May 31, 2023

Creating a Flavor Empire: LumberjAxe's Food Company's Journey in the Barbecue World

Back in 2021 we met Brendon & Jaydon two brother who launched a BBQ rub and sauce company. Two years on we catch up with them both to hear what has changed. Brendan and Jaydon give us insight into the process and thought behi...

Back in 2021 we met Brendon & Jaydon two brother who launched a BBQ rub and sauce company. Two years on we catch up with them both to hear what has changed.

Brendan and Jaydon give us insight into the process and thought behind their range of sauces and the community-focused nature of the barbecue world. Plus, we reminisce about the lessons learned from their experience at Sizzlefest and the importance of the barbecue community.

Don't miss out on some hilarious tales from Brendan and Jayden as they share their experiences attending shows for LumberjAxe's Food Company. We discuss the challenges of gathering genuine feedback from customers and how they have adapted to the changing world dynamic. Plus, listen to a funny cooking challenge with fails and learn about their unique sibling dynamic in business.

This episode was brought to you by AOS Kitchen creators of bespoke outdoor kitchens perfect to pimp up your bbq area. Visit AOS Kitchens today!

BBQ Bingo is sponsored by LumberjAxe Food Company, who have a fantastic range of rubs & sauces for all your culinary needs! Check out their range.

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Dan - Host:

Today's episode of the meat & Greet BBQ podcast is brought to you by iOS outdoor kitchens. They are the South's leading outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists Hello, and welcome to another episode of the meat & Greet BBQ Podcast. Today we're speaking to Brendon and Jaden from lumberjacks food company. They have some fantastic rubs some great sources, and we're catching up again with them after he's hooked in two years ago. It's been a quick two years. But they'll tell you more about that. So without much further ado, here's Brendan Jayden. It's the lumberjack boys again, great to speak to you again, just in case people haven't heard the original episode with yourselves.Introduce both of yourselves and tell us exactly what you're all about.


So I'm Brendan. I'm Jayden. This sounds like we are lumberjack food company. So we do barbecue seasonings and sauces. We also do accessories and fire lighters and fuel,things like that. Yeah, so yeah,just trying to, I suppose make a break in the barbecue community show people, our authentic American flavors that hopefully we can produce and just see how mass market we can get it across the United Kingdom because I think a lot more people, as we sort of said, you know, two years ago was huge COVID brought along a massive audience of barbecue, enthusiast newbies,anything and everything.Everyone was flocking to their guidance go into their barbecues, but it's nice to see as the world has opened up sort of in the past 12 months, people are still sticking to their barbecues, and the industry just keeps growing and growing and growing. So I think as you know,2023 2024 is definitely going to be an exciting time for not just barbecues, but the outdoor living space in general.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, it's been great seeing you guys grow as well, from the first episode that we have two years ago. I can't believe it was that long ago, which feels completely mad,right. It's great been having you guys on board as well for barbecue bingo this series as well. But with with the fact that oh, we highlight new rubs as the series has been going on,and some people we've interviewed with them, and also making sure that they're getting some hands on experience with the rubs too. But for beginners,what what do you have to offer to help them?


Yeah, so in terms of when we make our flavors, we try to make everything versatile. So anybody can use it. We don't want something to be too niche,or if anything too broad as well. So we're trying to cater for all audiences. We've got a nice sweet barbecue seasoning,which I would say is our closest, our most broadest,closest to an all purpose even though it's not really like it.Yeah, I mean, it's sort of what we, what I love about what we do is we by providing sort of flavor profiles and things like that, we're just enabling, say,the newbie to be able to or the person sort of trying their hand a barbecue, or cooking in general really to actually create to actually enhance flavor within their cook with ease. You know, sort of if you if you're a chicken wing person,we've got various combinations that you can throw out with chicken wings. If you if red meat, you think we've got a few different rubs that you could actually apply to sort of steaks, burger patties,briskets, and things like that.So yeah, it's just sort of being able to sort of shortcut someone to actually given them a flavor profile, rather than having to try and create one themselves.Yeah, I think as well, it's it's important to note that when people think of rubs,seasonings, and even the sauces,they think it's a long process,I need to get the meat out a day before love it or leave it 24hours 48 hours, which of course is a fantastic way to enhance the flavor out the seasoning.But for the people that are really really busy just want to get on the barbecue, it's it's also just a simple, get sandwich bag out chicken in their little bit of oil, couple of teaspoons of our seasoning, just just to add the extra finger onto the barbecue. So I feel like we've covered both aspects there that people who do want to spend the time putting 48 hours work into it for someone who just wants to work the barbecue of the evening, enjoy the night outdoors.

Dan - Host:

And of course over the last kind of two years, the world reopened up we all know why, let's be honest. How have you found that and been able to actually talk to the people face to face or a number of different shows and things that you've been going to?


