And it's got a wireless receiver. So you have to keep coming out and checking your meat every, you know, half an hour or whatever, you just look at the receiver and it says it's at this temperature and go Yeah, that's fine. It tells you the pit temperature as well. So yeah, really nice quality products.

Owen - Host:

To see more content on our social media channels, follow the hashtag meat & Greet BBQ podcast. And for our cooking challenges. We serve guests each week, hashtag barbecue being. So you've obviously mentioned SoCal quite a bit, you seem to do a lot of work with them. And I know, obviously, you're doing a lot of Instagram lives at the moment.


Six months ago, Logan that October time, I took over the Instagram, I basically run everything to do with social media for for SoCal. And it's a really, really good partnership that we have. So any brands that we you know, thinking about taking on, it comes through myself, and it's with me and Charles and it's some Yeah, he's become a really good friend. And we, you know, we talked about everything now, this whole Saturday night interview thing that we've been doing, has sort of it's been both of our ideas, and we're going to go over to doing a Saturday live kitchen, but we're going to get people down and do like a live cook long on a Saturday. But yeah, it's it's, I say I work from, you know, it's, it's more of my hobby now. sort of evolved into being at soccer all the time. And yeah, it's just it's great to Yeah, he's such a nice guy as well. Such a nice guy, and I've got all the time in the world for him. And it's so nice to see the brand of SoCal pushing forward, and we've got so many things planned coming that some things I don't want to go into at the moment but you know look for now I thought we were gonna get an exclusive Well I'll tell you what we're going to be doing a lot of own branded stuff some like SOCO charcoal coming for instance. And a lot of things like that so there's there's plenty in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled because we're going to be launching a whole new sort of range of of SoCal branded products so it's going to be great. And I'm really looking forward to doing that. But yeah, I've been working with SoCal for a year now, I would have said, Yeah, I wouldn't say the year I bought my Treyger 575 Pro from him. And obviously, literally about five minutes from the house as well. So I'll be going there for four years. But yeah, I've been, you know, doing quite a lot with and obviously, in the last six, eight months, I would have said,

Owen - Host:

the people that don't don't know, I haven't seen any of your kind of Instagram lives recently, sort of talk us through, you know, what you're doing and how SoCal are involved. And


so, I wanted to obviously, we hit lockdown in January, and I was really missing my mates, and I was missing the pub and things like that. So I said to Charles, you know, we just launched brillionaire, which I thought was great. And the whole idea was that I was thinking about getting whoever the people on from brillionaire The next night, and having a chat, chat with them. So spoke to the sizzle guys, and they said, Oh, we're gonna do something like that. So I thought I'll leave them to. So I decided that I would do beers and chat, where the first week was just anybody can come on, have a chat and have beer with me while I was at my shack, and we can just chat barbecue, and, you know, just to catch up and stuff. And it was really successful. A lot of people on a lot of people wanted to chat and things like that. So then we decided that, or I said to him, wouldn't it be good to get a brand on each week? And chatter and just, you know, see a face behind the, you know, the name of broking, Trager wherever, whoever it may be? And I said, Yeah, that's really good. And obviously, Charles has been, you know, in the industry for 30 years, and knows every man his dog. So he said, Okay, let's get on X Y, Zed. And yeah, and it just evolved from there. And then, you know, the, we had Tom gozney On which was absolutely amazing. And he is an absolute real gem of a guy, and I still speak to him quite regularly now. And yeah, really, really nice. We've you know, we've had Phil Vickery on TV chef, and we are going to do we are going to restart essaybot We're going to do satellite kitchen, and we will get try and get more famous people down. You know, the, the dream would be to get James Martin down. He's probably my absolute idol in the TV world. Absolutely love the guy. He's really into his cars as well, which I was when I was sort of younger, and I'm really enthusiastic. I'm in the motor trade. It's sort of what I do. And yeah, I'd love to get to get him down and or him on a show where I can chat to him and stuff. And, and yeah, and Phil Vickery obviously knows him and stuff. So who knows, potentially in the future that that could happen?

Dan - Host:

Normally, that is not far from you either. Is he James?


No, he's in North Hampshire. Up in a bar. It's cool. But yeah, not far at all. So yeah, not not far at all.

Dan - Host:

So I've seen a lot of stuff from SoCal, on my Instagram feed, and I've probably interacted with you as well, not knowing it. Was you through SoCal.


No, does one question like to ask,

Dan - Host:

why won't you relocate to Ipswich and make my life a lot easier? I mean,


who knows? Maybe there might be SoCal branded franchises one day.

Dan - Host:

Well, I'm talking about recent news, and we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, but I'm sure you've seen the rounds today of a Guardian article.


Yep. I have. I've got tags quite a few times earlier on. I haven't posted anything yet. Yeah, I haven't read it yet. I've been quite busy today. But from my understanding is basically slagging off British barbecue sauce, and we only cook burgers.

Dan - Host:

My opinion on it is again, you've got to read the article because like you said, it's one thing to read a headline, the headlines there, draw your attention. I think it's a little bit tongue in cheek and we're talking about what people see is like classic British barbecue, but it's like a headline. I think it's quite nasty to say that Brits can't barbecue.


What you got to remember is that we, as a community, there's probably only 10,000 people in this community. In the UK, there's 76 million people and say 50 million of them are adults that are barbecuing, you know, to your average Brit, is a BBQ barbecue, you know, gaps barbecue, that's 100 quid and yeah, like yesterday was a nice day and I could smell it around the state I live on. Everyone was firing at a barbecue and no doubt they were cooking as the chicken thighs that already pre marinated and, and this is one of the reasons that I started a YouTube channel and I know that Elkie has and you know, all the other guys that are in the, you know, in the community to try and educate people that there's more to that than the burgers and bangers. But you know, Greg Wallace probably got a point really that the majority of UK barbecue, people don't understand how to barbecue and it's not the community, everybody in the community. Great. And I love seeing how people evolved through through the time. But yeah, it's, you know, people in the masses. That's why Tom carriers did his programme that got slayed heavily on CWS and British barbecue forum. Because people didn't like the fact that he was teaching people the basics, but in reality, that's where you got to start.