Yeah, I mean to be honest, that was a massive it was kind of a fin con i think on our feet and run with it situation because obviously we started the business during testing time for the for the world. And it was very much social media based and then what happened was As the world opened up, events started happening,people were, you know, some people, we'd spoke with spoken to that, like you'd like yourself, really, we'd spoken to you for a long period of time purely through social media. And it was actually quite strange meeting people in person and going, you're actually a real person. But then he was kind of like doing the shows sort of doing some some, you know, we did some small events, somebody did some really big events early on, which I think helped us sort of think fast and get the ball moving on. Ways that we can sort of promote our business and showcase what we do face to face with people and sort of it gives us it gives us a real position to be able to actually get our flavors in front of people and get them try in them. You know,because it's okay, seeing a picture on social media. But once you actually try the product, you actually can make sense of it a lot more and go in actual fact, you know, hot buffalo awkward, oh, well, me and my family like eating this,we could use that this way or,you know, things like that. It just give people a people was able to actually touch the product, smell the product and think of ways that they could use it, which was cool. Yeah,I think as well, like. So starting the business, we were quite although, you know, we are determined people we knew it was gonna work, it's quite an uncertain thing to go ahead and do an industry whereby, although we barbecued ourselves, we were clueless, that there was a massive barbecue community out there. So it was a really,really steep learning curve. But I think it's like, an important thing to think of in business is it's quite easy to fall into,like an affirmation bias or confirmation bias. So we make a seasoning. And our mom and I Nan and our brothers and sisters and cousins, of course, they're going to say that they like it.So it's easy to for us to sit in a building and go, absolutely brilliant. So to take them to an event and get real life feedback. And for us, it just cement really, really anchored the fact that I think we've really hit onto something here we've got some really good flavors, it's clear now that a wide range of audience because we know we went to shows up and down the country, Essex, Wales Midlands, down south, up north everywhere. So really, it's not just, you know, showing it to the barbecue people. It's also the general population, people who are interested in cooking but aren't interested in barbecue, but go into shows where it's just barbecue people.So there's a massive, wide range of an audience there. So it's nice to know, it's not just us,people saying that our products are good, because we think they're good. And then assign it, it's nice to really go to the audience and get popup on his feedback. So, you know, it's safe to say, We've never had a negative review yet. Things cost a lot enough off the back of that as well. We, you know,we've and I think this is something that makes us wait,like Jen said, We are determined people and we will sort of, you know, we will take people's feedback on board and we'll observe what's going on. And actually, in actual fact, the case the ways we can tweet that stuff. As a result of that, you know, we've we've recently done a rebrand of our products, which we yet to by the time this podcast goes out, we will have announced it and things like that. But you know, our original four, we've done a complete rebrand off. So they're, you know, now you've got the number.So T bone, the lumberjacks on the front eat in an actual steak on the buffalo is tossing some buffalo wings in a bowl. It just they're just a lot more eye catching and appealing and pop off the shelf. Even with our hands around the world series,you know, we've just made them a lot clearer and easier to read.So people aren't. One thing I found with events is people don't like to investigate. So if they don't know what it is straightaway, they're not going to investigate that go into this look and carry on. So you have to make it very plain, not plain and simple, but clear, precise.This is what the product is you can look at. Yeah. Yeah.

Owen - Host:

And I suppose that's the invaluable part of going to these events and getting out which you couldn't do the last time that we spoke because, as we've already established for obvious reasons.So that customer feedback that you're getting is is that like you've talking about a rebrand?Are those comments and feedback is that shaping how you're now looking at doing not just your brand, but also any tweaks that you may do to your recipes or future products that you've hopefully got in the lineup and can give us some exclusive time.


Yeah, yeah, that was more it was more an observation.At the time, like obviously when we did the shows we would set the show Open sort of have the products on show and things like that. And then like Jaden said,you know, we're dealing with a lot of wide range of people here, we're dealing with sort of, you know, some like a young,enthusiastic barbecue or all the way up to, say an old age pensioner that dislikes spicy food. So it was just kind of being able to learn by observing how people was perceiving the brand. And looking at the products, it was like, okay, in actual fact, I know, one of the big ones really was we brought the source is out. And when we brought the sources out, we, we,although there was branded the same we did a lot with them. We got the sort of my friend Blake,who drew drew of the lumberjack,and got him involved with actually drawing designs that I had in my mind. And once we've done that, and we placed those next to our ropes, those ropes need to look like that. Yeah. So that's kind of the route we've gone down. And I like say, by the time the podcast goes out,it will all be we will have released the rebrand and stuff like that. But I'm so excited to do it, because I just think it takes our products to another level in regards to the way they look and pop off the shelf.Yeah, I think as well, it's so easy for us to go 100 miles an hour, and spend every day what can we do next? What can we do next. But it was important to,you know, especially at shows and just for our staff as well to sit back and go, let's look from an hour, let's look outside the box, let's look from the outside towards our business.There are some changes that we need to make, which are probably Bucha are probably blindside to just because we were going 100miles an hour, 100 miles an hour, then we get to the end of the season. And one thing I wish I could turn back time and make these changes. So just about weightless. If you now making our brand sort of elevate become that next level, which I think you know, in due course I would say I'd hope so.

Dan - Host:

Yeah. And without being too crude and not wishing to blow smoke up your ass part of the series. We have also spoken to Russ from the rusty barbecue company, who can't speak highly enough of your guys and your products. So being at the shows and like networking,and not just with kind of the customers but also other companies that might be doing rubs, flavorings, but also other kind of grilling companies and things. How has that changed how you're looking at the company and what you're doing too,because that must have effect as well?


What do you mean,sorry?

Dan - Host:

Well, like if you speak into customers, and you get feedback from customers as well, if you're at like sizzle fest, and you're speaking to like Ross, or you're speaking to like Marcus Borden, about your rubs, and they're saying X, Y and Zed, if you're talking to them about kind of some of their expertise and grilling, does that also have an effect on kind of your plans and flavor profiles?


Yeah, definitely. And,you know, we all whenever our sort of meet these people. And to be honest, it was quite, that was something we found quite surprising as well, because, you know, we went to smoke and fire festival, for example. Because that was early on in the year.And there was people that we'd look obviously looked at online and sort of be like, Wow, they do what they do is really cool.And then it was a bit I was taken aback when they when we met them and they knew me by first name. And I was like, that feels like but I'm always happy.I'm always picking people's brains. Whenever we can, you know, Charles are so calm, for example, he's been, again, it's been great. But, you know, what if I, if I think if I'm thinking a certain way, I speak to Charles say, how do you see from a retailer's point of view? I'll do the same with Paul a barbecue store. And then I'll speak to sort of certain people that we sort of chat to and get their take on it before we sort of push the ball and run with it.Really?Yeah, I think it's, it's a shortcut. It's a shortcut to success as well. Because you know, Marcus Bowden, Charles,they've probably been in the game longer than I've been alive asking them questions. It's really really an you know, even just feedback is really really invaluable. I remember, you know, recently just a few weeks back, we just had a meeting with Charles where where it was. What are your genuine thoughts on our brand? What do you think when you see lumberjacks who company because that information that we get, they call it all just comes down to our mind, it's easy to get clouded with everything that they want. It's just me and Ben Mintz business. We've got to do just like you guys got to do everything and anything. So it's easy for your mind to get clouded. So when you when we do ask people, and you know, very recently we've tried to do that as much as possible. Just to really get that invaluable feedback, because it can really,really shape what we ended up doing. And you know, time is of the essence. It's March now,it's going to be April tomorrow,it's going to be my next I'm going to win the end of the season. And that's why we chose to wait through the winter period. Although we have been extremely busy. We, we have had down down time and periods where we can go, right. Let's just forget everything for a moment. What do we need to get done before March? And that's why through this period we've chosen, you know, we've got some we've got probably four maybe five new products ready just in the pipeline. We've got the rebrand. You know, we've we've booked on to endless shows this year. So

Dan - Host:

because we're so busy at sizzle fest you're absolutely shattered, which could be a good thing if you're that busy, but it must be tiring as well. Yeah, it's definitely


it's definitely draining on the body and sort of, you know, guitars going missing? And Tebow. Yeah, but you know, I remember last last the, the year just passed and was doing like back to back events and like, we do it too.You know, you're prepping for the event on the Friday, you do the two day event, which turns out to be a blur. And then Monday, you've done that much,you feel hungover, even though you haven't drank Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, you're prepping for next week. And before you know it, you're in the van on the west going down the motorway again. Yeah,I think what, what makes it easy, and especially at the biggest shows, and somewhere like so Calum and really linking this back to possibly what was the what was the barbecues we're talking about? Is the barbecue community and the people that are involved makes attending a show like that, really, really pleasurable. And it's fantastic.Like, looking at looking at studies, or fashion or whiskey barbecue, what he's got going on with the charity, kids? Yeah,it's a really, really proud thing to then come away from and go, I've really, really made a difference. Which is what I think that's what it's all about this 1000s of our minds that can all come together and bring something fantastic from the barbecue community, which is what it's all about. Yeah,I mean, as well. It's kind of an odd one that, you know, I think a lot of people have this misconception of Austin over sort of real brands may not have a bit of a rivalry. And it's really not like that we met last a lot. You know, we had a really good chat. And then so cut to the smoke, you know, we sort of met him, and he helped us out with decision fests and stuff.He was like he said, my range of issues that now it's one, and you know, we speak to we speak to knowledge all the time. And it's just nice that I think it's a bit of a lot of industries and like that where people are actually genuinely happy to help if you're Yeah.

Owen - Host:

And that's why it's such a pleasurable community and you said business, you know,business to be in. I think we've I can't remember, if the first time we spoke to you guys, you had released the sources, or you were just in the process of releasing the sources. So I think the main things that we were talking about, obviously,you know, the original rubs that you had,

Dan - Host:

and the US as well wasn't

Owen - Host:

time. But do you want to just kind of give us a bit more insight into the sources and that range? And obviously, what's happened over,you know, since we last caught up?


Yeah, I mean, so in regards to the sources, we kind of we, we looked at, we had all of our products and stuff, and then was like, Well, you know,we would, we would see so say for ribs, for example, we have asked, we have our sweet barbecue seasoning, now rebranded to backyard barbecue,because it's going to match the source. And, you know, we was like, well, people are using our robe on their ribs, but then they're having to get another barbecue source to smother over their ribs if they want them wet, wet ribs and or, you know,burnt ends or something like that. So it's like, okay, so if we're going to bring out sources, let's not just do one,let's do three. And we'll do a sweet, sweet source, a mid range source around sort of sweet chili heat, and we'll do a hot sauce. So that was the kind of thought process behind it. So we ended up with our backyard barbecue sauce, which is sort of Kansas style. It's nice and sticky. It's gotten the last Senate honey, all of it OnRamps pair that with our backyard barbecue seasoning now and I think it works really well.Moonshine mango and chili, which if I'm being honest that since the release of all of our sources, that's the one that's just gone, man. So it's it's not it's nice and sweet, but it's got a good kick to it too,worked really well on wings.Smokey Mays did a really cool,he did use that jerk seasoning and did jerk ribs, but then smothered it in the mango chili sauce after that, which was cool. And then we've got our hot sauce, which is like Louisiana style hot sauce nice and rustic,we've left all the sort of, we haven't sort of filtered out with leftover, you know, blended of chilies in there and, you know, some seeds and stuff.Yeah, I think that I think a range of sources works really well. And even our hot sauce, I find a lot of hot sauce products that it's a bit of a competition. Sort of our watch,you eat this, and we can see how much you can take it. But you know, with our hot sauce, you could smash it over a load of chicken or over some wings.Similar to what I was saying about how we want our products versatile, we want everybody to be able to use them. Yeah. And I was just putting it on one note,which was sort of wanted to try and push. And it was evident with our sources as well as we try not to add well, we don't add any added preservatives or colors, or MSG, or anything like that into any of our products or our all of our agencies in all our ranges and sources. And I think that is the way that the barbecue community is going now in terms of people are starting to double check what's on the back of the tin, or the bottle,seeing how it sugars in there seeing what ingredients are in there. And just looking back to sizzle fest I can recall 20 Plus comments, people talking about additives and MSG. And is it good for you? Or is it bad for you? The pros, the cons and for us like, especially the way our packaging is it's just so easy to it. There's no need for us to add add any of those things.Yeah, that's kind of in a way that is kind of the reason why we didn't go with a shake and serve. Just because if the product does begin to cake slightly, you know, you can stick you can put a fork in there, give it a bit of a mix round, and it's perfectly fine to us. So yeah, I mean, yeah,that is a good point. Yeah. What we do?

Dan - Host:

And what do you have planned for 2023? Then where can people find you and see you


could probably write a book about Yeah, we've got sort of I think at the moment, we've probably got 40 shows booked in for probably about now as well.So we're doing doing sizzle fest again, again, smoking fires, the game fair, frankly, all endless sort of outdoor living and country shows.Town event town events yet you name it food festivals.Yeah, we are literally up and down the country anyway, to be honest, we'll probably as this as it sort of starts to kick off, we'll probably put a list on our Instagram of where we're going to be and what dates in regards to sort of new things come in. We've got as I say,we've got some products ready and waiting to be released. One of them by the time this podcast goes out will be released. And that's a we're bringing out a moonshine mango and chili seasoning to match the source.