Owen - Host:

You've made a very good point there, because we've already spoken about this not prior to this, this article, but in the first couple of episodes about the reasons that we started going on to Instagram and also the podcast as well, you know, just another medium just to kind of try and educate people about barbecue, what we can do and obviously getting guests on. But I think the valid point is that you've made is, although in the community, we know how to barbecue, we, we try our best to barbecue really good, good stuff. But yeah, we are a small minority in that sense, a call to action in the country.


We are just small fish. I mean, you know, I've got six and a half 1000 followers, it's nothing, absolutely nothing to the people that that are out there. And even Elkie you know, he's got 23,000 followers. Yeah, okay. It's a big name in the in the barbecue community, but you look at the whole broader picture. And, and it's not like, even DJ barbecue to an extent as well, you know, he's well known because he's been on TV a few times and, and he's a proper out there guy. And he's a real nice guy, but he's not, you know, he's not like a jet, you know, like Jamie's mine is like a household names. You know, I mean,

Dan - Host:

I think that it was a article to grab attention, which it's done. I don't think anyone's actually thought about that. And it was a little bit tongue in cheek, but it's also encouraging people to look into it and to become educated and look into the community. You know, that being said, working in media, maybe we can see that more than other people. But it's done its job. People are talking about barbecue, right?


Yeah, and people and people are tagging. And that's what I mean. I think I've been tagged on five or six times today, but I haven't posted anything because I try not to get involved in things because I agree, you know, you can post and it can damage your reputation in no time at all.

Dan - Host:

It's easy to have an opinion. But when it's not people's preferred opinions, then it's not worth voicing it.


Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And yes, it's just not worth it. No.

Owen - Host:

To see more content on our social media channels follow that hashtag meat & Greet BBQ podcast. And for our cooking challenges. We sell guests each week, hashtag barbecue

Dan - Host:

we've talked about some of the different dishes you've done, but what would be your ultimate barbecue cook particularly now that we're allowed to have people outside to come and visit


so I'm sure you probably realised I love a brisket and I've been cooking a lot of brisket. I've probably got about 30 kilos of frozen cook brisket in the freezer. And that is my ultimate cook. I think it's a real test of how you grill what your techniques are. And that is my favourite thing to do I know it sounds really cliche because everyone's like oh I love cooking brisket well I do is genuinely My favourite thing to cook bit like Wilson's you know Wilson's day cooks all the time. And that's what he cooks. He could be short ribs, which again is one of my favourites and brisket ribs. That's it.

Owen - Host:

I don't think it's cliche at all. I'm in the same camp. Really literally love brisket is the most fun thing to cook it's the one that needs nurturing the most it's also the one that's the most frustrating if it doesn't go to plan a because they're not the cheapest to buy but be I think because you put so much time and effort into it you just want it to be perfect every single time. It tastes damn good.


Yeah, exactly. And you just keep you know you just get and you can be in it and I love trying new ways of cooking brisket is not the you know sometimes it's nice like you know, did that 24 hour video great. It's a good way to do it. But there's other ways to try things and that's what I like doing is just try new things but I would say as well. I'm a massive lover of ribs and I absolutely love the Jack Daniels glaze that I came up with the sauce is just out of this world for for taste if you like Jack Daniels is banging, doing that tomorrow.

Dan - Host:

I love cooking bro. Get I haven't done for a little while because I almost brisket it myself out. So over the course of two weeks, I cooked five briskets and filled my freezer, just trying different rubs doing different things and I'd never cooked a brisket before that period I got stupidly excited. So excited after the first one. And I recognise spent about 200 quid, maybe 300 quid on meat after doing the first one. And just like I'll try this robot, I'll try that rub. I'll try wrapping it different times I'll try different temperatures I'll try different like woods. But um, so many people I think are afraid is maybe a strong word. But I don't know how to store brisket. You've talked about freezing it but people are afraid of freezing stuff I think and you can do so much with leftovers so much leftovers.


I actually find the leftovers are better than the the actual on the day cook. And there's an amazing book that I really recommend you getting called grill stock. And they do an amazing hillbilly chilli

Dan - Host:

represent chilies amazing. Absolutely. They


do it with black treacle and it's a really different way of doing things. And it really gives a nice sheen like across the top of the chilli. And I've cooked it. I've cooked it a few times but I posted it on Instagram it's very difficult to post a good chilli make it look good. And I had a fairly good picture. So I posted it and the reaction from that was amazing. And the taste of it was absolutely bang and I took it to work every day from lunch in a week and oh, it was literally the best lunch ever. But you can do so much with brisket and you know Elkie makes a bangin lasagna. His recipe on his YouTube channels really really good. And there's just so many things you can do with it.

Owen - Host:

So what would you what would you if this is your ultimate cook? What would you pair it with? What else would you kind of have with brisket?


It's difficult. I love gherkins and like jalapenos and things so I'll probably do some jalapeno poppers. I'll probably do like mac and cheese. Maybe some of those pulpit pit beans that I did. They were really nice. And maybe like a little beef shorty on the side just for just for a little aftertaste. Just because some homemade slaw don't get slaw. Obviously that's that's a no brainer.