Dan - Host:

I hope that's an exclusive as well.


Yeah, no one knows about it. It's really amazing.So yeah, kind of the reason behind that as well is because we whenever we've sort of cooked we've always paired that with our hot buffalo seasoning. And then in the end was just like let's just bring out a mango chili does make sense. So yeah,yeah, we've got that as when God went down. Obviously we have more information when it's having podcast goes down, but from the people that we've sent it to to try and feedback from people, it seems to be a winner so far.But yeah. And then we've got the we've got the rebrand and stuff which again, by the time just goes out will will be released.Yeah, I think there's a lot of stuff in the thing as well.Looking back at 2022 We were trying out so many different things juggling so many different balls and really,really going 100,000 miles an hour. During this sort of winter period, we've really went away for going back to this a weird question, which is what is lumberjacks food company? What's our 12 month plan? What's our five year plan? What does the business look like when it's finished? And I think now that those questions for us are answered it just wow 25th It's going to be really, really exciting time for us now, as we still push the products really,really push the brand go the extra mile. And you know with the very brand new products,we're going to make the stand look better. It was really elevates our business and takes it to the next step, which I think is well, sort of well,needed. Yeah, well needed. And well, we've been like, you know,we've put a lot a lot of work into this now. So it's time to just really grab it, grab it by the horns and go for it, I think. Yeah. I mean, it's got kind of like, because because of how we started the business, and the chain, like you say about the changing sort of world dynamic, I suppose, you know,locked down and the world opening up and stuff, we've kind of just a lot of what we've done is, think on our feet, roll with what's happening and embrace it.So now we've sort of, we've done sort of the COVID period, and we've done a year of events with the world opening up and stuff and, you know, working with stockists and stuff like that,which again, is something that,you know, now we've done that for a year, we need we, we want to do a lot more with our stockists and sort of enable,give them the best possible chance to push our product through their store, if there's anything we can do to help them all of these things. So we've kind of had to think on our feet a lot. So it's been nice to have a sort of reflection period, I suppose. And, like Jaden says,say, Okay, well, somehow we've managed to get into here. So what's the plan from here on it?Yeah. Just trying to Yeah, it's always difficult. And I think whatever, whatever actions you choose, you will always think we're about to say at the end of it would, you know, what are the correct options for us now? And,you know, we've had plenty of feedback and plenty of stuff to go and I think as well, half of it's just ride the boat and go,go go, paddles will come to you.I'm sure they will.

Owen - Host:

And you still,again, I think last time you just started working with a lot of brand ambassadors, obviously,we've started a new partnership with you for for this season,which we're very excited about.Yeah. Is that also, again, part of your plans to kind of continue working with the community have those partnerships, those ambassadors and kind of push, push content and recipes and things for you?


Yeah, I think a massive part of what we want our business to be, you know, if somebody somebody messages, the Instagram inbox, for example, we will always reply, and you know,always you'll be talking to me or you were talking to Jay,then, you know, we are very passionate about being in touch with people that are in touch with our brand and things like that. We've sort of, we've been doing work with a range of people. And we've built really good relationships with people that we we hold Harley really.And, you know, we are fortunate now whereby we have got bonds with people whereby we can go,we try this give us an honest feedback. You know, we've got these products, for example. So,David at barbecue mag, we spoke to David smoke and fire, and we'd spoken to him previously,but you know, a lot has happened since we first spoke to them and David and Ruth, but we had a sit down in a chat and they give us some of their lovely beer. Have you tried the barbecue measure yet? No, no, haven't made their session I their session. I held the session IPA. Well, yeah,yeah. Yeah, it's really nice.But they, you know, we had to sit down to give us a br We had a chat. We've been doing some sort of keeping in touch with those, those guys and the team there. And, you know, we're fortunate whereby we can like,go, you know, speak to those and get feedback off of that those and then the opportunity came up for us to do a recipe and have her there was doing a segment on daylight had tandoori recipe and there was doing a segment on tandoori and things like that.There was a tandoori grilling there too. So we simply spoke to one of our brand ambassadors,hey, listen, this opportunities come around. Can you get us a recipe for the tandoori and Aleksa smoky made sent us a recipe? Absolutely amazing if you'd like Tandoori chicken skewers, we flatbreads and then he got published in the magazine which was really proud of. So you know, we we want to, I suppose give back in that regard. You know, Alex has pushed our brand log P has been asked to Pedro that you know,they push our brand with us. And people like Russell Davis Kirsty like that, you know, I know Kirsty really loves Amarok and Rob, which, which is brilliant,and we, you know, we want to if opportunities arise and we can do Things like get, you know,get recipes in magazine or, you know, over over sort of opportunities. Right I P came and cooked with us at sizzle Fest was really grateful for,you know, those things sort of can come around we have we want to be able to give back and sort of put, you know, give them opportunity to Yeah, I think as well like we were so lucky to have a good ambassador team from the get go.Yeah. And you know, almost three years down the line, our ambassador group chat still,everyone's still going crazy in there all the time. And now it's nice to get, you know, for those who wants to do it like Pete,etc, etc, getting those people involved with us in the summer,Cesar. It's nice to just think,you know, they really supported us from from the beginning. Now,like, look how it's just all about, look how far we've come.One of our brand ambassadors who we probably never even met face to face when we first started,took a punt on us really helped push our brand and now you know,they're coming to help with us to come in. We're really just trying to push everything we can with it.I'm in touch with Pete You know,very often and sort of, you know, luck say came up with was that sizzle fest couldn't thank him enough. And you know,there's there's a lot of things that are going to happen this year whereby, you know, we will sort of be doing a lot of demo cooks or doing sample food or is that and the other and you know,I love nothing more than to sort of get these people around us again. You know, just go for hands go full, full hammer with it with them really.

Owen - Host:

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Dan - Host:

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Owen - Host:

Their extensive showroom is based just outside former from the Dorset Hampshire border and as well as numerous in store displays, also features a live outdoor kitchen, where they cook every week on Komodo grills pizza ovens, and all filmed and shown on YouTube.

Dan - Host:

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Owen - Host:

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Dan - Host:

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Owen - Host:

Visit aos So has all of this

Dan - Host:

changed how you cook and how you grill and how you barbecue over the last few years? Yeah, massively. I


mean, I love to say we,we sort of always done cooking and barbecue because of our granddad. He bought he's very old school in the way he does things sort of be be a rubber chicken, a lot of sort of fast fire grilling and stuff like that. And it's nice because I feel like we've took what he showed us and just took it to a new level now. So when we have barbecues at home as well,grandma, grandpa can chill out with a beer when we will hold the fort and servings.I think as well like looking at the barbecue community. You got people like Steve stone and cooking things that wouldn't even think you can cook in a barbecue. Like even like Astor Yeah, I can't even cook like that. You know, and you know what, it's a lovely got it is honestly a lovely guy to be bumped into him a few times. And, you know, he's done some. Again, he did a he cooks a curry with our tandoori and he didn't really love it and tactless and I was like, I mean,I was just it was it was staring mango chutney into his curry and all sorts of business I was like I dunno what the where this kid gets this from boys.Really, really is fantastic. I think as well like I was just thinking of this as well and noted it International Women's Day to there so maybe it's worth figuring out what people think of barbecue was a manly you know, type Bender, big bloke beard hats, the whole shebang,big book coming out this this winter. But you know, looking at it on a grand scale. It's a massive massive mixture of people,young, old, all different genders, genders, all different types of people really, really go in a and you know nobody looks at anything differently.I'm taking tips from someone who's younger than me. I'm taking tips from someone who's older than me who's completely different to me. Nobody looks.Nobody goes Oh, hold on a minute. If you can cook you can cook. Yeah, nobody really does.Everyone just cracks on and really really goes out 100 miles an hour is another funny story for you on the on the big book smoking fire and the amount the amount of people now and this genuinely This was never intended, but the amount of people now go, you start you. And the point that the logo and the point of me and I'm like, I'm just another big guy with a ginger beard. It's not meant to be me. And this one woman was like, No, you're vain you are that you know, it's genuine. It's not meant to be me. And then and then she like bought some prototypes, and she made me sign a box and it was but it was filming me sign up box and I felt like Jaden licked his phone out quicker than can be.

Owen - Host:

You are turning up to a show in a red sort of lumberjack shirt every time.


You out? Yeah, I've kind of morphed into weirdly yeah, I've kind of took on me.Oh, you know. I mean, I've always had a ginger beard. Now whatever now or wherever yet he had a check jacket. So everyone was thinks that um,yeah, the face of the brand on now. You

Owen - Host:

gotta own it. Yeah,that's


it more put that hashtag. What next time in post,I'll put hashtag big bloke.

Dan - Host:

You must have loads of kind of those funny stories as well, from going to these kind of events. I know, kind of before we started talking. You talked about this bit of a funny moment before sizzle fest as well.


Yeah, so this is embarrassing, actually.Because it's important to know.It's important to note as well.I wouldn't say we wing it, but sometimes we wouldn't get it all I will say Charles if you're listening if this is not dedication, I don't know what else. So we plan to book a hotel. And we fought Birmingham,Southampton, bit of a trick. Bit of a long journey. We can't do that in the morning. We'll go the night before getting the van van full of stuff rammed can't get nothing. You couldn't throw a bait beam into the back of the van if you want it because it's like bursting at the seams.Right? So we drove to Southampton or look at Jen and go. Where's the hotel? And he looks at me and goes for you booked the hotel. And I was like and he's like, playboy. So after a bit of a panic zone, we found a hotel who then tells us she wants 350 pound for a night body.Can we ever go back down the fair game idea?At this point, I mean, in a double cheeseburger in stations,we've got nowhere to go and like we were just joking with the woman in the bar said do it half price I'll bring you in.And then actually the service station had a hotel but was fully what was fully booked. So it's just typically so me and Jaden ended up sleeping in the front of the van. Because we couldn't normally so we've done a fair few shows when we've slept in the back of the van with an air bed and stuff by them when the show's finished. We've had a few beers, it's fine. But this was we've just done a trek on the motorway. It's freezing, it was cold. So me and me and him in the front of a van with like,like blankets, limited my jacket covering the window, trying to sleep and it was genuinely the most important source of randomness. A lot of Canadian lotteries are career by people just like drunk people walking into the service station kicking balls about it was cold. And I think I slept hence why you probably said but not napping. I slept for about an hour. Yeah,it was honestly the worst experience of my life sleeping in front of

Dan - Host:

it. Do you know what like for people listening as well to add an extra layer to this because Oh, Ian and I were looking into this when we went down there. I don't know if you know this. That same weekend there was a huge Marina show as well. So I would have said probably around a 20 to 30 mile radius of Southampton was fully booked for hotels. There was no way in hell you would have been able to have got anything anywhere around that. You can spend three or four hours calling every single hotel in the area and you would have been stuffed


my one point it was asleep yet and like I was like trying to like hold myself on by the steering wheel or not put like a pillow there and go to bed. Yeah. And I couldn't and that To open the glove box to slot my foot in the glove box to hold myself. Obviously, it was horrendous.Yeah, that wasn't abundant experience.

Dan - Host:

Yeah, oh, one of the other points you made as well about like, we're just winging it. The secret, the dirty secret that no one talks about and like the community, everyone is winging it. Yes. Everyone is winging it.


Yeah. Yeah. We like,this isn't the first shade on anybody at all? You know,because me and Brendan often thing. It's just me and Brendan,within this business. People look at us. And think that, you know, like to say that we are but people look at us like we're a fully fledged business. With staff. Yeah,that feels like, that's the bit of the mind boggles me, it's like, people were like, and I kind of get it now. But like, at the time, people was like, it's weird when people come up, and they're like, Yo, Brendan, I've used this, this and this, and I'm like, are cool. Where? Where did you get that from? And then,and then I boy from this shop,and I'm like, I and then they know me, but I haven't got a clue who this person is. And then like, nine times out of 10.I'll be like, you want to Instagram they'll go Yeah, blah,blah, barbecue, and I don't know why. And then you stop. That's such a surreal feeling.Yeah. And I think you know, it's only when you go to the shows you realize, on everyone's like this is to fate, you see the big brand and the big logo? It's just a couple of people doing the same thing as us. Yeah,trying to do it, we can get it cracking out.