Dan - Host:

We've not we've not discussed slaw. How do you make your homemade slaw? Secret? Secret


secret not to be fair, I just follow the recipe on the grill stock, we use red cabbage, we use quite a lot of vinegar in it as well. So it's sort of like that Carolina, North Carolina style where it's sort of heavily vinegar base, but it's really nice. But it's in the grill stock book again, I are used that books so much for referencing just to make sure that some of my recipes are sane, just by looking at some of those because some of the stuff that the protein do are very out there a bit like some of the stuff that I do. So sometimes I like to reassure myself to make sure that some of the things that I'm doing with my burgers and stuff are are okay and not mad.

Dan - Host:

Mad is fun, though. Mad is fun. Like I love all the different colour buns and things you pair with, with what you're doing. Because you do eat with the eyes despite what people think. Yes, flavour is so so important. But it's got to look good as well. That's part of the experience, Smell Taste look.


That pit bean burger that I did I posted over the weekend. I don't know if you guys have seen it or not. But that was it was actually pretty much went viral. And I think it ended on just over 4000 likes and hit over 100,000 people said it was pretty. It was pretty impressive. But all that was was to smash burgers in a brioche bun with some pulpit beans on the top. That was it. And this is what I love about social media is you don't need to do crazy outlandish things just simple. Nice looking food. Like you said people eat with their eyes. And everyone was drawn over it. And it's it's it's amazing. It's lovely when you when you see a post do so well like that. And it really gives me a nice it's a nice feeling.

Dan - Host:

So I loved I the reason that I actually think that went viral. And maybe this is why it drew my attention. But again, everyone uses Instagram differently and the picture draws you in but coke and bourbon. That's that's what you're right. That's what hooked me.


When I posted the actual pic beans with a cook along it was my first cook on the Big Green Egg. So I did it. It's like a live like a cookbook on my stories. The actual post I think only hit about four or 5000 people and it had about four or 500 likes what you know what the set in the world like or anything like that. But it was it was absolutely amazing. And I was surprised that it didn't go further than what it actually did. But you put it in a burger and everyone's like, Oh my god, that's amazing.

Dan - Host:

The one that really caught my attention is I love the pink breakfast burger that you did.


Yeah, it's a little more Yeah.

Dan - Host:

Oh, that's that's the one earlier where I was looking through your Instagram. I was like that that is me for me right there.


Yeah, just a bit different and I didn't make those burgers I am someone I follow cos kitchen I think is she posted some colourful bonds and always fancied giving them a go and I know that Ben forte does lights and charcoal bands and engine that do charcoal bands and stuff. And I thought I wonder how you make them do anyway I ended up just ordering them because they were like, I think the whole the whole selection of burger buns that this company did called the colourful bakery was like 10 pound and I ended up just Yeah, I thought you know what, I can't be bothered to stand there and make them so I thought I would I'd order them and yeah, it's great fun. I made a Texas burger as well. That I like a big brisket across the middle and yeah, just it was really, yeah, just good fun. And when me and the missus were doing it, she gets involved as well. Although she won't post on it and she won't be in any videos or anything. She's not into that at all. But she really enjoyed the whole sort of burgers. It was just it was just good fun.

Dan - Host:

You talk about your ultimate cooks but what's your signature cook? I think I know what you're going to say. But what is your signature dish?


What do you think I'm gonna say?

Dan - Host:

I think you can say brisket.


Nah, so I'm a curry man.

Dan - Host:

I loved I loved the curry post that you put up earlier I've seen too Oh in like just I love coconut milk style Thai curries. I think they're fantastic.


Yeah, and I made all my own paste and everything for this. So I back into lockdown. Last year I started a takeaway business and was just baking. Basically, I was really into curries we Steph Curry every week and I'd make a different curry. Depending on what it was a chicken tikka masala Sigler you name it, I was making it. And once you understand how curry goes together, it's very easy to change that recipe to whatever flavour you want. I start I went for a phase of literally just posting curries. And then in the end, I had loads of sort of, I had loads of Indian people from India, following me, because I was making all these curries and stuff. But I sat around a table and that's what I did on the takeaway was I did chicken tikka masala, which is obviously a no brainer, and I do korma and I was doing 4050 calories a week on a Saturday night like to take away and lock down because take replaces rule shut on. Remember on the first one. Yeah, everyone closed. And every week I was selling out and in the end it was just I realised that it was just so much work and you weren't making like, it wasn't worth your time if that makes sense. But my signature thing I would say is to do a nice curry on a barbecue where you proper Tandoor the chicken like that. Not a bit not a lot of people know that. Most people say you know, brisket or whatever it may be, but my you know, my thing I think is is carry on posted one in ages.

Dan - Host:

Well, I didn't know that Curry was your signature thing. But what you're saying is music to my ears. Because literally last episode I talked about the fact that people in my opinion should be using the barbecue more for making proper curries because you can use it like a tandoor. So will agrees with me.


Exactly. And the good thing about the ceramics is that you can get some nice long skewers and you can put it through the top and you can cook it like that or you can do it straight on to the grill. I used to cook it's sort of 275 300 degrees so a little bit hotter. And just keep turning, keep turning and you get the amazing flavour from the charcoal straight into the into the chicken or lamb or whatever it is that you cook.

Dan - Host:

Plus with a ceramic surely it's great finance, surely it's great finance.


Well I sees my Rockbox phenom breads so I used to get that to 500 degrees and I could smash out an arm bread in 20 seconds so when obviously the way I used to do takeaways was a curry rice and unarmed bread. So I do I'll be doing 15 rounds so I just make them up and then smash them in there and they cook next one next one next one so it was really easy.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, one of my first cooks on Instagram was an early one anyway, it might not be like one of the first but I did a curry from start to finish on there. Everything I made the paste on there. I did everything but I also made like a biryani style to go on the site for the rice and everything. I need to do it more but it's a lover of curry. Also a lot of people don't realise like you've said once you've got that initial paste down because something like 90% of curries use the same core curry paste and then it's what you add to it or take away from it to make the rest


depending on how you're cooking if you're cooking British Indian restaurant, then yeah then it's all based on a base gravy and once you make up the spice mix, and it's just a case of adding in your your puree and your almonds and your sugar to get the sweetness right and then obviously food colouring for Tikka Masala or depending on you know whatever it is you're doing but yeah I love a garlic Chilli Chicken that's probably one of my favourite especially you know normally it's a garlic in it and then I'll have like a garlic naan on the side as well. Just bizarre but yeah curries is something I love I love Chinese food as well and this is that's our favourite if we ever get a takeaway I'll order a Korean shell order a Chinese and yeah I did a New Year's Eve cook I did some pooled duck so crispy duck and I did spicy my Boise bangbang firecracker wings which are out of this world and basically like a whole platter for New Year and it automates did it all on the barbecue? Absolutely amazing.

Dan - Host:

I've been considering doing a chow mein using the plancher. I need to get around to doing it really. But I just it just feels right. I just haven't got around to doing it.


Yeah, give it a go stay with Ciao man, you probably just need to get it a little bit hotter. I would have said, but yeah, no really good. Just get it done, mate.

Dan - Host:

Of course I'm not I'm not a pizza level as Oh, in Ooni. But


you know, pizzas not really my not really messy. I'm not really massively into pizza, I find it particularly messy. When you're, you know, you're doing it and you make the dough up. And it will take you a day to make the right dough or two days depending on what you're doing for the fermentation level. And, yeah, and it's just a whole mess. And, you know, when when I was talking to Tom gozney, and we were saying about the dome, and we'll be talking about a dome. I said, you know, I'm interested in the barbecue potential of it. I'm interested in wherever you can do ribs, brisket, you name it. And he assures me that you can so I'm really looking forward to doing it and actually going down there. This has been exclusive for we're we're going down next Wednesday, next Wednesday evening to gozney headquarters to have a look at the dome, which I'm really excited about.

Owen - Host:

Wow. Well, this episode will drop the day that you go there. So that's super, super exclusive.


Super exclusive. Yeah, really good to, to meet them in person as well. And yeah, it seems you know, seeing what the dome is all about as well. So yeah, my child's going down really excited.

Owen - Host:

I get what you mean about the PISA can be messy. I mean, I posted on our meat & Greet BBQ podcast, Instagram. Obviously we're asking all of our guests about a fails. And on Monday, I mean, me and the kids wanted to have pizza. And I don't know what happened. All of theirs turned out perfect. Mine last. And it just, it couldn't have gone any worse. It just stuck it stuck to the pills. I couldn't launch. I couldn't launch it. So then I had to cook it on the peel. But then I couldn't turn it around. So it was getting black on one side. And as I tried to turn it around the whole middle just completely disintegrated. So I managed to just kind of nurse it out. But yeah, I took a photo and it looked like a weird hardship. Actually really see that middle was actually missing.


That's what happens when it sticks to the pill. But it's just, it's a whole lot of work for for 60 seconds in a pizza rather than just that's that's my view on it. But I'm looking forward to seeing what the dome does. We've, we've we've learned slow smoking.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, that'll be really interesting. I've not I've not even thought about using my UI for anything else than pizza. I know you can do and they've got skillets and all that. But doing some ribs I think would be yeah, pretty special.


Yeah, I think with the dome, obviously you've got the size in there. So with the with the uni, even the uni Pro, a pro, I think you'd struggle for a space in there. But I think with the dome, you've actually got the floor space and you can interchange wood and stuff. So yeah, it'd be they reckon it's designed for it. So I look forward to putting that to the test.

Owen - Host:

We you released a video about it. Yeah, we'll


do Yeah. 100%. That's, that's the idea. So we'll do some some videos on it. So I look forward to that. Probably not pizza, because I look like a mug. But

Owen - Host:

fair enough. So we've talked a lot about food. So one of the other things that we like to talk about is also what what you're drinking, and we include that. So tell us what you're drinking this week. Tonight. What you normally do, he barbecues, all of it.


So back in September, I decided to invest in a beer pump around the garden.

Dan - Host:

I'd love to know which one because I've got a beer pump at home as well.


Okay, I started off with a PD. Yeah, that's what I got. Yeah. And I ended up getting another 102 I two and then I was interchanging cakes and stuff like that and it was really nice, great for you for your ales and things like that. And then in December, I decided to buy a blade.

Dan - Host:

Oh, I'd love a blade. I know that the choice isn't as big on a blade, but it gives you something very different and it's completely different selection to the perfect draft.


Yeah, completely different and and then I really got into unfiltered love Agha so I'm really into a big at the moment called para Messina which is a Italian beer it's not often that you get it on draft here in the UK so to have it on draft is amazing and that's what I was drinking pretty bit empty tonight and it's just absolutely amazing this one is just incredible but I also like I like all the beers that are on on the blade so I ended up selling the perfect draft the jeans that I had because the price of them rocketed so I was gonna say I

Dan - Host:

bet you made a pretty penny I guarantee you will probably on the same Facebook group was me as well, which is


the one that disappeared. Yeah. I didn't sell them on there. I ended up selling them on eBay because that's the best place to sell them. And yeah, I think I made like 100 quid on each one that I bought because I paid I paid like 150 quid for one of them and then did well 200 For the other one and I sold them both for like 280 but I was obviously there's a shortage of blade beer machines as well. And I figured out what time beer will we're listing on the website at two o'clock in the morning. So I was waking up at two o'clock in the morning and I was buying like four or five of them at a time and then just chucking them on on eBay like a couple of days later and it was it was really good but they limited the number of ones you could have per account and it got very difficult to buy them but I did manage to get I managed to get Charles one I managed to get one of my mates one and somebody else one so it was yeah it was pretty pretty good so I've just got the one now and it's just the blade and I yeah I had a cider the other day on it draft cider which was nice but yeah just mix and match on that really but I'm trying to cut out how much I'm drinking

Dan - Host:

Oh in surfing because he wants he wants a PD

Owen - Host:

so I Yeah, months I've been waiting to try and I just I'm not I'm not willing to pay the eBay prices off go and yeah, yeah, I

Dan - Host:

said that to you. I said that to you Costco every every time I've

Owen - Host:

gone on there they're out of stock.