Owen - Host:

Oh, well, we're exactly this. I think I text you this afternoon, Brandon, you asked me he said what we're going to be talking about today.And my literalism was we're gonna wing it. I think by the time this comes out, this will be our 50 or 55th episode. And I mean, Dan was just saying, just before you guys came on, I must get a new notepad. And I'm like,I've never written a single thing down in all 55 episodes.

Dan - Host:

The editor, you're not the editor. You just go through there. A lot of the way we work and we've talked about it, but before Oh, Ian does a lot of the like the book in the admin, the uploading staff, you know that that's why we work so well. I'm sure that's why you guys work so well. And you know,the relationship you guys have got any way you know how each other work? One of us does that.I am the daft sod sitting here,writing down all the notes,doing all the editing. And then two years, no one's like you don't take notes, do you? I've filled a notepad over 50.


You know what, though?That's why you that's why the podcast feels so natural,though. Because you actually don't need a lot. You know,you're not being regimented in what the way you do it. And it's the end of the day. It's a very,you're talking it's a very casual subject that we're talking about. Yeah, it should you know, that. I think that's what, where you guys have hit the nail on the head where and you do and the way you do things is better. Because, you know, if we came on here, and we had a pre written script for every question he was going to ask us,I think it would be a whole different type of field to how the podcast is.

Owen - Host:

Yeah, definitely. I think it'd be boring as shit,wouldn't it less? It'd be it'd be just robotic. It wouldn't be fun for us, it will be fun for you, it will be beneficial for you and will be beneficial for us. So

Dan - Host:

people see through that in the same way that people see through if you guys weren't authentic, weren't passionate,didn't know everything inside out because it's the two of you doing everything people would see through it as well.Particularly when they speak to you it shows


Yeah, and we're and we're super honest, like I'm more than happy to say you know,I can come up with the flavors I can come up with, you know,often we should go down this route then Jaden will come every now and again and go Brennan before that looks like he came up with a hand around the world and I was like, your natural faction right like that was our squat. Well, people come up and those like, they'll come up and say, Ah, you know, we're the business this this and this and if it's something technical or like something like out I'll be honest over my head I just I look another's point that Jaden and start laughing Yeah, my ain't got a clue about I don't do technical stuff, man. Like,and that's where we're honest.Like, I've discovered that people ring me and go your friend and if we do this, what about this and I'm like, I'll get Jaden to email you know,because I haven't got a clue.It's funny as well watching like people who know us if I've like talked to them before, like when we used to. We did a lot of work at primo grills. Epsilon premiere girls to come shout to me yeah, she wouldn't even know Obviously, if it's like, what do we cook? Or what should we do with this flavor, then I'm all ears. But if it's anything like to do with numbers, techy stuff or email she, she don't even look in my direction because she knows she's not going to get that David as well. If it's something to do with a grill or from barbecue maximum to grill,or what about this or, you know,grin, you know, what is Pinky brown about this? Or I'll ask him a question. But if he knows for a fact, if there's anything techie, they'll just email Jay,he won't even bother speaking to me, I'll just email Jalen,because he knows, I'm gonna, I'm gonna have a clue.Which I think is why, like, you know, it's all about getting as much as I can done in a small amount of time. And for me and Brendan to be doing the same thing that wants is a colossal waste of time. And there's a lot of people in the UK that want to be spreading that message to in so little time to do it. And so really trying to maximize know,just little things like, we know what the job goals are kind of written down. So we can hold each other accountable. We can,you know, people can we can do what we actually need to do in the business and not be second guessing all the time, which everyone is, again, big blood. Everyone thinks because I look like a barbecue and I've got a ginger beard. Everyone thinks that they've come to me, and that I'm the one that calls the shots when in actual fact, they don't realize Jaden tells me. Genuine,genuinely Jaden tells me off more than mommy says. Oh, you know, I'm waiting for him to say to me, it's 10 o'clock, you need to get home now.After all my kids

Dan - Host:

dynamic like a just on the podcast, I'd like it'd be interesting to see over the next series, own and is dynamic previously had been that we've worked together, we've worked together for years. That's originally where we met and how we built this friendship. And it was always there. When was my manager. But I was like, the salesperson our brains work very, very differently. You talk about numbers, Owens isn't the numbers guy completely. My thing is talking to people effectively flirting with people, and just getting getting the stuff out with them that I want to hear.But both of our roles have changed. And I'm interested to see if that actually changes the sound of the podcast as well.Yeah, it's not like we're able to talk to each other when we should be working for seven,eight hours a day now, you know?And has your dynamic changed with the fact that you guys obviously work together so closely? Because being a family unit? It's one thing to be that way in one way, but working to the constantly has that changed your relationship?


Yeah, massively,massively. And to be honest, so touching on what you just said.So Jaden is my younger brother.When we first started this business, it was a very difficult thing to have my younger brother, tell me what to do. I'll be honest, there's a lot of stuff like that. I was like, What is this boys is like talent? Do

Dan - Host:

you think your age at the time came into it as well? Because of the ego being that bit younger as well? Do you think that's?


Yeah, it was more like a because I'm the oldest sibling and the youngest sibling. So it was a bit like, Hold on between.I've got Jaden pointed his finger at me saying you went on this shoe and done that. And I'm thinking, give me a break.Or vice versa. I'm thinking You're not my dad. Don't tell me what to do.Honestly, like, you can hear some of the pictures we had,well, then, well then, like,it's really funny because we bicker, and then and then the like, I'd go home, and then 10minutes later would ring me and go, you're just sent an email about this. And it was like nothing could happen. I started asking down the phone. Here's what the key is. We don't even don't even happen now. Like because we both know how each other work. I think I mean, we just get to that stage we because we've worked for so long we know how to not make it get to an argument. And even if it does, we know it's just go out go our separate ways in five minutes, and we'll come back and crack off. Yeah.