They were on stock earlier on online to 20 delivered really? Yeah.

Owen - Host:

It's I've even signed up for like beer hawk and I've signed up to their kind of alerts as soon as it comes in. I really want to have a draft machine. I mean, I don't know much about the blade. So any information you give me would you do you think the blade is better than the what do you drink normally my favourite beer is doing bar button I suppose like session beers it would be like a cause light or a bud or something like that. Although I DD PD for you are in because it's those type of beers you've

Dan - Host:

got. You've got the bud on there. You've got the seller on there. They do have some great Belgian beers, which is why I like it because I'm more of a left drinker a Hoegaarden drinker. I absolutely love magic rock being Welsh that for some reason means you have to love tiny rebel. A lot of people don't like some of the stuff they do but the flavours are great. Whereas I'd say the blades and correct me if I'm wrong. Well it's been a while since I've had a look at that. It's a bigger machine. It's more expensive. It looks sexy as hell, and it gives you much more later age and what and what you're drinking, but it's got more not Heineken but those those sorts of more regular beers that you can come across.


Yeah, it's it's so I've picked mine up and I've got like a different handle and stuff on it. And it looks like you just said sex is

Dan - Host:

beautiful. It's beautiful a blade,


it holds 14 pints it gets cold in 20 minutes. So literally, we'll put a keg in 20 minutes later, it's two three degrees ready to drink. They're very problematic. They do have quite a lot of issues although I haven't had any touch with a mine if you like the problem is you got understand what the beers are and like you were saying being on there, isn't it? Yeah, it is nice on draft and take some random stuff on there. Like zip for is one of them. Never heard of it. punty gamer never heard of it, but they're really nice beers. And there's like a banana flavoured in and wisi at school or something. And it's like it's got like a banana in it and that is banging. But I've got about

Dan - Host:

Nope, nothing banana is good. So I disagree. I disagree. I


forgot 140 points in the shed to get through but I say I'm trying to cut out the midweek drink. It's only got one holiday this week that I mean and join a few beers.

Dan - Host:

Alright, I love my perfect draft. I've had it for a long time but I'm fearful with the way things are moving and that Facebook group dropping that the price is going to jump and jump and jump and jump because I remember when they were selling machines for 99 quid yeah got mine his birthday present, but it was it was only probably two or three years ago. They were selling them for 99 quid.


Well my first one I said I bought 100 And I think was 150 quid, and that was was that with a keg might have been with a keg. I can't remember. But then that since then they've gone up and now it's like 280 quid with them but ridiculous. exactly what I'm

Dan - Host:

waiting for what I would say is I absolutely love mine and I think the choice in beers in there I even prefer over the sub which is another beer draft machine I'm not saying the subs bad but it holds less drinks I don't think the quality of beers available on there as good either.


They will have got one thing on that sub though, which I've been hunting high and low for on the blade and that Desperado. Oh,

Dan - Host:

see, I don't like it. Desperado. Yeah, I do like it. I thought you're gonna say something like the sheaf cuz no no,


literally I would love to have 14 points to Desperado in the garden it would just be a dream sat down with my brother in law's absolutely love it so it'll be a proper session when we're allowed obviously we are allowed people around now so yeah, they just can't get it and I refuse to employ over from France at like 90 quid for 14 pounds Yeah, it's

Dan - Host:

not worth it or not when


you paid 425 for the machine.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, exactly. Right. That's the difference with a blade Oh in so there are a lot more expensive a beautiful piece of kit and I've seen in London pre lockdown some bars in London I just using plates to dish out pints because they look gorgeous. They are that good looking.


And you got to Spain and that's what we've got on tap in the cafes. That's what we use. I use that for the Heineken.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, yeah.

Owen - Host:

One day I'll get a machine

Dan - Host:

regular listeners know that I have three drinks during the podcast so instead of an Irish Coffee today I went for a fram Jellico coffee. Do you know what from gelato? Is? Anyone? Nope. Hazelnut? lacouture It's absolutely amazing. And make your toffee or your toffee your coffee. Tastes like Ferreira Rashi it's beautiful stuff. And then I had a whiskey coke. I run out of bourbon the other day as I said, so. I had a 15 year going live it with coke. I just cut it with coke. So it would last longer. A lot of people will see that as blaspheming but you know, why not? It's gonna last me longer. And then what I'm drinking this very second. Yeah, is a stout from Aldi. It's the hot foundries stout about it, and holding up the camera, which you can obviously see on a podcast, but it's vanilla stout. It's vanilla stout, and it's absolutely gorgeous. If anyone gets the chance to go in Aldi and get this stuff. It tastes like an alcoholic 99 It's beautiful. It's the military. It's full body. There's bits of chocolate in there, it's gorgeous. Go get it

Owen - Host:

I'm not gonna go into that much detail. To be honest. I'm drinking Hildon Pale Ale this so in my latest flavour Lee box. It's from Ireland's oldest independent brewery. And it's yeah, it's called it's fairly low alcohol it's less than 4% but it is a smooth, good quality pale ale and I'm really really enjoying it

Dan - Host:

going back to foods you mentioned earlier cinnamon and meat I do not think it's paired enough I love cinnamon I put it in my curries when my wife's not looking I've even put cinnamon before and a Barney's not much but it changes beef completely. What What got you onto that train? How often do you actually use cinnamon is in every rugby put together?


So I watched a I used to watch a lot of John's sizzler on YouTube when I was sort of learning when I was understanding what ceramic to buy first and he did a pineapple which I replicated and change the recipe slightly and he used cinnamon on this pineapple and I thought yeah, I'm going to give that a go with cinnamon and brown sugar. So I remember based in this pineapple on the on the rotisserie over the fire and I remember we tasted it with vanilla ice cream and it was absolutely amazing and then I thought I wonder what that will be like on a nice big steak. So then I thought I'm just going to add in that little half teaspoon along with you know your standard salt pepper garlic paprika and see what happens and attire is amazing. Absolutely amazing. Especially when you if you do like a dirty sear on it as well. And all that cinnamon becomes all caramelised on on to the meat it's amazing. I've got a tomahawk in the freezer and I plan to do that right that rub again

Dan - Host:

it's one of my favourite flavours I think it's so underrated that and obviously not the same sort of level but nutmeg can change things as well. I think yeah, the those sort of spices people get scared of using I'm not quite sure why.


People are just a little bit scared to break them out and try something different I think. Whereas I'm all about just trying different things and seeing if you saw my spice cupboard it's as ridiculous just trying different things just because that's what you know, you just see anyway, you're going to get better at being a cook

Dan - Host:

mentioning your spice cupboard. We have part of this podcast we like to call condiment corner. So talk us through kind of the spices if you've got pickles pickles, also sources that you have and use.


Yeah, so we'll stick with the obviously with the spices, you've got all your your basic spices. I think I raided the local international supermarket and just get the whole cupboard out with everything they did. But I'm really into I'm really loving the meat church range at the moment of rubs. So, I've just started stocking them purely because I wanted to try some of these some of these meat church rubs. So they've started stocking it and they're actually really popular. And I've used I used holy cow the other day. And that was really really tasty. I love it. I'm gonna use Yeah, if you tried it. It's really nice. And then tomorrow on the baby back so I'm going to use the bacon one that they've got a couple of what's called Honey bacon or something. And then we try and that in terms of sources, my Jack Daniels glaze is my go to source homemade, which is a like a mop source. And that is just, it just works on so many different variants of me it's really really nice. And that that would be what my my go to is I used to be really into Angus anomic but still got a lot of their rubs that I've sort of moved away from from them. Now. I think once you've tried to range you want to move on to different things. And I'm also really into candied jalapenos as well. I seem to put that in quite a lot and then mix it with like relish and then you'll have like candied jalapeno relish is a little bit different. I think a lot. pinos is really nice. Honestly, if you like a bit of heat and a bit of sweet. That's where it's at. Definitely.

Owen - Host:

Where would you get them from?


So they're easy enough to make, but you can borrow them from Hanes gourmet, I think is the company that I originally bought him for before I started just make my own but yes, it's really really good. I'm totally ready. Try them before you make up a big batch.

Dan - Host:

It's funny you mentioned Angus and all you can because they seem to come up with every single episode I think the reason for that is the rubs are great, but also they're kind of a stepping stone to start off with because they are such a higher level than a lot of the stuff that you tend to see around particularly in supermarkets. But I'm also finding after triangles and oink almost every rub that has the word cow in I like maybe it's because I'm cooking so much for beef but it's I think it's trying to get people to try different things and Angus annoying have that huge range of different stuff that is a level above what you see in supermarkets but then there's a whole other world out there as well and it's trying to encourage people to spread their wings a bit


yeah, I think what Scott militar have done really well from Angus annoying is they're very well travelled and they've come up with all these fantastic rubs themselves and it's it's really great and like you just said they're a great stepping stone into either making your own or finding a more premium rub and there's like outrage as well as rich there rubs are over from America and they do a rub called Black Ops which is absolutely fantastic on brisket really nice but with brisket you just can't be salt pepper. In my opinion, just standard Texas style two bucks pepper one pot so and you know it's it's absolutely banging but yeah, they're they're sort of like that base and they're really reasonably priced. I mean, there are 699 Yeah, yeah,

Dan - Host:

it's 599 depending on what you're buying, because I have a huge load of different ones. I really want to try the Iron Brew one because I love Iron Brew again. Like oh, I might laugh It's a joke in work, but I am brewed to me it's like the nectar of Gods I don't really know why anything else liquid form was created because it's so good. I absolutely love it. If they made a proper alcoholic version of it. That didn't taste of alcohol. I'd be sold. That's it. That's why we drink I love I am brew. So that rub really seems to me I need to get some I need to get some Yeah, get


someone order. It's I've tried it. That's one of the ones I've tried. But other than that I've pretty much gone through them. Most of the range apart from some of the newer ones that come out because I haven't done anything with them in a while to be fair. So

Owen - Host:

we go on to barbecue bingo.


Yeah, I'm intrigued by this.

Owen - Host:

It's not actually bingo. It's just we came up with a catchy name. But what we have done is created a essentially a challenge where we've we've got a load of random different things on a wheel will spin the wheel. wherever it lands on we'd love you for them to go away and cook that for us. Then tag us in through you know on Instagram with the hashtag barbecue bingo and the meat & Greet BBQ podcast for us to regram so we've got some unusual things. We've got some pretty standard things out. One of the things that we've also added on there is your signature dish.

Dan - Host:

So we now know is curry. Yeah.

Owen - Host:

That lands on that. We'd love you to go away and make a curry for us


opens cards I'm doing on Friday, so that'll be might be about a two week wait on it, but I will do it.

Owen - Host:

Can you see the screen? Okay, yeah.


Haggis, please, not haggis.

Dan - Host:

Well, you can use it as that you can use it as an ingredient. So like, for example, haggis, I'd be tempted to try and load that into some burgers.


Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I guess I'm pleased pizza god.

Owen - Host:

You're gonna get yourself a dome. So you've got to do it. Yeah. Right. Okay, here we go. Let's spin the wheel.