Owen - Host:

So more often more often than not when and who's the person? That's right.That'd be the first thought. On that note, this is ending the podcast. Jada walked off


this week on the meet and greet argument Yeah, I think I think so. We we have been doing it been started I've started to do and we need to do is actually, you know, meet up every now and again and don't talk about work because at the end of the day, I know we've run a business together. But before all of that is my brother and I need to I don't want him to just look at me and go, it's just gonna chew my ear off about barbecue. So like, at the end of the day, I want us to have some downtime as well. Yeah, and I think that really like, because it's so easy to, especially when you've got a lot, it's so easy to try and juggle everything,just like the stresses of life.And excuse me, you can go days of doing the same thing. Um, you know, although I love it on spending the same season in 277Sin, anybody except Him, and God knows our lungs, and it does build a, you know, a small amount of stress over time. So it's nice to whether that's just me go around his house, or vice versa, where we just speak to the whole family, we're not talking about business, or we meet or go the pub or anything like that, where it's just not about business text of a lease.Failover Yeah, because outside,you know, outside of work, you still got, you know, Brendan's got a family of six at home. You know, there's a lot of stress,there's a lot of stresses of life for everyone.

Dan - Host:

Not just blends you've been working on


I can tell you this,the business has now closed.Yeah, yeah. You already, you know,I think it can cause like, sorry to interrupt there, but it can cause like, tension between us,and that's when it starts becoming? I'm right, you're wrong. And you know, although we've got stuff in place for us not to argue, which are very that let's not forget, we both of us. You know, we've worked from arguing every single day.So now we're going into a business, which is seems to be going well for so what was that point? Let's put an assess,because it was really interesting,because basically, I'm right all the time. Oh, yeah.

Dan - Host:

I think I think it's that it's a strength, the fact that you've argued for so many years means that you can call each other out and say your shit. Yeah.


And to be honest,we've, that's a massive thing that we've learned as well is we're both comfortable with it now. Yeah, heat, for example, on Monday, I was meant to get some stuff done. And then never, it takes me twice asking me questions, and I thought I was gonna nail me. And then in the end, when Why have you done that, and I was like, I know.You, but we're just both comfortable with it now. And you know, we're just half the time now. Like, if, if something's expected of us, and we know full well, that we ain't gonna get it done no outward outride scope that is going to happen.

Owen - Host:

And, yeah, that's important. That's what a partnership is. During talking to your point about having that kind of release of a pressure valve, just not talking about business, I think, not perhaps to the same extent, MIT Well,there'll be even Dan don't work together anymore, especially where I was, you know, he was I was his manager and stuff, there was certain boundaries that we,we don't have that anymore. But often what we find ourselves most nights, if we're not talking to each other, or we're not recording a podcast, we're texting each other about the episodes or what we're going to be doing. And it does get,you're right, it does get to that point, where actually, by the time we've done 1520episodes, we, we try not to talk to each other about podcasts for a month, or whatever it might be just to give you give yourself that opportunity to kind of decompress and just think about other things,

Dan - Host:

because we're mainly mainly alcohol with us.

Owen - Host:

But you know, we were friends before we started before podcast hosts. So again,we, you know, we have other things to talk about, but 98% of the time, it's about this,


I think as well, like it comes with pros and cons. So as we discussed about the release valve, what the pros as well. You know, when they will offer message each other and come free four weeks down the line, I'm thinking, get off my back. It's very, very easy, very easy to sit down and not get anything done in the day. Well,you know, just attaching on pro there, it's nice to have Brendan always basically been like, you know, not being my manager.Whereas if there is one there keeping me in check, making sure that I'm working because you could go, like I said before,with the pressures of everything, of life in general,it's so easy to just sit there and you know, Wouldn't your own business as well. You have to wake up. If you don't wake up,that's your business going down the path. So you need the motivation not only to wake up,but to work all day to notice that you might not make any money today because you're doing the work for something that might be six months down the line. It's takes a lot, a lot, a lot of motivation to really propel you so we look at that realistically. Although they might I might think to myself,leave me alone. It's those kinds One of the things that you know,we do need to have a mutual understanding. But you know,it's nice to because we because we can bounce ideas off of each other and then I might have an idea I'm really passionate about but then he's not really feeling it and then you find that happy medium. And it's just nice to have someone there. We both give give each other a kick up the ass and keep yourself in check.Yeah. Yeah. So

Owen - Host:

should we should we move on to our barbecue bingo.Barbecue Bingo is brought to you by lumberjack food company, your ticket to flavortown which we've kind of updated a little bit.And obviously, you are our sponsors of the barbecue bingo section for this this season. So it's great to have you on board.So what I'm gonna do is I'll bring up the wheel are high tech, we'll since you know,we've spent almost no money on

Dan - Host:

almost no money.What are you telling me I haven't invested in it almost it's no money.

Owen - Host:

Okay, so you should be able to see the screen out with the lovely ingredients. So as same as it was before in that there's a load of ingredients.We're going to spin the wheel,whatever it lands on, we'd love you to cook for us. We've got my signature dish, which will be your signature dish. So if it lands on that, what are you guys known for that you're gonna give us that you would cook for us? A dish.


Yeah, you just can't knock a smash burger. I think we've done plenty of them last year.

Owen - Host:

Okay, so the twist is this time majority of these ingredients have been left by previous guests. So what we're going to spin it in a second and whatever it lands on, again,lovely to cook. But we'd like you to replace that with an ingredient in the hope that who we talked to next? The person


grotto rascal ones.

Dan - Host:

Oh, yeah, we get that half the people go. What would be interesting to cook. I don't know. Maybe like, using Szechuan pepper may be some black pudding. You know, maybe something a bit different like duck and other people like her beef tongue. Get that on there.I hate that. Chocolate buttons.Get that on there.


I get beef

Owen - Host:

I cannot tell you how much I want it to land on the right. Let's give it let's give it a spin.


Let's give it us.Oh, no. Oh yeah, it will be a lot with that. So we can do sweet pastry. Yeah, I already know what we're gonna do with that.