Dan - Host:

Yes, blue cheese. Come on. Oh, yeah. The pizza

Owen - Host:

so close to pizza.


Oh, that's good. I'll take blue cheese. Yeah, I've got an idea with that. I love blue cheese. So I've got an idea with that.

Owen - Host:

Fantastic. Well, we look forward to what you're going to cook Holly so close to pizza that would have been


devastated if it was pizza.

Dan - Host:

Well, one of the last things that we like to ask guests is, we've asked you loads of questions. Do you have any questions for us? Or is there anything that you want to just discuss with people about barbecue that we can do right now?


How did you two both sort of get into it.

Dan - Host:

So my dad, when I was younger, used to barbecue every single Saturday, he'd be out there. He had his own homemade barbecue. So it wasn't kind of like American style, low and slow stuff. It was the brick barbecue in the garden. I was brought up in Wales. So I had like, it sounds idyllic. And it was but it's not what it sounds like we had a river in the back garden we lived in in a valley. So like we'd have fish, occasionally people would catch them in the river behind us. And then like we just buy off them, we'd have burgers, we'd have Hulu me, we'd have pretty much anything that my dad could think of we do on there. Never low and slow. But it would be something that happened throughout the day. So whenever the weather was warm enough, we do that. So when I started living by myself, and we bought our own place, it was just a natural progression to me. But it was almost impossible to find the American style flavours. And that's really what pushed me into moving across from kind of like gas and things to charcoal, particularly in the last lockdown. So it was about August that I got this current barbecue that I'm using, and wanting to replicate the flavours that you hear about. But it's so difficult to get hold of in the UK unless you're doing it yourself. That that's what drew me in

Owen - Host:

nice minds a bit more simplistic. I've always been interested in cooking since a young age, and I tried barbecuing. You know, in my teenage years, when I was a teenager cooked on a couple of barbecues, I really loved it. And it just just kind of fell in love with it from there, really. And when we bought our house seven, eight years ago, my wife bought me a Weber kettle as a kind of a new house gift. So it was the first kind of decent barbecue I ever had. And from there, it kind of changed my life really, I'm just obsessed with it now. Eat sleep and drink it.


Yeah, I know that feeling. It's it's a real bargain it I think that that's the only way I can describe it there once you sort of get hooked on it. And it's great talking to you know, you guys and seeing what you've been doing and, and things and it's just really nice to see other people. You know, it's nice not to be the interviewer for change. Because it does get a little bit like I'm sure you realise you know, after doing a few of these you think, I guess you're already getting on people that he sort of, you know, you want to get on Not I, obviously people I've got on I wanted to get on. But yeah, I think probably after you've done about 10 of the thing. Now, and I really appreciate you guys having me on as well. It's, I feel really privileged, I saw so many other people you've got on so it's, you know, I'm just a guy in the background that does cooking. And it's nice that you sort of put me out there with those guys. So you know, I really appreciate

Dan - Host:

it. It fascinates me that it's only really been kind of 18 months. So you're saying that that you'd been barbecuing and that was from like seeing videos and seeing different recipes and everything. Was it not a big part of your life when you're younger? Or was it not something that was always there that interested you?


So we lived in a sort of countryside, and my dad never into cooking, never cooked anything. My mom always did all the cooking, and he never really did barbecue. It was only when we were around sort of family that we had barbecue. So we never really did anything like that. When we moved into me and the missus moved into our first house. That was where you know what I remember one a little Weber work. Just a little Smokey Joe green one. And I hadn't used it because obviously I was living at home or whatever, and moved in here and I'm going to find out for the first time That's when I sort of got the bug. And then it sort of just developed from from there. But never before as ever been my thing. I was always a mad gym goer, you know, a swear word. I mean, the missus met the gym and used to go six times a week, I was training to sort of do bodybuilding and things. Whereas now like, it's just completely different. And that's why I sort of trying to cut down on what I'm eating, because I've gained like, six stone in in the last two years. So I've gone from being this like, holiday, I was healthy when I was doing the weights and stuff. But you know, I mean, like, you go from being this, this slim person to, and well built to this fat guy. But that's the that's barbecue in it. And that's what I absolutely love is and you know, we've got a couple racks of ribs to do tomorrow. And I'll tell you now I'll be I'll be in a rack. Like, it's just, it's just one of them things, I think. But once you get bitten by the bug you you just can't stop. And that's where I am now I think and it's and it's great that, you know, got these brands that you know, want to work together and do things and stuff like that it really makes you feel like you're giving something back to to the community, I think and doing these giveaways, like, you know, you want the one the cake I did. I think that was our first proper big sort of giveaway. And it was great to see the reaction that that people were like, Oh my God, he's giving away like 1000 pound barbecue, it's absolutely mental. And it's nice to see that, you know, it's gone, someone like yourself who has carried on cooking with it. And you're, you know, you're enjoying it and using it. And it's nice that it's not going to somebody that has sold it or whatever, like you know, we've been doing brilliant air for the last eight weeks, and someone won something on it. And they advertised it and sold it. Well, that's a shame. Yeah. And it was and it was a good prize. And it led to quite a sour taste in mine and Charles mouth but you know, we've we've given something back to the community because you know, we he has to pay for it ultimately. And it's him that's given it back and you know, he's given away triggers or whatever, each week, and just see someone sell it.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, as a recipient. I was genuinely overwhelmed. You know, when I want it, and so appreciative of it. And it's a Yeah, it's now my primary barbecue. I actually said I've still got that Weber that I've had for seven years. And I do love that Weber don't get me wrong. But since the cakes come along, and I've almost like mothballed a couple of others.


It's funny, you know that it's smoking barbecue, Michael. Yeah, yeah. He, he obviously won a keg in the raffle as well. And so we sent him a keg. And he said the same thing like I'm talking to you. I didn't follow the flask. What's funny is, you stop looking at who's following you, if that makes sense. And you, you don't realise how many people are following you. You're not following them back. Like I didn't, I didn't realise that I wasn't, I'm not following you down. And when we finish this, I'm going to follow you and see what you can cook and stuff. And I think you don't realise how many people are out there in that community doing the cooking and posting all the time, obviously, you see people tagging and stuff, but you just presume that you're that you're following them? And it's it's bizarre that you're at that point, if that makes sense.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, definitely. Well,

Dan - Host:

it's hard to follow 6000 people, right?


Yeah, because I find that I only want to see certain things on my feed, if that makes sense. Because I find if you're if your sales follows 6000 people, you'd never want to, you'd never see the people that you want to actually see. And then you'd end up having all these close friends, and it would just be utterly pointless. So I find that it's easier just to stick with what I'm doing. And then you know, you see the things you want to see. And I'm always a firm believer that don't like my staff, just because it's me like my staff because you want to like the food. And you're not just putting a comment on their foot for no reason. Oh, that looks fantastic. You know, only put a comment on there. If you actually think that it looks fantastic. It that means more to me than you know somebody just putting it because Oh yeah, well, let's comment on wills thing, because you might follow me or comment me back or something, just, you know, comment on it, because you actually like the post, if that makes sense.

Dan - Host:

Or if you're learning from it as well, that that's the other thing. I was surprised the other day I did be new to barbecue stuff. And I said to Oh, and the whole point of my page is not just barbecue, but what you can do as part of barbecues, whether it be leftovers and things so that's kind of something I want to do differently but also practising other meals that can then be paired with it. So I tweaked my Yorkshire pudding recipe the other day. And I was surprised that the reaction I got to that compared to some other books, other cooks and things I've been doing, but it's people learning and it's that interesting stuff because it's a bit of a recipe and it tells you how I achieved it as well. I think that's why it's got the reaction. Yeah, I


completely agree. And I think that's why I'm going to try and do like, you know how to do the the roast potatoes. Everyone always says when your roast potatoes absolutely banging. So I think well, okay, I'm going to show people how I cook them because I cook them differently to anybody else, you know, I part balled them, yes. But then I leave them on the side, salted to dry for about 510 minutes. So then you get a nice crust on the outside, then when you chuck them into your cast iron pan that's got oil in it, you get in that cross form straight away on the outside. And I think you know, it's just educating people like that and showing people that's why those how to guys like, how did the membranes ribs got 1500 views in about half an hour? Like it just ridiculous. Whereas, you know, you could post an amazing recipe of some ribs or something it's like are just some more ribs. Yeah, yeah.

Owen - Host:

So for everyone that doesn't know what your YouTube channel will.


So it's really simple. Instagram as well as grow shack, YouTube, as well as grow shack, Facebook is Wills Grill shack, a limited company as well. So I own all the rights to it. So it's, it's nice that I can be Will's grill shack on every single platform and not change the name or anything. So it's pretty cool.

Owen - Host:

Great. And obviously, as you've mentioned, you're you're an ambassador for a few companies jeweller level work with give that give them a plug as well.


Yeah, so first and foremost, obviously Big Green Egg. only just started working with them. But really looking forward to getting stuck in and and then introducing me to some of the chefs and stuff really looking forward to that. We've got broking. So again, fantastic brand for for all barbecues, really great Canadian brand. We've got global IQ, as well, one of the first brands that I started working with so part of the global family. So obviously use charcoal wood or that kind of thing. SoCal Barbecue Shop, I think most people have heard of them by now. They're one of the market leaders in the barbecue community. So yeah, been working with them. I think that's it, to be honest, I try and, you know, you get a lot of people say are Can we can we do this with you? Can we do that with you? And I try and I try not to do things now. Because I only want to work with people that I want to work with. And I don't want to be this person that's associated with like 15 brands, and your little link tree thing is got like 30 Different things that you're an ambassador for? Because I feel like it just doesn't give you the reputation that that you want, if that makes sense. So I'm only we're only work with people that I want to that I want to work with, rather than just, you know, send it out to everybody, if that makes sense. So they are

Owen - Host:

having that integrity. Yeah.


Yeah, I think that's the big thing for me. And reputation, I think is is everything. And I try and portray myself in a correct light. Hopefully, people think so. And I'm not just this raging alcoholic that likes cooking barbecue.

Dan - Host:

There's nothing wrong with that either.

Owen - Host:

That's true. Well, it's been a pleasure having you on well, and obviously you mentioned about us, you know, bringing you on. It's also been an absolute pleasure. We just appreciate you coming on. And you know, we've learned a lot from you both, you know, from your YouTube and your Instagram. You're one of the first people I started following when I open my social channels last year. So we appreciate you taking the time to have a chat with us.


No, thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. Dan. I'm heading over to Instagram in a minute. And I'm following Yeah,

Dan - Host:

yeah, well, man barbecues. I'm sorry for what you're about to witness.


No, too late. But yeah, thank you guys really appreciate it.

Dan - Host:

Great speaking to you and thank you for giving one a barbecue as well. Have a good one. Yeah, no.

Owen - Host:

Thanks. Well that's it for another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ podcast. Thank you to will from Will's grill shack, head over to his YouTube channel Instagram accounts. Find out more about his educational videos that we've been discussing, and some awesome awesome cogs that he posts across his channels. If you want to hear more and see more from us at the meat & Greet BBQ podcast check out our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook all under meat & Greet BBQ podcast. Use the hashtag Meet and Greet podcasts. Please like and subscribe on your podcast apps. If you also want us to talk about things that you're interested in with barbecue please reach out to us through the social media channels or you can email us at meat & Greet BBQ podcast@gmail.com and from us. We will see you again next week.


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