Dan - Host:


Owen - Host:

Go on Share. What's your thoughts? Beef done candied


we'll do. I think we'll probably do like, does it have sweet page? I was thinking like,is it but that's a Greek. Yeah.Yeah. Do probably do that.

Dan - Host:

And the great thing is, don't ask us because we want to see what people's opinions are. Just do it. Okay, because we're never gonna go NAS wrong.Make redo. redo it. I love watching how people's brains work because sweet pastry you could always do a savory dish with a sweet twist on it


you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Dan - Host:

Which is great. What about this ingredient? You're leaving


veg shop now beans.Were bringing out a mango chili seasoning or putting mango on the Why are you laughing? It was just the way you said it and then Joe went on we mature he's the way you said an ingredient anyway. I know what I'm putting on. All the time. No, like, we giggle about stuff but then like, my mom will be like what you're both kicking in and she thinks we're taking the piss out there and we're not we're just kicking in about some really

Dan - Host:

like mangoes. Well,we've had the barbecue bingo.And you've talked about one of your fails. Of course with the journey down to sizzle fest. Are there any other failures? You want to talk about either barbecue or maybe to do with the business which you can look back and laugh at now, either or what you want to be failing at?


Funny story? Jaden Jaden, Texas is made homemade can you go and grab the mangoes tomorrow? We need them to a source so okay so I'm walking yet with more mangoes and you could ever start building boxes know where this is going yeah and walking down this hill I don't know what I've tried on and I've just gone next thing and I've got a car too let's bring it back there's mangoes everywhere and this woman and a kid who's about free a lot helping me off the floor normal life

Dan - Host:

how long would it take you to pick up all the man goes


hey Geez man I don't think we have we didn't even use them in the end because it was a slide that was smashed so when in the road and that a lot cars were running over mangoes honestly for the local town yeah it was just paid by Richmond of this little like four year old trying to help me off the floor with us guys after that

Dan - Host:

I've got one that oh in doesn't know about so we were we

Owen - Host:

secret podcasts

Dan - Host:

on the side secret pockets on the side. We recently went to an alternate open evening and I got myself a Dutch oven. And I was like right I want to I'm gonna do chili and this started making a chili. put everything together stuck it in.I was like why I'm just gonna put the pepper in now before stick it on. I get the pepper grinder to when you take the lid off and you just twist to everything else I'm twisting,twisting. Nothing's coming out twisting twist enough it's coming out twisting twisting as I checked for the third time I've been untwisting the lid off the actual grinder since I took it off literally whole full pepper mill a pepper into this chili it's almost like right and I stopped taking photos I'm not I'm not gonna say sir right off but I'm not putting it I was so upset with myself that I can't put any of this on Instagram because I'm going to know the story behind it. Maybe it would have been a nice fail but I was so angry at myself at the time.I was like right because I'm a child as well so I'm not doing this on the barbecue anymore.I'm not not going to do it. I'll take it all out and get all the peppercorns out throw them all away What bloody waste stuck it in like a normal pan and started cooking it and I was so annoyed I walked off forgotten the pastor didn't think burned into the pan as well and I didn't even get to eat it. I was like you busted in Japan. I'm going to bed bottle of wine. That's it. Moodle I don't even think I ate anything that night. I was so annoyed. I mean there's a lot of stuff going on anyway but I don't care. Here's a bottle of red I'm going to bed screw you screw you Wednesday evening.


We went we have a this is another funny story because it was like it was like some off the chalkboard. Remember the triple one

Dan - Host:

was TV? Yeah, to meet you. Yeah.


Jaden texted me around Christmas. Got a leftover beef joint whenever used up during the round before on the prima was like sound coming around the house was going to do some emails and stuff. prepped all the meat what was their primo went like that? Oh yeah, nothing happened. Try to open it nothing happen. It was iced shocked Do you think we could open this grill? I mean I tried everything I went on the primo forum primo always like frozen shot there was like put a fire in the ash like put fire light when the actual tried that because it was like because it was wet inside it was all like it would justify I kept going yeah and my we just we just quit and we just cooked it indoors it was always like trying to like prise it open with it. It was it was nice and then if it just a child prize yeah someone said I'd get a knife and prise it open but couldn't do that. Tried it was yeah, obviously we've since open the grill but

Dan - Host:

they'll just be weird if it gets to 16 degrees guys bastard is still frozen


in this Yeah, we couldn't open it at all my hours are so pissed. What's up,

Owen - Host:

guys, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you back on. And you know, again,we're really really pleased to be working with you for this season. And hopefully we don't have to leave it until the end of the year to see you at sizzle fest. Perhaps we do get to catch up with you face to face beforehand. Oops. Oh, it disappeared


back. Yeah. I've had enough shows CLA

Owen - Host:

done. All seriousness, guys, thanks very much for coming back on and we'll get we'll catch up with you soon.

Dan - Host:

One last time though. How can people find you and where can they buy your stuff?


So you can go on our website, www dot lumberjacks fu UK, you can buy it online. We do various gift boxes and sort of options for you to get sort of a bad deal for a bundle. We stopped in all well,most of the barbecue sort of stores. And yeah, and we will we'll put a list of events.There's something we should probably do online showing where we're going to be at what shows throughout the year as well.Perfect, awesome. Thanks.Fantastic. Well, yeah,thank you for thanks for having us, guys. You know, we're proud to sort of do the sponsor for the barbecue bingo section of stuff and yeah, brilliant coming out last last so yeah,we've loved them. We'll have to have a beer with me next year.Absolutely. All 12

Owen - Host:

Guys, thanks very much. Bye. That's it for another episode of meat & Greet BBQ podcast. Great to catch up with Brendon and Jaden at lumberjacks food company. They're our partner for barbecue bingo for this season. And great to be working with them. As ever we want to hear from you please tell us what you want us to talk about in the podcast get in touch with us via social media at & Greet BBQ podcast website,meat & Greet BBQ And until next time keep on grilling Today's episode is brought to you by a aos kitchens, the South's leading outdoor kitchen design and installation specialists



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